11.07.2007, 13:00
Ancient сеты, это комплекты обычных вещей, но с улучшенными параметрами и уникальными сетовыми опциями. Каждый сет имеет собственное название. Особенность опций ancient сетов состоит в том, что они включаются не сразу, а по мере надевания сетовых вещей. Т.е. с каждой новой одетой на персонажа вещью из ancient сета включается новая ancient опция. Все опции сета включатся, только когда на персонаже будет одет весь ancient set данного типа.
Сеты на Dark Knight/Blade Knight
Warrior Leather Set
Комплект Опции
Leather Helm
Leather Armor
Leather Pants
Leather Boots
Leather Gloves
Ring of Ice
Morning Star Increase strength +10
Increase skill attacking rate +10
Increase max AG +20
Increase AG rate +5
Increase defensive skll +20
Increase agility +10
Increase critical damage rate +5%
Increase excellent damage rate +5%
Increase strength +25
Hyperion Bronze Set
Комплект Опции
Bronze Armor
Bronze Pants
Bronze Boots Increase energy +15
Increase agility +15
Increase skill attacking rate +20
Increase max mana +30
Eplete Scale Set
Комплект Опции
Scale Helm
Scale Armor
Scale Pants
Plate Shield
Pendant of Lightning Increase skill attacking rate +15
Increase damage success rate +50
Increase wizardry dmg +5%
Increase max HP +50
Increase max AG +30
Increase critical damage rate +10%
Increase excellent damage rate +10%
Garuda Brass Set
Комплект Опции
Brass Armor
Brass Pants
Brass Boots
Brass Gloves
Pendant of Fire Increase max AG +30
Double damage rate 5%
Increase energy +15
Increase max HP +50
Increase skill attacking rate +25
Increase wizardry dmg +15%
Kantata Plate Set
Комплект Опции
Plate Armor
Plate Boots
Plate Gloves
Ring of Wind
Ring of Poison Increase energy +15
Increase stamina +30
Increase wizardry dmg +10%
Increase strength +15
Increase skill attacking rate +25
Increase excellent damage rate +10%
Increase excellent damage +20
Hyon Dragon Set
Комплект Опции
Dragon Helm
Dragon Gloves
Dragon Boots
Lightning Sword
Increase defensive skill +25
Double damage rate +10%
Increase skill attacking rate +20
Increase critical damage rate +15%
Increase excellent damage rate +15%
Increase critical damage +20
Increase excellent damage +20
Сеты на Dark Wizard/Soul Master
Apollo Pad Set
Комплект Опции
Pad Armor
Pad Helm
Pad Gloves
Pad Pants
Skull Staff
Pendant of Ice
Ring of Magic Increase energy +10
Increase wizardry dmg +5%
Increase skill attacking rate +10
Increase max mana +30
Increase max HP +30
Increase max AG +20
Increase critical damage rate +10%
Increase excellent damage rate +10%
Increase energy +30
Evis Bone Set
Комплект Опции
Bone Armor
Bone Boots
Bone Pants
Pendant of Wind Increase skill attacking rate +15
Increase stamina +20
Increase wizardry dmg +10%
Double damage rate +5%
Increase damage success rate +50
Increase AG rate +5
Heras Sphinx Set
Комплект Опции
Sphinx Mask
Sphinx Armor
Sphinx Pants
Sphinx Boots
Sphinx Gloves
Skull Shield Increase strength +15
Increase wizardry dmg +10%
Increase defensive skill when using shield +5%
Increase energy +15
Increase damage success rate +50
Increase critical damage rate +10%
Increase excellent damage rate +10%
Increase max HP +50
Increase max mana +50
Anubis Legendary Set
Комплект Опции
Legendary Helm
Legendary Armor
Legendary Gloves
Ring of Fire Double damage rate +10%
Increase max mana +50
Increase wizardry dmg +10%
Increase critical damage rate +15%
Increase excellent damage rate +15%
Increase critical damage +20
Increase excellent damage +20
Сеты на Fairy Elf/Muse Elf
Ceto Vine Set
Комплект Опции
Vine Helm
Vine Pants
Vine Gloves
Vine Boots
Ring of Earth
Rapier Increase agility +10
Increase max HP +50
Increase defensive skill +20
Increase defensive skill when using shield +5%
Increase energy +10
Increase strength +20
Gaia Silk Set
Комплект Опции
Silk Helm
Silk Armor
Silk Pants
Silk Gloves
Golden Crossbow Increase skill attacking rate +10
Increase max mana +25
Increase strength +10
Double damage rate +5%
Increase agility +30
Increase excellent damage rate +10%
Increase excellent damage +10
Odin Wind Set
Комплект Опции
Wind Helm
Wind Armor
Wind Gloves
Wind Boots
Wind Pants Increase energy +15
Increase max HP +50
Increase damage success rate +50
Increase agility +30
Increase max mana +50
Ignore enemy's defensive skill +5%
Increase max AG +50
Argo Spirit Set
Комплект Опции
Spirit Pants
Spirit Armor
Spirit Gloves Increase max damage +20
Increase skill attacking rate +25
Increase max AG +50
Double damage rate +5%
Gywen Guardian Set
Комплект Опции
Guardian Armor
Guardian Gloves
Guardian Boots
Pendant of Ability
Silver Bow Increase agility +30
Increase min damage +20
Increase defensive skill +20
Increase max damage +20
Increase critical damage rate +15%
Increase excellent damage rate +15%
Increase critical damage +20
Increase excellent damage +20
Сеты на Magic Gladiator
Gaion Unicorn Set
Комплект Опции
Unicorn Armor
Unicorn Pants
Unicorn Boots
Pendant of Water Ignore enemy's defensive skill +5%
Double damage Rate +15%
Increase skill attacking rate +15
Increase excellent damage rate +15%
Increase excellent damage +30
Increase wizardry dmg +10%
Increase strength +30
Сеты на Dark Knight/Blade Knight
Warrior Leather Set
Комплект Опции
Leather Helm
Leather Armor
Leather Pants
Leather Boots
Leather Gloves
Ring of Ice
Morning Star Increase strength +10
Increase skill attacking rate +10
Increase max AG +20
Increase AG rate +5
Increase defensive skll +20
Increase agility +10
Increase critical damage rate +5%
Increase excellent damage rate +5%
Increase strength +25
Hyperion Bronze Set
Комплект Опции
Bronze Armor
Bronze Pants
Bronze Boots Increase energy +15
Increase agility +15
Increase skill attacking rate +20
Increase max mana +30
Eplete Scale Set
Комплект Опции
Scale Helm
Scale Armor
Scale Pants
Plate Shield
Pendant of Lightning Increase skill attacking rate +15
Increase damage success rate +50
Increase wizardry dmg +5%
Increase max HP +50
Increase max AG +30
Increase critical damage rate +10%
Increase excellent damage rate +10%
Garuda Brass Set
Комплект Опции
Brass Armor
Brass Pants
Brass Boots
Brass Gloves
Pendant of Fire Increase max AG +30
Double damage rate 5%
Increase energy +15
Increase max HP +50
Increase skill attacking rate +25
Increase wizardry dmg +15%
Kantata Plate Set
Комплект Опции
Plate Armor
Plate Boots
Plate Gloves
Ring of Wind
Ring of Poison Increase energy +15
Increase stamina +30
Increase wizardry dmg +10%
Increase strength +15
Increase skill attacking rate +25
Increase excellent damage rate +10%
Increase excellent damage +20
Hyon Dragon Set
Комплект Опции
Dragon Helm
Dragon Gloves
Dragon Boots
Lightning Sword
Increase defensive skill +25
Double damage rate +10%
Increase skill attacking rate +20
Increase critical damage rate +15%
Increase excellent damage rate +15%
Increase critical damage +20
Increase excellent damage +20
Сеты на Dark Wizard/Soul Master
Apollo Pad Set
Комплект Опции
Pad Armor
Pad Helm
Pad Gloves
Pad Pants
Skull Staff
Pendant of Ice
Ring of Magic Increase energy +10
Increase wizardry dmg +5%
Increase skill attacking rate +10
Increase max mana +30
Increase max HP +30
Increase max AG +20
Increase critical damage rate +10%
Increase excellent damage rate +10%
Increase energy +30
Evis Bone Set
Комплект Опции
Bone Armor
Bone Boots
Bone Pants
Pendant of Wind Increase skill attacking rate +15
Increase stamina +20
Increase wizardry dmg +10%
Double damage rate +5%
Increase damage success rate +50
Increase AG rate +5
Heras Sphinx Set
Комплект Опции
Sphinx Mask
Sphinx Armor
Sphinx Pants
Sphinx Boots
Sphinx Gloves
Skull Shield Increase strength +15
Increase wizardry dmg +10%
Increase defensive skill when using shield +5%
Increase energy +15
Increase damage success rate +50
Increase critical damage rate +10%
Increase excellent damage rate +10%
Increase max HP +50
Increase max mana +50
Anubis Legendary Set
Комплект Опции
Legendary Helm
Legendary Armor
Legendary Gloves
Ring of Fire Double damage rate +10%
Increase max mana +50
Increase wizardry dmg +10%
Increase critical damage rate +15%
Increase excellent damage rate +15%
Increase critical damage +20
Increase excellent damage +20
Сеты на Fairy Elf/Muse Elf
Ceto Vine Set
Комплект Опции
Vine Helm
Vine Pants
Vine Gloves
Vine Boots
Ring of Earth
Rapier Increase agility +10
Increase max HP +50
Increase defensive skill +20
Increase defensive skill when using shield +5%
Increase energy +10
Increase strength +20
Gaia Silk Set
Комплект Опции
Silk Helm
Silk Armor
Silk Pants
Silk Gloves
Golden Crossbow Increase skill attacking rate +10
Increase max mana +25
Increase strength +10
Double damage rate +5%
Increase agility +30
Increase excellent damage rate +10%
Increase excellent damage +10
Odin Wind Set
Комплект Опции
Wind Helm
Wind Armor
Wind Gloves
Wind Boots
Wind Pants Increase energy +15
Increase max HP +50
Increase damage success rate +50
Increase agility +30
Increase max mana +50
Ignore enemy's defensive skill +5%
Increase max AG +50
Argo Spirit Set
Комплект Опции
Spirit Pants
Spirit Armor
Spirit Gloves Increase max damage +20
Increase skill attacking rate +25
Increase max AG +50
Double damage rate +5%
Gywen Guardian Set
Комплект Опции
Guardian Armor
Guardian Gloves
Guardian Boots
Pendant of Ability
Silver Bow Increase agility +30
Increase min damage +20
Increase defensive skill +20
Increase max damage +20
Increase critical damage rate +15%
Increase excellent damage rate +15%
Increase critical damage +20
Increase excellent damage +20
Сеты на Magic Gladiator
Gaion Unicorn Set
Комплект Опции
Unicorn Armor
Unicorn Pants
Unicorn Boots
Pendant of Water Ignore enemy's defensive skill +5%
Double damage Rate +15%
Increase skill attacking rate +15
Increase excellent damage rate +15%
Increase excellent damage +30
Increase wizardry dmg +10%
Increase strength +30