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Старый 20.01.2009, 13:57   #88
Регистрация: 09.07.2007
Сообщений: 44
Ник в игре:
wzd.Undead is on a distinguished road
S> BK; KING; 4,5k EP

Hyon Dragon set:
Sword + 11
Helm, Boots, Gloves + 9
Dragon Armor, Pants + 9 + rate
Lighting Sword + 11 + 28 + luck + Exc dmg + 2% + Lvl\20 + speed

Great dragon set + 11 + 28 + luck + Rate + Ref + Hp
Dragon Chaos shield + 9 + 35 + luck + Rate + Ref + Hp
Daybreaker + 13 + luck + Speed + Life

Ring of Ice + 9 + 3%HpRec + Rate + Ref + Hp
Ring of Fire + 3%HpRec + Rate + Ref + Mana
Pendant of Fire + 3%HpRec + Exc dmg + 2% + Lvl\20

Wings of Devil + 13 + luck + 7%HpRec + Ignore3%
Wings of Devil + 9 + Ignore3%
Wings of Devil + 0
Wings of Satan +0

Leather set + 9 + Rate
Leather set + 9 + Hp + Reflect
Dark Phoenix set + 9 + Hp + reflect

Joci и Zen на пару ресетов.

Цена: 80$ без торга.

Velcom: 326-94-66, 351-333-0. Icq: 8-901-800
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