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Старый 19.01.2012, 11:01   #6238
Регистрация: 08.01.2012
Сообщений: 50
Ник в игре:
Comediant is on a distinguished road
S>Excellent Staff of Kundun +11 +28 +luck +rate +mana/8
S>Divine Staff of Arhangel +11 +rate
S>Excellent Staff of Kundun +luck +rate
S>Anc Katana Plate Set +9
S>Anc Hyon Dradon Helm i Gloves+7
S>Anc Hyon Lighting Sword +9

S>Anc Gaion Storm Crow Set +9
S>Anc Argo Spirit Set +7
S>Anc Gywen Guardian Set +7
S>Wings of Soul +ignore
S>Wings of Soul +13 +luck
S>2 Wingi na Elf +luck
S>Anubis Set (helm, armor, gloves i ring)
S>Excellent Legendary Pants +9 +rate +16add
S>Excellent Legendary Boots +12 +luck +rate +16add

S>Excellent Sphinx Helm +luck +rate
S>Excellent Great Dragon Pants +rate +mana
S>Excellent Huricane Pants +rate
S>Excellent Dragon Gloves +rate +HP
S>Excellent Dragon Boots +luck +rate +decrease
S>Excellent Secpent Shield +rate +15add rate
S>Excellent Brass Armor +luck +rate
S>Anc Gaion Storm Crow Boots
S>Divine Crossbow of Arhangel +9 +luck +rate +lvl/20
S>Anc Odin Wind Boots
S>Anc Odin Wind Gloves
S>Anc Eplete Scale Helm
S>Anc Eplete Scale Pants
S>Anc Eplete Scale Shield +9
S>Excellent Sylpid Ray Helm +rate
S>Anc Gywen Guardian Armor
S>Anc Gywen Guardian Boots
S>Anc Gywen Silver Box
S>Anc Kanata Plate Armot
S>Anc Katana Plate Gloves
S>Excellent Venom Mist Helm +9 +rate +decrease
S>Excellent Venom Mist Boots +9 +rate +mana
S>Venom Mist Pants +9 (ne excellent - dl9 seta)
S>Gaion Anc Storm Crow Pants +luck
S>Excellent Dark Steel Gloves +rate +mana
S>Anc Garuda Brass Gloves
S>Excellent Brass Gloves +rate
S>Excellent Black Dragon Armor +rate +HP
S>Excellent Red Spirit Helm +luck +rate
S>Excellent Scale Pants +rate
S>Anc Argo Spirit Gloves

S>Anc Garuda Pendant of Fire
S>Anc Eplete Pendant of Lighting +HP rec 2%
S>Anc Gywen Pendant of Ability
S>Anc Gaion Pendant of Water
S>Anc Anubis Ring of Fire
S>Anc Katana Ring of Poison
S>Excellent Pendant of Fire +rate
S>Excellent Pendant of Lighting +rate +HP rec 1%
S>Excellent Pendant of Fire +HP rec 1% +lvl/20 +2% +speed
S>Excellent Ring of Ice +rate
S>Excellent Rong of Wind +HP rec 1% +mana +decrease

B<Grand Soul i Venom Mist wmot +3-4 opc

Последний раз редактировалось Comediant; 26.01.2012 в 16:18.
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