Просмотр полной версии : Покупка и продажа вещей! (флуд карается блокировкой форумного аккаунта)
B > Legendry Boots +luck+rate
B > Legendry Gloves +luck+rate
B > Bukler Shield +13 + rate
B > AA Staff +13+random
PM : DuKu_KoHb
07.02.2011, 12:53
S>>Anubis set
S>>huon bots
S>>Huon helm+9
S>>strom set +13 (13 full gloves)
S>Anubis gloves
S>Anc storm pants boots pend
S>Anc spirit gloves pants
S>Hyon helm svord gloves
S>Sunlight boots+rate+ref
S>Emerald gloves+rate+ref
S>DK gloves+luck+rate armor+luck+DD
S>DP pants+ref
S>>GVS staff 2 wt raznui opt
S>>Anubis amor
S>>Anc spirit vewi
B>>2 Wingi na DW
08.02.2011, 22:50
S>>Legendary Armor+13+luck+rate.
S>>Legendary Pants+luck+rate+mana.
S>>Onyx Gloves+rate+ref+dd+mana.
S>>Venom Mist Gloves+rate+ref.
S>>Venom Mist Gloves+rate+dd.
S>>Grand Soul Helm+rate+ref.
S>>Grand Soul Gloves+rate+hp.
S>>Leather Armor+13+Luck+rate.
S>>Leather Boots+11+28+rate+ref+dd.
S>>Leather Gloves+11+28+rate+ref+dd.
S>>Leather Pants+11+Luck+rate.
S>>Leather Helm+11+rate+mana.
S>>Great Dragon Pants+9+rate+hp.
S>>Dark Knight Gloves+Luck+rate+hp.
S>>Volcano Armor+13+rate.
S>>Volcano Armor+luck+rate+ref.
S>>Volcano Gloves+10+luck+rate+mana.
S>>Volcano Gloves+luck+ref+hp.
S>>Grand Viper Staff+9+rate+mana.
S>>Platina Wing Staff+2%+life.
S>>Dragon Soul Staff+11+luck+rate+life.
S>>Dragon Soul Staff+rate+2%.
S>>Day Braker Sword+lvl20+lif.
S>>Sfinks Helm.
S>>Sfinks Shield.
S>>Anubus Armor.
S>>Anubus Ring.
S>>Anubus Helm.
и много друго-го шмота +rate или +rate+ref..
По всем Вопросам в Приват: KapRiZZ.
B > Legendry Boots +luck+rate
B > Bukler Shield +13 + rate или Legendry Shield +9 - +13 +rate
B > AA Staff +13+random
B > Scale Items +luck+rate
PM : DuKu_KoHb
S>>Explozhin blade +11+4opt
S>>Anubis amor
S>>Anc spirit vewi
B>>2 Wingi na DW
09.02.2011, 17:01
na DW
legendari staff luck rate mana
legendari staff rate
legendari staff luck 2% (x2)
pad panti luck rate
kris 2%
bone armor luck rate mana
pad panti luck rate zen
pad panti luck rate
pad armor luck rate
pad boti rate mana
sphinx glovers luck rate
ans sphinx glovers (x3)
ans sphinx helm
ans sphinx armor
ans skull shied (x2)
ans bone bots (x2)
ans pad panti
ans pad glovers
ans bone armor (X2)
ans pad glovers
ans pad helm luck
ans pad helm (x3)
ans pad armor
ans pad panti (x2)
na DK
double blade rate
dark breaker lucl 2% lvl20v
tower shied rate mana
sworld of destruction luck 2%
leather boti rate
brass armor rate
dark king glovers luck ref hp
houn helm
blac dragon armor rate
sclare armor luck rate mana
brass panti luck rate dd
ans morrnig sworld (x2)
ans sclare helm
ans sclare panti (x2)
ans sclare armor
ans leather armor (x3)
ans leather glovers
ans leather helm (x3)
ans brass panti
ans brass bots (x4)
ans brass panti (x4)
ans brass glovers (X2)
ans bronze armor (x7)
ans plate bots
ans leather bots (x2)
ans plate armor (x2)
ans plate glovers (x4)
ans brass armor luck (x2)
ans bronze bots (x6)
arrov viper bow luck lvl20
sylpid wind bow 2%
celestial bow luck rate 2%
arrov viper bow +9 rate speed
saint crossbow rate speed
saint crossbow rate
saint crossbow rate lvl20
celestial bow rate speed
arrov viper bow luck rate 2%
aquagold crossbow luck rate
red spirit panti rate
sylpid ray armor rate mana
gurdian armor rate mana
red spirit panti luck rate zen
vine panti rate
silk helm luck rate zen
silk armor luck rate ref
ans silk armor (x3)
ans silk helm
ans vine bots
ans vine panti (x2)
ans vine glovers (x5)
ans vine helm (x2)
ans silk glovers (x4)
ans gurdian armor (x2)
ans gurduan bots (x6)
ans gurdian glovers (x2)
ans wind helm
ans wind boti
na DL
great lord scepter rate mana
dark chempion glovers +11 luck rate dd
dark chempion glovers luck rate
dark chempion panti rate
great scepter luck lvl20 2%
great scepter luck lvl20
great scepter luck rate
lord scepter rate 2%
sunlight armor rate mana
scepter of aegis luck rate
na MG
thunder blade luck 2%
volcna glovers rate
huricane bots luck rate zen
huricane armor luck rate hp
huricane bots luck rate hp
ans ctorm crow bots
pendant of ability 2%
ans pendant of fire
anubis ring (x3)
ans ring of magic (x3)
ans ring of eart (x3)
ans ring of wind
ans ring of poison
ans pendant of ability (x4)
ans pendant of water
ans pendant of lighting
ans penannt of ice (x3)
ans pendant of wind (x3)
B<DK panti rate (random)
Venom panti i boti luck rate
GVS luck rate 2%
S>>Explozhin blade +11+4opt
S>>Anubis amor
S>>Anc spirit vewi
B>>2 Wingi na DW i na DK
B>>Day breaker
B>>Dragon pants i armor
B > Legendry Boots +luck+rate
B > AA Staff +13+random
B > Scale Items +luck+rate
PM : DuKu_KoHb
S>Dark Champion Pants +luck+hp+rate
S>Dark Champion Gloves +rate
S>Dark Champion Armor +dd+rate
S>Dark Champion Helm +rate
S>Dark Champion Gloves +luck+rate
S>GS Gloves +hp+rate
S>GS Gloves +rate
S>GS Boots +luck+rate
S>GS Armor +rate
S>GS Armor +luck+dd+hp+rate
S>GS Helm +rate
S>GS Pants +luck+dd+rate
S>GS Pants +luck+hp+rate
S>GS Gloves +mana+rate
S>Volcano Gloves +rate
S>Volcano Armor +luck+mana+ref+rate
S>Onyx Gloves +9+luck+ref+rate
S>Onyx Helm +11+luck+mana+rate
S>Onyx Armor +rate+zen
S>Onyx Armor +luck+mana+rate
S>Dark Master Glooves +luck+rate
S>Dark Master Mask +hp+rate
S>Dark Master Armor +ref+rate
S>Venom Mist Helm +ref+rate
S>Venom Mist Helm +luck+hp+ref
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+rate
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+ref+rate
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+ref+hp
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+rate
S>Sphinx Boots +luck+rate
S>Sphinx Mask +luck+rate
S>Sphinx Gloves +luck+hp+rate
S>Bone Gloves +luck+rate
S>Sunlight Gloves +luck+ref+rate
S>Sunlight Armor +rate+zen
S>Sunlight Armor +luck+rate
S>Dark Steel Boots +mana+rate
S>Dark Steel Boots +luck+mana+rate
S>Dark Steel Mask +luck+ref+rate
S>Explosion Blade +lvl/20+rate
S>Bronze Shield +luck+rate
S>Gordon Plate Gloves +ref+rate
S>Dark Soul Gloves +luck+rate
S>Dark Soul Boots +ref+rate
S>GD Pants +11+luck+mana+rate
S>GD Boots +luck+ref
S>Guardian Gloves +luck+rate+zen
S>Storm Crow Armor
S>Crimson Armor +ref+rate
S>Crimson Pants +luck+rate+zen
S>Huricane Armor +rate+zen
S>Pad Armor +luck+dd+rate
S>Leather Helm +luck+ref+rate
S>Leather Gloves +luck+ref+rate
S>Leather Pants +luck+ref+rate
S>>Explozhin blade +11+4opt
S>>Anubis amor
S>>Anc spirit vewi
B>>2 Wingi na DW i na DK
B>>Day breaker
B>>Dragon pants i armor
11.02.2011, 17:41
S>Anubis Set+0 50
S>Hyon Helm 12
S>Hyon Gloves 10
B>4 Signi pa joc'y
pa4ka za 80
от 100 sign po jocy za 3 sign
11.02.2011, 23:07
B<<<Albatros+11-13+good opt
PM: Helena
B > Legendry Boots +rate
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor i Boots +11
B > Explosion Blade +11-+13
B>>>GD shmot+luck+rate+ref, +rate+ref (желательно от +11 до +13)
B > Legendry Boots +rate
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor i Boots +11
B > Explosion Blade +9-+13
B > Shield +13 +rate
JOKamu не обижу !!!
13.02.2011, 10:50
S>Anubis Set+0 50
S>Hyon Helm 12
S>Hyon Gloves 10
S>Hyon Sword 5
B>4 Signi pa joc'y
pa4ka za 80
от 100 sign po jocy za 3 sign
S>Anubis armor gloves
S>Hyon gloves svord helm
S>Storm boots pants
S>Anc spirit pants
S>Emerald gloves+rate+ref
S>Sunlight boots+rate+ref
S>AA staff+rate+2%
B>DP armor pants+luck+norm random
B>Dragon pants+luck/+11/+13+norm random
B>AA svord+2%+random
S>>Celestial Bow+11+luck+16+2%+speed
S>>Silk boots+9+rate
S>>anc pendant of water
S>>AA sword+9+luck+mana
S>AA staff+9+rate
S>>lether helm+luck+rate+zen
S>>Scale gloves+rate
S>>ANC spirit set+9
S>>ANC dragon boots
S>>DK armor+ref
B > Legendry Boots +rate
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor i Boots +11
B > Explosion Blade +9-+13
B > Shield +13 +rate
JOKamu не обижу !!!
13.02.2011, 13:57
B<<<Albatros+11-13+norm opt
B<<<Guardian+luck+r+r/+13+r+r(рассмотрю и другие варианты)/Red Spirit set+13+norm random
S>>>DK set+9+16+rate(pants+9+16+dd+zen)
S>>>Harmbringer+9+ex dmg+какая-то ещё опца)
S>>>DP pants+rate
S>>>DK wmot+luck+dd
PM: Helena, AHAPXuCT
я смотрю, цены сильно поднялись))
может кому нужены мои 3-4 акк полные хорошим шмотом ?0_о
Распродажа Шмоток На Все Классы ! ! !
Bronze helm+9+L+rate+ref
Scale helm+rate+hp
Scale helm+ref
Scale pants+rate+ref
Scale pants+rate+mana
Dragon helm+rate+Ref
Dragon boots+L+rate+dd
Black Dragon helm+rate+zen
Gordon plate armor+9+L+rate+mana
Gorgon plate gloves+9+rate+dd
Gorgon plate gloves+rate+dd
Dark Phoenix helm+L+mana+hp - ПРОДАНО!
Dark Phoenix armor+rate+mana - ПРОДАНО!
Dark Phoenix boots+9+L+rate+ref
Dark Phoenix pants+9+rate+ref - ПРОДАНО!
Dark Phoenix gloves+L+rate - ПРОДАНО!
Great Dragon armor+9+rate
Great Dragon armor+ref
Great Dragon pants+rate+dd
Great Dragon pants+rate+dd
Dragon Knight helm+rate+dd
Dragon Knight helm+rate
Dragon Knight helm+12+L+ref+hp
Dragon Knight helm+L+ref+hp
Dragon Knight helm+L+rate
Dragon Knight armor+9+L+ref
Dragon Knight armor+dd
Dragon Knight armor+9+rate
Dragon Knight gloves+L+Rate
Pad gloves+rate+ref
Pad pants+rate+ref
Bone gloves+6+rate+ref
Bone pants+L+rate+zen
Sphinx armor+L+rate+ref - ПРОДАНО!
Onyx helm+9+L+rate+hp
Onyx armor+9+L+Dd
onyx armor+L+rate
Onyx armor+L+rate+hp
Onyx gloves+9+L+rate+hp
Onyx gloves+L+rate+zen
Onyx gloves+3+rate+ref
Grand Soul armor+11+L+dd
Grand Soul pants+rate+dd
Grand Soul pants+11+L+hp
Grand Soul gloves+L+rate
Grand soul gloves+9+L+hp
Grand soul boots+11+L+ref+dd
Dark soul boots+L+ref+hp
Venom Mist helm+13+L+zen
Venom Mist armor+L+rate+zen
Venom Mist gloves+rate
Venom Mist boots+13+L
Venom Mist boots+9+L+hp
For MG
Thunder armor+9+L+rate
Thunder boots+9+rate+zen
Crimson armor+L+rate+zen
Crimson gloves+ref
Volcano gloves+L+rate+zen
Vine helm+L+mana+rate
Silk gloves+rate+ref+hp
Guardian armor+9+rate
Divine gloves+L+ref+rate
Divine pants+rate+ref
Red spirit helm+rate+ref
Red spirit armor+rate+hp
Emerald armor+L+rate
For DL
Dark master gloves+rate+dd
Dark champion armor+L+rate+zen
Sunlight helm+rate+ref
Sunlight gloves+L+rate+mana
Ancient Items
dragon boots
sphinx boots
bone armor+9
bone boots+6
bone pants+9
sphinx pants+9
spirit gloves
sphinx shield+9
sphinx shield+0
pendant of lighting
2ie wingi na MG
2ie wingi na SM
1ie wingi na DW+16add
Legendary staff+2%
Legendary staff+L+rate+2%
Dragon Soul staff+rate
kundun staff+13+L+rate+speed - ПРОДАНО!
Sword of destruction+9+L+speed+lvl/20
Sword of destruction+L+lvl20+2%
Sword of destruction+L+2%
AA sword+9+rate
AA sword+rate
AA sword+11+speed
AA sword+L+2%+lv/20
Scepter of ages+2%+lvl/20
Albatorss bow+L+2%+mana
Plate shield+9+rate+hp
Tower shield+L+rate+dd
Legendary shield+rate
Grand Soul shield+9+ref+dd
Rings and Pendants
pendant of wind+2%+speed+life+rec
pendant of wind+lvl/20+speed
pendant of wind+2%+lvl/20
pendant of ice+rate+lvl/20+rec
pendant of ice+rate+life+rec
pendant of ability+rate
pendant of water+2%+life+rec
ring of ice+ref+hp+rec
ring of ice+9+rec
ring of wind+ref+dd
ring of magic+rate+dd
ring of fire+rate+ref+dd - ПРОДАНО!
10 ren
66 signov
~210 JoCr
шмот примерно такой)
Распродажа Шмоток На Все Классы ! ! !
pendant of wind+2%+lvl/20
за что и за сколько?о_О
13.02.2011, 15:43
66 signov
сколька чего
13.02.2011, 16:09
Albatorss bow+L+2%+mana
по чём?
Buckler+11+ALL -ALL это фулл? если фулл то цену скажи или пм мамонтенок
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor i Boots +11
B > Explosion Blade +9-+13 +norm option
JOKamu не обижу !!!
S>>Explozhin blade +11+4opt
B>>2 Wingi na DW i na DK
B>>Day breaker
B>>Dragon pants i armor
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor i Boots +11
B > Explosion Blade +9-+13 +norm option
JOKamu не обижу !!!
Узнаю номер человека,играющёго за DotaStara (jokami ne obigy) !!!
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor i Boots +11
B > Explosion Blade +9-+13 +norm option
JOKamu не обижу !!!
Узнаю номер человека,играющёго за DotaStara (jokami ne obigy) !!!
про доту улетно, я догадываюсь кто это))))
я тут не играю, хочу весь шмот продать за раз.....
у меня даже клиента нету )
Junior Member
Регистрация: 30.08.2010
Сообщений: 21
Ник в игре:
ZVER_ Cray
S>Dark Champion Pants +luck+hp+rate
S>Dark Champion Gloves +rate
S>Dark Champion Armor +dd+rate
S>Dark Champion Helm +rate
S>Dark Champion Gloves +luck+rate
S>GS Gloves +hp+rate
S>GS Gloves +rate
S>GS Boots +luck+rate
S>GS Armor +rate
S>GS Armor +luck+dd+hp+rate
S>GS Helm +rate
S>GS Pants +luck+dd+rate
S>GS Pants +luck+hp+rate
S>GS Gloves +mana+rate
S>Volcano Gloves +rate
S>Volcano Armor +luck+mana+ref+rate
S>Onyx Gloves +9+luck+ref+rate
S>Onyx Helm +11+luck+mana+rate
S>Onyx Armor +rate+zen
S>Onyx Armor +luck+mana+rate
S>Dark Master Glooves +luck+rate
S>Dark Master Mask +hp+rate
S>Dark Master Armor +ref+rate
S>Venom Mist Helm +ref+rate
S>Venom Mist Helm +luck+hp+ref
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+rate
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+ref+rate
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+ref+hp
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+rate
S>Sphinx Boots +luck+rate
S>Sphinx Mask +luck+rate
S>Sphinx Gloves +luck+hp+rate
S>Bone Gloves +luck+rate
S>Sunlight Gloves +luck+ref+rate
S>Sunlight Armor +rate+zen
S>Sunlight Armor +luck+rate
S>Dark Steel Boots +mana+rate
S>Dark Steel Boots +luck+mana+rate
S>Dark Steel Mask +luck+ref+rate
S>Explosion Blade +lvl/20+rate
S>Bronze Shield +luck+rate
S>Gordon Plate Gloves +ref+rate
S>Dark Soul Gloves +luck+rate
S>Dark Soul Boots +ref+rate
S>GD Pants +11+luck+mana+rate
S>GD Boots +luck+ref
S>Guardian Gloves +luck+rate+zen
S>Storm Crow Armor
S>Crimson Armor +ref+rate
S>Crimson Pants +luck+rate+zen
S>Huricane Armor +rate+zen
S>Pad Armor +luck+dd+rate
S>Leather Helm +luck+ref+rate
S>Leather Gloves +luck+ref+rate
S>Leather Pants +luck+ref+rate
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor i Boots +11
B > Explosion Blade +11-+13 +norm option
14.02.2011, 21:53
S>pend +2%+lvl20+life
S>legendary boot+luck+dd+hp
S>dragon armor+9+ref
S>GD armor+11+rate+mana
S>BD armor panti+9+luck+rate
S>anybis armor/ helm
S> anc sfinks panti+luck
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor i Boots +11
B > Explosion Blade +9-+13 +norm option
JOKamu не обижу !!!
Узнаю номер человека,играющёго за DotaStara (jokami ne obigy) !!!
Ищи меня детка:)
Junior Member
Регистрация: 30.08.2010
Сообщений: 21
Ник в игре:
ZVER_ Cray
S>Dark Champion Pants +luck+hp+rate
S>Dark Champion Gloves +rate
S>Dark Champion Armor +dd+rate
S>Dark Champion Helm +rate
S>Dark Champion Gloves +luck+rate
S>GS Gloves +hp+rate
S>GS Gloves +rate
S>GS Boots +luck+rate
S>GS Armor +rate
S>GS Armor +luck+dd+hp+rate
S>GS Helm +rate
S>GS Pants +luck+dd+rate
S>GS Pants +luck+hp+rate
S>GS Gloves +mana+rate
S>Volcano Gloves +rate
S>Volcano Armor +luck+mana+ref+rate
S>Onyx Gloves +9+luck+ref+rate
S>Onyx Helm +11+luck+mana+rate
S>Onyx Armor +rate+zen
S>Onyx Armor +luck+mana+rate
S>Dark Master Glooves +luck+rate
S>Dark Master Mask +hp+rate
S>Dark Master Armor +ref+rate
S>Venom Mist Helm +ref+rate
S>Venom Mist Helm +luck+hp+ref
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+rate
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+ref+rate
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+ref+hp
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+rate
S>Sphinx Boots +luck+rate
S>Sphinx Mask +luck+rate
S>Sphinx Gloves +luck+hp+rate
S>Bone Gloves +luck+rate
S>Sunlight Gloves +luck+ref+rate
S>Sunlight Armor +rate+zen
S>Sunlight Armor +luck+rate
S>Dark Steel Boots +mana+rate
S>Dark Steel Boots +luck+mana+rate
S>Dark Steel Mask +luck+ref+rate
S>Explosion Blade +lvl/20+rate
S>Bronze Shield +luck+rate
S>Gordon Plate Gloves +ref+rate
S>Dark Soul Gloves +luck+rate
S>Dark Soul Boots +ref+rate
S>GD Pants +11+luck+mana+rate
S>GD Boots +luck+ref
S>Guardian Gloves +luck+rate+zen
S>Storm Crow Armor
S>Crimson Armor +ref+rate
S>Crimson Pants +luck+rate+zen
S>Huricane Armor +rate+zen
S>Pad Armor +luck+dd+rate
S>Leather Helm +luck+ref+rate
S>Leather Gloves +luck+ref+rate
S>Leather Pants +luck+ref+rate
Huricane Armor - заберу.
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor i Boots +11
B > Explosion Blade +11-+13 +norm option
S>>Explozhin blade +11+4opt
B>>2 Wingi na DW i na DK
B>>Day breaker
B>>Dragon pants i armor
B>>Hyon vewi +0+13
B>> Anubis set
B>>exc GVS staf+9+11+..
B>>legendary/GS shild+rate+9+++
16.02.2011, 08:34
na DW
legendari staff luck rate mana
legendari staff rate
legendari staff luck 2% (x2)
pad panti luck rate
kris 2%
bone armor luck rate mana
pad panti luck rate zen
pad panti luck rate
pad armor luck rate
pad boti rate mana
sphinx glovers luck rate
ans sphinx glovers (x3)
ans sphinx helm
ans sphinx armor
ans skull shied (x2)
ans bone bots (x2)
ans pad panti
ans pad glovers
ans bone armor (X2)
ans pad glovers
ans pad helm luck
ans pad helm (x3)
ans pad armor
ans pad panti (x2)
na DK
double blade rate
dark breaker lucl 2% lvl20v
tower shied rate mana
sworld of destruction luck 2%
leather boti rate
brass armor rate
dark king glovers luck ref hp
houn helm
blac dragon armor rate
sclare armor luck rate mana
brass panti luck rate dd
ans morrnig sworld (x2)
ans sclare helm
ans sclare panti (x2)
ans sclare armor
ans leather armor (x3)
ans leather glovers
ans leather helm (x3)
ans brass panti
ans brass bots (x4)
ans brass panti (x4)
ans brass glovers (X2)
ans bronze armor (x7)
ans plate bots
ans leather bots (x2)
ans plate armor (x2)
ans plate glovers (x4)
ans brass armor luck (x2)
ans bronze bots (x6)
arrov viper bow luck lvl20
sylpid wind bow 2%
celestial bow luck rate 2%
arrov viper bow +9 rate speed
saint crossbow rate speed
saint crossbow rate
saint crossbow rate lvl20
celestial bow rate speed
arrov viper bow luck rate 2%
aquagold crossbow luck rate
red spirit panti rate
sylpid ray armor rate mana
gurdian armor rate mana
red spirit panti luck rate zen
vine panti rate
silk helm luck rate zen
silk armor luck rate ref
ans silk armor (x3)
ans silk helm
ans vine bots
ans vine panti (x2)
ans vine glovers (x5)
ans vine helm (x2)
ans silk glovers (x4)
ans gurdian armor (x2)
ans gurduan bots (x6)
ans gurdian glovers (x2)
ans wind helm
ans wind boti
na DL
great lord scepter rate mana
dark chempion glovers +11 luck
rate dd
dark chempion glovers luck rate
dark chempion panti rate
great scepter luck lvl20 2%
great scepter luck lvl20
great scepter luck rate
lord scepter rate 2%
sunlight armor rate mana
scepter of aegis luck rate
na MG
thunder blade luck 2%
volcna glovers rate
huricane bots luck rate zen
huricane armor luck rate hp
huricane bots luck rate hp
ans ctorm crow bots
pendant of ability 2%
ans pendant of fire
anubis ring (x3)
ans ring of magic (x3)
ans ring of eart (x3)
ans ring of wind
ans ring of poison
ans pendant of ability (x4)
ans pendant of water
ans pendant of lighting
ans penannt of ice (x3)
ans pendant of wind (x3)
B<DK panti rate (random)
Venom panti i boti luck rate
GVS luck rate 2%
16.02.2011, 11:17
B>DK pants+rate+ref ili rate
B>DP items+rate+ref(krome pants)
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor i Boots +11
B > Storm Crow Goves +11+rate = JOKu (dorogo)
B > Explosion Blade +11-+13 +norm option
B > Set na MG +11 - +13 +rate = JOKu (dorogo)
PM - DuKu_KoHb
na DW
legendari staff luck rate mana
legendari staff rate
legendari staff luck 2% (x2)
pad panti luck rate
kris 2%
bone armor luck rate mana
pad panti luck rate zen
pad panti luck rate
pad armor luck rate
pad boti rate mana
sphinx glovers luck rate
ans sphinx glovers (x3)
ans sphinx helm
ans sphinx armor
ans skull shied (x2)
ans bone bots (x2)
ans pad panti
ans pad glovers
ans bone armor (X2)
ans pad glovers
ans pad helm luck
ans pad helm (x3)
ans pad armor
ans pad panti (x2)
na DK
double blade rate
dark breaker lucl 2% lvl20v
tower shied rate mana
sworld of destruction luck 2%
leather boti rate
brass armor rate
dark king glovers luck ref hp
houn helm
blac dragon armor rate
sclare armor luck rate mana
brass panti luck rate dd
ans morrnig sworld (x2)
ans sclare helm
ans sclare panti (x2)
ans sclare armor
ans leather armor (x3)
ans leather glovers
ans leather helm (x3)
ans brass panti
ans brass bots (x4)
ans brass panti (x4)
ans brass glovers (X2)
ans bronze armor (x7)
ans plate bots
ans leather bots (x2)
ans plate armor (x2)
ans plate glovers (x4)
ans brass armor luck (x2)
ans bronze bots (x6)
arrov viper bow luck lvl20
sylpid wind bow 2%
celestial bow luck rate 2%
arrov viper bow +9 rate speed
saint crossbow rate speed
saint crossbow rate
saint crossbow rate lvl20
celestial bow rate speed
arrov viper bow luck rate 2%
aquagold crossbow luck rate
red spirit panti rate
sylpid ray armor rate mana
gurdian armor rate mana
red spirit panti luck rate zen
vine panti rate
silk helm luck rate zen
silk armor luck rate ref
ans silk armor (x3)
ans silk helm
ans vine bots
ans vine panti (x2)
ans vine glovers (x5)
ans vine helm (x2)
ans silk glovers (x4)
ans gurdian armor (x2)
ans gurduan bots (x6)
ans gurdian glovers (x2)
ans wind helm
ans wind boti
na DL
great lord scepter rate mana
dark chempion glovers +11 luck
rate dd
dark chempion glovers luck rate
dark chempion panti rate
great scepter luck lvl20 2%
great scepter luck lvl20
great scepter luck rate
lord scepter rate 2%
sunlight armor rate mana
scepter of aegis luck rate
na MG
thunder blade luck 2%
volcna glovers rate
huricane bots luck rate zen
huricane armor luck rate hp
huricane bots luck rate hp
ans ctorm crow bots
pendant of ability 2%
ans pendant of fire
anubis ring (x3)
ans ring of magic (x3)
ans ring of eart (x3)
ans ring of wind
ans ring of poison
ans pendant of ability (x4)
ans pendant of water
ans pendant of lighting
ans penannt of ice (x3)
ans pendant of wind (x3)
B<DK panti rate (random)
Venom panti i boti luck rate
GVS luck rate 2%
За сколько: huricane armor luck rate hp
huricane bots luck rate hp
17.02.2011, 10:23
За сколько: huricane armor luck rate hp
huricane bots luck rate hp
где то по 10 джок ток я не знаю када в игре буду
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor i Boots +11
B > Storm Crow Gloves +11+rate = JOKu (dorogo)
B > Explosion Blade +11-+13 +norm option
B > Set na MG +11 - +13 +rate = JOKu (dorogo)
PM - DuKu_KoHb
где то по 10 джок ток я не знаю када в игре буду
Ну а примерно?)
18.02.2011, 14:14
Ну а примерно?)
сегодя после 21.00
18.02.2011, 14:26
B>DarkMaster item's+rate+dd+hp(ili rate+dd+luck)
Хельм много опчия есть у меня. Отпишись когда зайти, сегодня после 9 могу.
18.02.2011, 17:48
davai v 10 insaider v pm ili nenka
сегодя после 21.00
А завтро никак?Сегодня я ещё в бане:)
18.02.2011, 20:50
А завтро никак?Сегодня я ещё в бане:)
ок после 21.00 буду
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor i Boots +11
B > Storm Crow Gloves +11+rate = JOKu (dorogo)
B > Explosion Blade +11-+13 +norm option
B > Set na MG +11 - +13 +rate = JOKu (dorogo)
PM - DuKu_KoHb
19.02.2011, 14:44
B>DM item's+luck+rate+dd(ili 3-4opc)
PM:nen ili insaider
19.02.2011, 19:34
B<<<Set na elfa+13\B<<<cool set na elfa
B<<<Albatros+11-13+norm opt
B<<<Wingi na elfa+13+ignore
B<<<cool set na DK
S>>Hyon boots+9+luck
S>>Dragon boots+11+luck+rate+opt
20.02.2011, 14:55
B>DM+luck+rate+dd(3-4opc)krome helma
B>Sunlight gloves helm+rate+dd
PM:nen ins kuca
S>>Explozhin blade +11+4opt
B>>2 Wingi na DW i na DK
B>>Day breaker
B>>Dragon pants i armor
B>>Hyon vewi +0+13
S>>Dragon panti+rate
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Dragon helm+ref
S>>GD armor+ref
S>>Day Breaker+9+luck+lvl/20
S>>Ademantin armor+ref
S>>Pendant of wind+rate+lvl/20+life
S>>Scale gloves+rate
S>>Lether helm+luck+rate
S>>Silk boots+9+rate
S>>Guardian armor+rate+mana
S>>Volkano armor+ref+luck+zen
S>>AA sword+9+luck+mana
S>>Anc pendant of Wind
S>>Anc ring of ice
S>>Anc brass armor
S>>Anc brass gloves
S>>Anc sfinx gloves
Dragon panti+rate
Dragon helm+rate+luck
Day Breaker+9+luck+lvl/20
Тут или в пм DotaStar.
Na DW:
Bone helm+rate
Bone pants+11+Luck+rate
Bone gloves+rate+zae
Bone gloves+rate+dd
Sphinx armor+rate+ref
Legendary armor+11+16+Luck+mana+rate
Legendary helm+9+rate+ref
Anc Skull shield
Anc Sphinx mask
Na DK:
Dragon boots+rate+dd
Scale pants+9+ref+rate
Scale gloves+dd+rate
Scale helm+11+Luck+rate
Serpent shield+skill+Luck+mana+rate
Anc Plate armor
Na Elfa:
Divine helm+Luck+rate
Kupliu Bone wmot+ref+HP
krome helm
Privat Mrfc
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor i Boots +11
B > Explosion Blade +11-+13 +norm option
B > Set na MG +9 - +13 +rate = JOKu (dorogo)
B > Ring of Fire +rate
PM - DuKu_KoHb
S>>Dragon panti+rate
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Dragon helm+ref
S>>GD armor+ref
S>>Day Breaker+9+luck+lvl/20
S>>Ademantin armor+ref
S>>Pendant of wind+rate+lvl/20+life
S>>Scale gloves+rate
S>>Lether helm+luck+rate
S>>Silk boots+9+rate
S>>Guardian armor+rate+mana
S>>Volkano armor+ref+luck+zen
S>>AA sword+9+luck+mana
S>>Anc pendant of Wind
S>>Anc ring of ice
S>>Anc brass armor
S>>Anc brass gloves
S>>Anc sfinx gloves
21.02.2011, 17:06
B>DM+luck+rate+dd(3-4opc)krome helma
B>Sunlight gloves helm+rate+dd
PM:nen ins kuca
S>>Dragon panti+rate
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Dragon helm+ref
S>>Hyon sword
S>>GD armor+ref
S>>Day Breaker+9+luck+lvl/20
S>>Ademantin armor+ref
S>>Pendant of wind+rate+lvl/20+life
S>>Scale gloves+rate
S>>Celestial Bow+11+luck+2%+speed+16
S>>Pad gloves+9+luck+rate
S>>Lether helm+luck+rate
S>>Silk boots+9+rate
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+2%+rate
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Vine pants+luck+rate
S>>Guardian armor+rate+mana
S>>Volkano armor+ref+luck+zen
S>>AA sword+9+luck+mana
S>>Anc pendant of Wind
S>>Anc ring of ice
S>>Anc brass armor
S>>Anc brass gloves
S>>Anc sfinx gloves
21.02.2011, 18:03
S> anybis helm/ ring
S> hyon helm
S> anc sfinks niz +9
S> legendary boot+hp+luck+dd
21.02.2011, 18:55
B>DM+luck+rate+dd(3-4opc)krome helma
B>Sunlight gloves helm+rate+dd
PM:nen ins kuca
Куплю shild на дл фулл. Куплю soley screpter фул. Писать сюда. Все куплю за джоки
S>>Dragon panti+rate
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Dragon helm+ref
S>>GD armor+ref
S>>Day Breaker+9+luck+lvl/20
S>>Ademantin armor+ref
S>>Pendant of wind+rate+lvl/20+life
S>>Scale gloves+rate
S>>Celestial Bow+11+luck+2%+speed+16
S>>Pad gloves+9+luck+rate
S>>Lether helm+luck+rate
S>>Silk boots+9+rate
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+2%+rate
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Vine pants+luck+rate
S>>Guardian armor+rate+mana
S>>Guardian armore+luck+rate+dd
S>>Volkano armor+ref+luck+zen
S>>AA sword+9+luck+mana
S>>Anc pendant of Wind
S>>Anc ring of ice
S>>Anc brass armor
S>>Anc brass gloves
S>>Anc sfinx gloves
B > Thunder Hawk wmot +luck+rate
22.02.2011, 12:15
na DW
legendari staff luck rate mana
legendari staff rate
legendari staff luck 2% (x2)
pad panti luck rate
kris 2%
bone armor luck rate mana
pad panti luck rate zen
pad panti luck rate
pad armor luck rate
pad boti rate mana
sphinx glovers luck rate
ans sphinx glovers (x3)
ans sphinx helm
ans sphinx armor
ans skull shied (x2)
ans bone bots (x2)
ans pad panti
ans pad glovers
ans bone armor (X2)
ans pad glovers
ans pad helm luck
ans pad helm (x3)
ans pad armor
ans pad panti (x2)
na DK
double blade rate
dark breaker lucl 2% lvl20v
tower shied rate mana
sworld of destruction luck 2%
leather boti rate
brass armor rate
dark king glovers luck ref hp
houn helm
blac dragon armor rate
sclare armor luck rate mana
brass panti luck rate dd
ans morrnig sworld (x2)
ans sclare helm
ans sclare panti (x2)
ans sclare armor
ans leather armor (x3)
ans leather glovers
ans leather helm (x3)
ans brass panti
ans brass bots (x4)
ans brass panti (x4)
ans brass glovers (X2)
ans bronze armor (x7)
ans plate bots
ans leather bots (x2)
ans plate armor (x2)
ans plate glovers (x4)
ans brass armor luck (x2)
ans bronze bots (x6)
arrov viper bow luck lvl20
sylpid wind bow 2%
celestial bow luck rate 2%
arrov viper bow +9 rate speed
saint crossbow rate speed
saint crossbow rate
saint crossbow rate lvl20
celestial bow rate speed
arrov viper bow luck rate 2%
aquagold crossbow luck rate
red spirit panti rate
sylpid ray armor rate mana
gurdian armor rate mana
red spirit panti luck rate zen
vine panti rate
silk helm luck rate zen
silk armor luck rate ref
ans silk armor (x3)
ans silk helm
ans vine bots
ans vine panti (x2)
ans vine glovers (x5)
ans vine helm (x2)
ans silk glovers (x4)
ans gurdian armor (x2)
ans gurduan bots (x6)
ans gurdian glovers (x2)
ans wind helm
ans wind boti
na DL
great lord scepter rate mana
dark chempion glovers +11 luck
rate dd
dark chempion glovers luck rate
dark chempion panti rate
great scepter luck lvl20 2%
great scepter luck lvl20
great scepter luck rate
lord scepter rate 2%
sunlight armor rate mana
scepter of aegis luck rate
na MG
thunder blade luck 2%
volcna glovers rate
huricane bots luck rate zen
huricane armor luck rate hp
huricane bots luck rate hp
ans ctorm crow bots
pendant of ability 2%
ans pendant of fire
anubis ring (x3)
ans ring of magic (x3)
ans ring of eart (x3)
ans ring of wind
ans ring of poison
ans pendant of ability (x4)
ans pendant of water
ans pendant of lighting
ans penannt of ice (x3)
ans pendant of wind (x3)
B<DK panti rate (random)
Venom panti i boti luck rate
GVS luck rate 2%
B > Thunder Hawk Pants +rate
S > Resurection Staff +13+16add+luck+rate+life
S > Explosion Balde +lvl20+8add
S > Legendry Gloves +11+16add+luck+rate+hp
S > Legendry Helm +rate+ref+8add
S > Legendry Gloves +luck+rate+ref
S > Legendry Armor +rate+12add
S > Scale Gloves +rate+ref+8add
S > Sunlight Armor +9+luck+rate+mana
S > Bone Pants +9+luck+rate+ref+4add
S > Bone Boots +rate+zen+8add
S > Bone Armor +rate+12add
S > Lether Armor +rate+hp+4add
S > Lether Gloves +luck+rate
S > Vine Gloves +luck+rate+hp
S > Dark Soul Armor +rate+12add
S > Grand Soul Pants +luck+hp
S > Ring of Ice +rate
S > Anc Spirit Armor
S > Anc Storm Pants(x2)
na DW
legendari staff luck rate mana
legendari staff rate
legendari staff luck 2% (x2)
pad panti luck rate
kris 2%
bone armor luck rate mana
pad panti luck rate zen
pad panti luck rate
pad armor luck rate
pad boti rate mana
sphinx glovers luck rate
ans sphinx glovers (x3)
ans sphinx helm
ans sphinx armor
ans skull shied (x2)
ans bone bots (x2)
ans pad panti
ans pad glovers
ans bone armor (X2)
ans pad glovers
ans pad helm luck
ans pad helm (x3)
ans pad armor
ans pad panti (x2)
na DK
double blade rate
dark breaker lucl 2% lvl20v
tower shied rate mana
sworld of destruction luck 2%
leather boti rate
brass armor rate
dark king glovers luck ref hp
houn helm
blac dragon armor rate
sclare armor luck rate mana
brass panti luck rate dd
ans morrnig sworld (x2)
ans sclare helm
ans sclare panti (x2)
ans sclare armor
ans leather armor (x3)
ans leather glovers
ans leather helm (x3)
ans brass panti
ans brass bots (x4)
ans brass panti (x4)
ans brass glovers (X2)
ans bronze armor (x7)
ans plate bots
ans leather bots (x2)
ans plate armor (x2)
ans plate glovers (x4)
ans brass armor luck (x2)
ans bronze bots (x6)
arrov viper bow luck lvl20
sylpid wind bow 2%
celestial bow luck rate 2%
arrov viper bow +9 rate speed
saint crossbow rate speed
saint crossbow rate
saint crossbow rate lvl20
celestial bow rate speed
arrov viper bow luck rate 2%
aquagold crossbow luck rate
red spirit panti rate
sylpid ray armor rate mana
gurdian armor rate mana
red spirit panti luck rate zen
vine panti rate
silk helm luck rate zen
silk armor luck rate ref
ans silk armor (x3)
ans silk helm
ans vine bots
ans vine panti (x2)
ans vine glovers (x5)
ans vine helm (x2)
ans silk glovers (x4)
ans gurdian armor (x2)
ans gurduan bots (x6)
ans gurdian glovers (x2)
ans wind helm
ans wind boti
na DL
great lord scepter rate mana
dark chempion glovers +11 luck
rate dd
dark chempion glovers luck rate
dark chempion panti rate
great scepter luck lvl20 2%
great scepter luck lvl20
great scepter luck rate
lord scepter rate 2%
sunlight armor rate mana
scepter of aegis luck rate
na MG
thunder blade luck 2%
volcna glovers rate
huricane bots luck rate zen
huricane armor luck rate hp
huricane bots luck rate hp
ans ctorm crow bots
pendant of ability 2%
ans pendant of fire
anubis ring (x3)
ans ring of magic (x3)
ans ring of eart (x3)
ans ring of wind
ans ring of poison
ans pendant of ability (x4)
ans pendant of water
ans pendant of lighting
ans penannt of ice (x3)
ans pendant of wind (x3)
B<DK panti rate (random)
Venom panti i boti luck rate
GVS luck rate 2%
Завтро появишся в игре?
B > Thunder Hawk Pants +rate
S > Resurection Staff +13+16add+luck+rate+life
S > Explosion Balde +lvl20+8add
S > Legendry Gloves +11+16add+luck+rate+hp
S > Legendry Helm +rate+ref+8add
S > Legendry Gloves +luck+rate+ref
S > Legendry Armor +rate+12add
S > Scale Gloves +rate+ref+8add
S > Sunlight Armor +9+luck+rate+mana
S > Bone Pants +9+luck+rate+ref+4add
S > Bone Boots +rate+zen+8add
S > Bone Armor +rate+12add
S > Lether Armor +rate+hp+4add
S > Lether Gloves +luck+rate
S > Vine Gloves +luck+rate+hp
S > Dark Soul Armor +rate+12add
S > Ring of Ice +rate
S > 2-e Wingi na DK
S > Anc Spirit Armor
S > Anc Storm Pants(x2)
23.02.2011, 09:02
B>DM+luck+rate+dd(3-4opc)krome helma
B>Sunlight gloves helm+rate+dd
PM:nen ins kuca
B > Thunder Hawk Pants +rate
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor +11
S > Resurection Staff +13+16add+luck+rate+life
S > Explosion Balde +lvl20+8add
S > Legendry Gloves +11+16add+luck+rate+hp
S > Legendry Helm +rate+ref+8add
S > Legendry Gloves +luck+rate+ref
S > Legendry Armor +rate+12add
S > Scale Gloves +rate+ref+8add
S > Sunlight Armor +9+luck+rate+mana
S > Bone Armor +rate+12add
S > Lether Armor +rate+hp+4add
S > Lether Gloves +luck+rate
S > Vine Gloves +luck+rate+hp
S > Dark Soul Armor +rate+12add
S > Anc Spirit Armor
S > Anc Storm Pants(x2)
S > Anc Storm Boots +9
S>>Dragon panti+9+rate
S>>Anc Dragon boots
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Dragon helm+ref
S>>GD armor+ref
S>>Day Breaker+9+luck+lvl/20
S>>Ademantin armor+ref
S>>Pendant of wind+rate+lvl/20+life
S>>Scale gloves+rate
S>>Celestial Bow+11+luck+2%+speed+16
S>>Pad gloves+9+luck+rate
S>>Lether helm+luck+rate
S>>Silk boots+9+rate
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+2%+rate
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Vine pants+luck+rate
S>>Guardian armor+rate+mana
S>>Guardian armore+luck+rate+dd
S>>Volkano armor+ref+luck+zen
S>>AA sword+9+luck+mana
S>>Anc pendant of Wind
S>>Anc ring of ice
S>>Anc brass armor
S>>Anc brass gloves
S>>Anc sfinx gloves
23.02.2011, 22:53
B<<<Set na elfa+13\B<<<cool set na elfa
B<<<Albatros+11-13+norm opt
B<<<Wingi na elfa+13+ignore
B<<<cool set na DK
B<<<Set na elfa+13\B<<<cool set na elfa
B<<<Albatros+11-13+norm opt
B<<<Wingi na elfa+13+ignore
B<<<cool set na DK
B<<<Pendant of lighting+9
na DK
S>>Dragon panti+9+rate
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Dragon helm+ref
S>>GD armor+ref
S>>Day Breaker+9+luck+lvl/20
S>>Scale gloves+rate
S>>Lether helm+luck+rate
S>>Lether boots+luck+rate
S>>AA sword+9+luck+mana
S>>Anc brass armor
S>>Anc brass gloves
na ELF
S>>Celestial Bow+11+luck+2%+speed+16
S>>Silk boots+9+rate
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+2%+rate
S>>Vine pants+luck+rate (x3)
S>>Guardian armor+rate+mana
S>>Guardian armore+luck+rate+dd
na DL
S>>Ademantin armor+ref
na DW
S>>Pad gloves+9+luck+rate
S>>Anc sfinx gloves
na MG
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Volkano armor+ref+luck+zen
S>>Pendant of wind+rate+lvl/20+life
S>>Anc pendant of Wind
S>>Anc ring of ice
B > Thunder Hawk Pants +rate = dorogo !
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor +11 = dorogo !
B > Storm Crow Gloves +11+rate = dorogo !
S > Resurection Staff +13+16add+luck+rate+life
S > Explosion Balde +lvl20+8add
S > Legendry Gloves +11+16add+luck+rate+hp
S > Legendry Helm +rate+ref+8add
S > Legendry Gloves +luck+rate+ref
S > Legendry Armor +rate+12add
S > Scale Gloves +rate+ref+8add
S > Sunlight Armor +9+luck+rate+mana
S > Bone Armor +rate+12add
S > Lether Armor +rate+hp+4add
S > Lether Gloves +luck+rate
S > Lether Pants +rate
S > Vine Gloves +luck+rate+hp
S > Dark Soul Armor +rate+12add
S > Anc Spirit Armor
S > Anc Storm Pants(x2)
S > Anc Storm Boots +9
24.02.2011, 12:51
T>>>Lether set 3opc= sunglait hlem i arm 3 opc
B<<<Set na elfa+13\B<<<cool set na elfa
B<<<Albatros+11-13+norm opt
B<<<Wingi na elfa+13+ignore
B<<<cool set na DK
B<<<Pendant of lighting+9
за реал могу что-нибудь найти
na DW
legendari staff luck rate mana
legendari staff rate
legendari staff luck 2% (x2)
pad panti luck rate
kris 2%
bone armor luck rate mana
pad panti luck rate zen
pad panti luck rate
pad armor luck rate
pad boti rate mana
sphinx glovers luck rate
ans sphinx glovers (x3)
ans sphinx helm
ans sphinx armor
ans skull shied (x2)
ans bone bots (x2)
ans pad panti
ans pad glovers
ans bone armor (X2)
ans pad glovers
ans pad helm luck
ans pad helm (x3)
ans pad armor
ans pad panti (x2)
na DK
double blade rate
dark breaker lucl 2% lvl20v
tower shied rate mana
sworld of destruction luck 2%
leather boti rate
brass armor rate
dark king glovers luck ref hp
houn helm
blac dragon armor rate
sclare armor luck rate mana
brass panti luck rate dd
ans morrnig sworld (x2)
ans sclare helm
ans sclare panti (x2)
ans sclare armor
ans leather armor (x3)
ans leather glovers
ans leather helm (x3)
ans brass panti
ans brass bots (x4)
ans brass panti (x4)
ans brass glovers (X2)
ans bronze armor (x7)
ans plate bots
ans leather bots (x2)
ans plate armor (x2)
ans plate glovers (x4)
ans brass armor luck (x2)
ans bronze bots (x6)
arrov viper bow luck lvl20
sylpid wind bow 2%
celestial bow luck rate 2%
arrov viper bow +9 rate speed
saint crossbow rate speed
saint crossbow rate
saint crossbow rate lvl20
celestial bow rate speed
arrov viper bow luck rate 2%
aquagold crossbow luck rate
red spirit panti rate
sylpid ray armor rate mana
gurdian armor rate mana
red spirit panti luck rate zen
vine panti rate
silk helm luck rate zen
silk armor luck rate ref
ans silk armor (x3)
ans silk helm
ans vine bots
ans vine panti (x2)
ans vine glovers (x5)
ans vine helm (x2)
ans silk glovers (x4)
ans gurdian armor (x2)
ans gurduan bots (x6)
ans gurdian glovers (x2)
ans wind helm
ans wind boti
na DL
great lord scepter rate mana
dark chempion glovers +11 luck
rate dd
dark chempion glovers luck rate
dark chempion panti rate
great scepter luck lvl20 2%
great scepter luck lvl20
great scepter luck rate
lord scepter rate 2%
sunlight armor rate mana
scepter of aegis luck rate
na MG
thunder blade luck 2%
volcna glovers rate
huricane bots luck rate zen
huricane armor luck rate hp
huricane bots luck rate hp
ans ctorm crow bots
pendant of ability 2%
ans pendant of fire
anubis ring (x3)
ans ring of magic (x3)
ans ring of eart (x3)
ans ring of wind
ans ring of poison
ans pendant of ability (x4)
ans pendant of water
ans pendant of lighting
ans penannt of ice (x3)
ans pendant of wind (x3)
B<DK panti rate (random)
Venom panti i boti luck rate
GVS luck rate 2%
Зайди в игру!)
na DK
S>>Dragon panti+9+rate
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Dragon helm+ref
S>>GD armor+ref
S>>Day Breaker+9+luck+lvl/20
S>>Scale gloves+rate
S>>Lether helm+luck+rate
S>>Lether boots+luck+rate
S>>AA sword+9+luck+mana
S>>Anc brass armor
S>>Anc brass gloves
na ELF
S>>Celestial Bow+11+luck+2%+speed+16
S>>Silk boots+9+rate
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+2%+rate
S>>Vine pants+luck+rate (x3)
S>>Guardian armor+rate+mana
S>>Guardian armor+luck+rate+dd
S>>Anc Vine pants
na DL
S>>Ademantin armor+ref
na DW
S>>Pad gloves+9+luck+rate
S>>Anc sfinx gloves
na MG
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Volkano armor+ref+luck+zen
S>>Pendant of wind+rate+lvl/20+life
S>>Anc pendant of Wind
S>>Anc ring of ice
T<>Dragon pants+9+rate(ili Platina+9+2%+speed+20 ili luboi wmot iz spiska)=GVS+norm opca(rassmotru lubie varianti)
na DK
S>>Dragon panti+9+rate
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Dragon helm+ref
S>>Hyon Sword
S>>GD armor+ref
S>>Day Breaker+9+luck+lvl/20
S>>Scale gloves+rate
S>>Lether helm+luck+rate
S>>Lether boots+luck+rate
S>>AA sword+9+luck+mana
S>>Anc brass armor
S>>Anc brass gloves
na ELF
S>>Celestial Bow+11+luck+2%+speed+16
S>>Silk boots+9+rate
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+2%+rate
S>>Vine pants+luck+rate (x3)
S>>Guardian armor+rate+mana
S>>Guardian armor+luck+rate+dd
S>>Anc Vine pants
na DL
S>>Ademantin armor+ref
na DW
S>>Pad gloves+9+luck+rate
S>>Anc sfinx gloves
na MG
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Volkano armor+ref+luck+zen
S>>Pendant of wind+rate+lvl/20+life
S>>Anc pendant of Wind
S>>Anc ring of ice
T<>Dragon pants+9+rate(ili Platina+9+2%+speed+20 ili luboi wmot iz spiska) vozmojna doplata jokami=GVS+norm opca(rassmotru lubie varianti)
24.02.2011, 22:53
за реал могу что-нибудь найти
за реал, нет спасибо. А если за джоки, но попроще?)
na DK
S>>Dragon panti+9+rate
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Dragon helm+ref
S>>Hyon Sword
S>>DP gloves+mana
S>>GD armor+ref
S>>Day Breaker+9+luck+lvl/20
S>>Scale gloves+rate
S>>Lether helm+luck+rate
S>>Lether boots+luck+rate
S>>AA sword+9+luck+mana
S>>Anc brass armor
S>>Anc brass gloves
na ELF
S>>Celestial Bow+11+luck+2%+speed+16
S>>Silk boots+9+rate
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+2%+rate
S>>Vine pants+luck+rate (x3)
S>>Guardian armor+rate+mana
S>>Guardian armor+luck+rate+dd
S>>Anc Vine pants
na DL
S>>Ademantin armor+ref
na DW
S>>Pad gloves+9+luck+rate
S>>Anc sfinx gloves
na MG
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Volkano armor+ref+luck+zen
S>>Pendant of wind+rate+lvl/20+life
S>>Anc pendant of Wind
S>>Anc ring of ice
T<>Dragon pants+9+rate(ili Platina+9+2%+speed+20 ili luboi wmot iz spiska) vozmojna doplata jokami=GVS+norm opca(rassmotru lubie varianti)
S>Dark Champion Pants +luck+hp+rate
S>Dark Champion Gloves +rate
S>Dark Champion Armor +dd+rate
S>Dark Champion Helm +rate
S>Dark Champion Gloves +luck+rate
S>GS Gloves +hp+rate
S>GS Gloves +rate
S>GS Boots +luck+rate
S>GS Armor +rate
S>GS Helm +rate
S>GS Pants +luck+dd+rate
S>GS Gloves +mana+rate
S>Volcano Gloves +rate
S>Volcano Armor +luck+mana+ref+rate
S>Onyx Gloves +9+luck+ref+rate
S>Onyx Helm +11+luck+mana+rate
S>Onyx Armor +rate+zen
S>Onyx Armor +luck+mana+rate
S>Dark Master Glooves +luck+rate
S>Dark Master Mask +hp+rate
S>Dark Master Armor +ref+rate
S>Venom Mist Helm +ref+rate
S>Venom Mist Helm +luck+hp+ref
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+rate
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+ref+rate
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+ref+hp
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+rate
S>Sphinx Boots +luck+rate
S>Sphinx Mask +luck+rate
S>Sphinx Gloves +luck+hp+rate
S>Bone Gloves +luck+rate
S>Bone Helm+rate
S>Bone Bots+luck+rate
S>Anibys Gloves Helm Armor
S>Sunlight Gloves +luck+ref+rate
S>Sunlight Armor +rate+zen
S>Sunlight Armor +luck+rate
S>Dark Steel Boots +mana+rate
S>Dark Steel Boots +luck+mana+rate
S>Dark Steel Mask +luck+ref+rate
S>Explosion Blade +lvl/20+rate
S>Bronze Shield +luck+rate
S>Gordon Plate Gloves +ref+rate
S>Dark Soul Gloves +luck+rate
S>Dark Soul Boots +ref+rate
S>GD Pants +11+luck+mana+rate
S>GD Boots +luck+ref
S>Guardian Gloves +luck+rate+zen
S>Storm Crow Armor
S>Crimson Armor +ref+rate
S>Crimson Pants +luck+rate+zen
S>Huricane Armor +rate+zen
S>Pad Armor +luck+dd+rate
S>Leather Helm +luck+ref+rate
S>Leather Gloves +luck+ref+rate
S>Leather Pants +luck+ref+rate
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor +11 = dorogo !
B > Storm Crow Gloves +11+rate = dorogo !
S > Resurection Staff +13+16add+luck+rate+life
S > Explosion Balde +lvl20+8add
S > Legendry Gloves +11+16add+luck+rate+hp
S > Legendry Gloves +9+luck+rate+ref
S > Legendry Helm +rate+ref+8add
S > Legendry Armor +rate+12add
S > Scale Gloves +rate+ref+8add
S > Sunlight Armor +9+luck+rate+mana
S > Dark Master Armor +9+luck+rate
S > Bone Armor +rate+12add
S > Vine Gloves +luck+rate+hp
S > Dark Soul Armor +rate+12add
S > Guardian Boots +9+luck+rate+zen
S > Anc Spirit Armor
S > Anc Storm Pants(x2)
B<Dark Phoenix Armor+R+R
B<BD bots +Luck+reite
B<BD Helm+L+reite
S>>anc Storm Crow set+9,Boots+luck
S>>Anybic gloves
S>>Wingi na MG+9+luck
B<<DB+norm opcia
B<<Dragon pants,armor+rate+luck
25.02.2011, 21:23
B< hyon boot+9
hyon boot+11 DOROGO!!!!!!!!!!!!
B<Dark Phoenix Armor+R+R
B<BD bots +Luck+reite
B<BD Helm+L+reite
S>>xyon helm+11
S>>xyon gloves+11(3)
S>>Heras sfinx boots+11
S>>heras sfinx pants(5)
T>>anubis wmot =xyon boots, swords
26.02.2011, 10:29
na DW
legendari staff luck rate mana
legendari staff rate
legendari staff luck 2% (x2)
pad panti luck rate
kris 2%
bone armor luck rate mana
pad panti luck rate zen
pad panti luck rate
pad armor luck rate
pad boti rate mana
sphinx glovers luck rate
ans sphinx glovers (x3)
ans sphinx helm
ans sphinx armor
ans skull shied (x2)
ans bone bots (x2)
ans pad panti
ans pad glovers
ans bone armor (X2)
ans pad glovers
ans pad helm luck
ans pad helm (x3)
ans pad armor
ans pad panti (x2)
na DK
double blade rate
dark breaker lucl 2% lvl20v
tower shied rate mana
sworld of destruction luck 2%
leather boti rate
brass armor rate
dark king glovers luck ref hp
houn helm
blac dragon armor rate
sclare armor luck rate mana
brass panti luck rate dd
ans morrnig sworld (x2)
ans sclare helm
ans sclare panti (x2)
ans sclare armor
ans leather armor (x3)
ans leather glovers
ans leather helm (x3)
ans brass panti
ans brass bots (x4)
ans brass panti (x4)
ans brass glovers (X2)
ans bronze armor (x7)
ans plate bots
ans leather bots (x2)
ans plate armor (x2)
ans plate glovers (x4)
ans brass armor luck (x2)
ans bronze bots (x6)
arrov viper bow luck lvl20
sylpid wind bow 2%
celestial bow luck rate 2%
arrov viper bow +9 rate speed
saint crossbow rate speed
saint crossbow rate
saint crossbow rate lvl20
celestial bow rate speed
arrov viper bow luck rate 2%
aquagold crossbow luck rate
red spirit panti rate
sylpid ray armor rate mana
gurdian armor rate mana
red spirit panti luck rate zen
vine panti rate
silk helm luck rate zen
silk armor luck rate ref
ans silk armor (x3)
ans silk helm
ans vine bots
ans vine panti (x2)
ans vine glovers (x5)
ans vine helm (x2)
ans silk glovers (x4)
ans gurdian armor (x2)
ans gurduan bots (x6)
ans gurdian glovers (x2)
ans wind helm
ans wind boti
na DL
great lord scepter rate mana
dark chempion glovers +11 luck
rate dd
dark chempion glovers luck rate
dark chempion panti rate
great scepter luck lvl20 2%
great scepter luck lvl20
great scepter luck rate
lord scepter rate 2%
sunlight armor rate mana
scepter of aegis luck rate
na MG
thunder blade luck 2%
volcna glovers rate
huricane bots luck rate zen
huricane armor luck rate hp
huricane bots luck rate hp
ans ctorm crow bots
pendant of ability 2%
ans pendant of fire
anubis ring (x3)
ans ring of magic (x3)
ans ring of eart (x3)
ans ring of wind
ans ring of poison
ans pendant of ability (x4)
ans pendant of water
ans pendant of lighting
ans penannt of ice (x3)
ans pendant of wind (x3)
B<DK panti rate (random)
Venom panti i boti luck rate
GVS luck rate 2%
26.02.2011, 11:34
S>>anc Storm Crow set+9,Boots+luck
S>>Anybic gloves
S>>Wingi na MG+9+luck
B<<DB+norm opcia
B<<Dragon pants,armor+rate+luck
skoka za storm crow set?
за реал, нет спасибо. А если за джоки, но попроще?)
попроще вроде ничё нету :)
skoka za storm crow set?
Напиши в игре - Nevermore,обсудим.
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor +11 = dorogo !
B > Storm Crow Gloves +11+rate = dorogo !
S > Resurection Staff +13+16add+luck+rate+life (20)
S > Explosion Balde +lvl20+8add (10)
S > Legendry Gloves +11+16add+luck+rate+hp (10)
S > Legendry Gloves +9+luck+rate+ref (6)
S > Legendry Helm +rate+ref+8add (6)
S > Legendry Armor +rate+12add (4)
S > Scale Gloves +rate+ref+8add (6)
S > Sunlight Armor +9+luck+rate+mana (6)
S > Dark Master Armor +9+luck+rate (6)
S > Bone Armor +rate+12add (5)
S > Vine Gloves +luck+rate+hp (3)
S > Dark Soul Armor +rate+12add (6)
S > Guardian Boots +9+luck+rate+zen (5)
S > Huricane Armor +rate+4add (4)
S > Anc Spirit Armor (4)
S > Anc Storm Pants (4)
S>>anc Storm Crow set+9,Boots+luck
S>>Anybic gloves
S>>Wingi na MG+9+luck
B<<DB+norm opcia
B<<Dragon pants,armor+rate+luck
na DK
S>>Dragon panti+9+rate
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Dragon helm+ref
S>>Hyon Sword
S>>DP gloves+mana
S>>GD armor+ref
S>>Day Breaker+9+luck+lvl/20
S>>Scale gloves+rate
S>>Lether helm+luck+rate
S>>Lether boots+luck+rate
S>>AA sword+9+luck+mana
S>>Anc brass armor
S>>Anc brass gloves
na ELF
S>>Celestial Bow+11+luck+2%+speed+16
S>>Silk boots+9+rate
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+2%+rate
S>>Vine pants+luck+rate (x3)
S>>Guardian armor+rate+mana
S>>Guardian armor+luck+rate+dd
S>>Anc Vine pants
na DL
S>>Ademantin armor+ref
na DW
S>>Bone helm+rate
S>>Pad gloves+9+luck+rate
S>>Anc sfinx gloves
na MG
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Volkano armor+ref+luck+zen
S>>Pendant of wind+rate+lvl/20+life
S>>Anc pendant of Wind
S>>Anc ring of ice
T<>Dragon pants+9+rate(ili Platina+9+2%+speed+20 ili luboi wmot iz spiska) vozmojna doplata jokami=GVS+norm opca(rassmotru lubie varianti)
T<>luboi wmot iz spiska=set na dw+rate
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor +11 = dorogo !
B > Storm Crow Gloves +11+rate = dorogo !
S > Explosion Balde +lvl20+8add (10)
S > Legendry Gloves +11+16add+luck+rate+hp (10)
S > Legendry Gloves +9+luck+rate+ref (6)
S > Legendry Helm +rate+ref+8add (6)
S > Legendry Armor +rate+12add (4)
S > Scale Gloves +rate+ref+8add (6)
S > Kate Shield +rate+ref+5add (4)
S > Sunlight Armor +9+luck+rate+mana (6)
S > Dark Master Armor +9+luck+rate (6)
S > Bone Armor +rate+12add (5)
S > Vine Gloves +luck+rate+hp (3)
S > Dark Soul Armor +rate+12add (6)
S > Guardian Boots +9+luck+rate+zen (5)
S > Huricane Armor +rate+4add (4)
S > Anc Spirit Armor (4)
S > Anc Storm Pants (4)
na DW
legendari staff luck rate mana
legendari staff rate
legendari staff luck 2% (x2)
pad panti luck rate
kris 2%
bone armor luck rate mana
pad panti luck rate zen
pad panti luck rate
pad armor luck rate
pad boti rate mana
sphinx glovers luck rate
ans sphinx glovers (x3)
ans sphinx helm
ans sphinx armor
ans skull shied (x2)
ans bone bots (x2)
ans pad panti
ans pad glovers
ans bone armor (X2)
ans pad glovers
ans pad helm luck
ans pad helm (x3)
ans pad armor
ans pad panti (x2)
na DK
double blade rate
dark breaker lucl 2% lvl20v
tower shied rate mana
sworld of destruction luck 2%
leather boti rate
brass armor rate
dark king glovers luck ref hp
houn helm
blac dragon armor rate
sclare armor luck rate mana
brass panti luck rate dd
ans morrnig sworld (x2)
ans sclare helm
ans sclare panti (x2)
ans sclare armor
ans leather armor (x3)
ans leather glovers
ans leather helm (x3)
ans brass panti
ans brass bots (x4)
ans brass panti (x4)
ans brass glovers (X2)
ans bronze armor (x7)
ans plate bots
ans leather bots (x2)
ans plate armor (x2)
ans plate glovers (x4)
ans brass armor luck (x2)
ans bronze bots (x6)
arrov viper bow luck lvl20
sylpid wind bow 2%
celestial bow luck rate 2%
arrov viper bow +9 rate speed
saint crossbow rate speed
saint crossbow rate
saint crossbow rate lvl20
celestial bow rate speed
arrov viper bow luck rate 2%
aquagold crossbow luck rate
red spirit panti rate
sylpid ray armor rate mana
gurdian armor rate mana
red spirit panti luck rate zen
vine panti rate
silk helm luck rate zen
silk armor luck rate ref
ans silk armor (x3)
ans silk helm
ans vine bots
ans vine panti (x2)
ans vine glovers (x5)
ans vine helm (x2)
ans silk glovers (x4)
ans gurdian armor (x2)
ans gurduan bots (x6)
ans gurdian glovers (x2)
ans wind helm
ans wind boti
na DL
great lord scepter rate mana
dark chempion glovers +11 luck
rate dd
dark chempion glovers luck rate
dark chempion panti rate
great scepter luck lvl20 2%
great scepter luck lvl20
great scepter luck rate
lord scepter rate 2%
sunlight armor rate mana
scepter of aegis luck rate
na MG
thunder blade luck 2%
volcna glovers rate
huricane bots luck rate zen
huricane armor luck rate hp
huricane bots luck rate hp
ans ctorm crow bots
pendant of ability 2%
ans pendant of fire
anubis ring (x3)
ans ring of magic (x3)
ans ring of eart (x3)
ans ring of wind
ans ring of poison
ans pendant of ability (x4)
ans pendant of water
ans pendant of lighting
ans penannt of ice (x3)
ans pendant of wind (x3)
B<DK panti rate (random)
Venom panti i boti luck rate
GVS luck rate 2%
Напиши мне в игре,ник Nevermore!Заберу DB.
B<Dark Phoenix Armor+R+R
B<BD bots +Luck+reite
B<BD Helm+L+reite
B>>xyon sword
B>>xyon boots
S>>xyon helm+11
S>>xyon gloves+11(3)
S>>Heras sfinx boots+11
S>>heras sfinx pants(5)
T>>anubis wmot =xyon boots, swords
27.02.2011, 08:44
B<<<anc wind wmot=jok pm HeHaBucTb
28.02.2011, 11:12
S>>xyon helm+11
S>>xyon gloves+11(3)
по чём????????????????????????????
28.02.2011, 21:06
B>FLame Scrolls pa 2 joc
S>Joci pa 4 sign,pa4ka 80
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor +11 = dorogo !
B > Storm Crow Gloves +11+rate = dorogo !
S > Explosion Balde +lvl20+8add (10)
S > Legendry Gloves +11+16add+luck+rate+hp (10)
S > Legendry Gloves +9+luck+rate+ref (6)
S > Legendry Gloves +11+luck+rate (6)
S > Legendry Helm +rate+ref+8add (6)
S > Legendry Armor +rate+12add (4)
S > Scale Gloves +rate+ref+8add (6)
S > Sunlight Armor +9+luck+rate+mana (6)
S > Dark Master Armor +9+luck+rate (6)
S > Bone Armor +rate+12add (5)
S > Vine Gloves +luck+rate+hp (3)
S > Dark Soul Armor +rate+12add (6)
S > Guardian Boots +9+luck+rate+zen (5)
S > Huricane Armor +rate+4add (4)
S > Anc Spirit Armor (4)
S > Anc Storm Pants (4)
S > Anc Plate Armor (2)
28.02.2011, 21:59
na DW
legendari staff luck rate mana
legendari staff rate
legendari staff luck 2% (x2)
pad panti luck rate
kris 2%
bone armor luck rate mana
pad panti luck rate zen
pad panti luck rate
pad armor luck rate
pad boti rate mana
sphinx glovers luck rate
ans sphinx glovers (x3)
ans sphinx helm
ans sphinx armor
ans skull shied (x2)
ans bone bots (x2)
ans pad panti
ans pad glovers
ans bone armor (X2)
ans pad glovers
ans pad helm luck
ans pad helm (x3)
ans pad armor
ans pad panti (x2)
na DK
double blade rate
dark breaker lucl 2% lvl20v
tower shied rate mana
sworld of destruction luck 2%
leather boti rate
brass armor rate
dark king glovers luck ref hp
houn helm
blac dragon armor rate
sclare armor luck rate mana
brass panti luck rate dd
ans morrnig sworld (x2)
ans sclare helm
ans sclare panti (x2)
ans sclare armor
ans leather armor (x3)
ans leather glovers
ans leather helm (x3)
ans brass panti
ans brass bots (x4)
ans brass panti (x4)
ans brass glovers (X2)
ans bronze armor (x7)
ans plate bots
ans leather bots (x2)
ans plate armor (x2)
ans plate glovers (x4)
ans brass armor luck (x2)
ans bronze bots (x6)
arrov viper bow luck lvl20
sylpid wind bow 2%
celestial bow luck rate 2%
arrov viper bow +9 rate speed
saint crossbow rate speed
saint crossbow rate
saint crossbow rate lvl20
celestial bow rate speed
arrov viper bow luck rate 2%
aquagold crossbow luck rate
red spirit panti rate
sylpid ray armor rate mana
gurdian armor rate mana
red spirit panti luck rate zen
vine panti rate
silk helm luck rate zen
silk armor luck rate ref
ans silk armor (x3)
ans silk helm
ans vine bots
ans vine panti (x2)
ans vine glovers (x5)
ans vine helm (x2)
ans silk glovers (x4)
ans gurdian armor (x2)
ans gurduan bots (x6)
ans gurdian glovers (x2)
ans wind helm
ans wind boti
na DL
great lord scepter rate mana
dark chempion glovers +11 luck
rate dd
dark chempion glovers luck rate
dark chempion panti rate
great scepter luck lvl20 2%
great scepter luck lvl20
great scepter luck rate
lord scepter rate 2%
sunlight armor rate mana
scepter of aegis luck rate
na MG
thunder blade luck 2%
volcna glovers rate
huricane bots luck rate zen
huricane armor luck rate hp
huricane bots luck rate hp
ans ctorm crow bots
pendant of ability 2%
ans pendant of fire
anubis ring (x3)
ans ring of magic (x3)
ans ring of eart (x3)
ans ring of wind
ans ring of poison
ans pendant of ability (x4)
ans pendant of water
ans pendant of lighting
ans penannt of ice (x3)
ans pendant of wind (x3)
B<DK panti rate (random)
Venom panti i boti luck rate
GVS luck rate 2%
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor +11 = dorogo !
B > Storm Crow Gloves +11+rate = dorogo !
S > Explosion Balde +lvl20+8add
S > Legendry Gloves +11+16add+luck+rate+hp
S > Legendry Gloves +9+luck+rate+ref
S > Legendry Gloves +11+luck+rate
S > Legendry Helm +rate+ref+8add
S > Legendry Armor +rate+12add
S > Scale Gloves +rate+ref+8add
S > Sunlight Armor +9+luck+rate+mana
S > Dark Master Armor +9+luck+rate
S > Bone Armor +rate+12add
S > Vine Gloves +luck+rate+hp
S > Dark Soul Armor +rate+12add
S > Guardian Boots +9+luck+rate+zen
S > Huricane Armor +rate+4add
S > Anc Spirit Armor
S > Anc Storm Pants
S > Anc Plate Armor
01.03.2011, 13:38
S>>13 strom set( gloves +13 full)
B>>Hyon set +11 dorogo
B>>Norm DB
B>>Ringi norm opt
B>>set na dk full dorogo
01.03.2011, 15:24
B<<<pendant dl9 storm crou seta anc
pm Kuca
S>>anc Storm Crow set+9,Boots+luck
S>>Hyon gloves+11
S>>Hyon helm+9
B<<DB+norm opcia - dorogo!
B<<Dragon pants,armor+rate+luck - dorogo!
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor +11 = dorogo !
B > Storm Crow Gloves +11+rate = dorogo !
S > Explosion Balde +lvl20+8add
S > Sword of Destruction +rate+4add
S > Lighting Sword +11+luck+2%+speed+4add
S > Legendry Gloves +11+16add+luck+rate+hp
S > Legendry Gloves +9+luck+rate+ref
S > Legendry Gloves +11+luck+rate
S > Legendry Helm +rate+ref+8add
S > Legendry Armor +rate+12add
S > Scale Gloves +rate+ref+8add
S > Sunlight Armor +9+luck+rate+mana
S > Dark Master Armor +9+luck+rate
S > Bone Armor +rate+12add
S > Bone Boots +luck+rate+zen+4add
S > Vine Gloves +luck+rate+hp
S > Dark Soul Armor +rate+12add
S > Guardian Boots +9+luck+rate+zen
S > Huricane Armor +rate+4add
S > Anc Spirit Armor
S > Anc Storm Pants
S > Anc Plate Armor
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor +11 = dorogo !
B > Storm Crow Gloves +11+rate = dorogo !
S > Explosion Balde +lvl20+8add
S > Lighting Sword +11+luck+2%+speed+4add
S > Legendry Gloves +11+16add+luck+rate+hp
S > Legendry Gloves +9+luck+rate+ref
S > Legendry Gloves +11+luck+rate
S > Legendry Helm +rate+ref+8add
S > Legendry Armor +rate+12add
S > Scale Gloves +rate+ref+8add
S > Sunlight Armor +9+luck+rate+mana
S > Dark Master Armor +9+luck+rate
S > Bone Armor +rate+12add
S > Bone Boots +luck+rate+zen+4add
S > Vine Gloves +luck+rate+hp
S > Dark Soul Armor +rate+12add
S > Guardian Boots +9+luck+rate+zen
S > Huricane Armor +rate+4add
S > Anc Spirit Armor
S > Anc Storm Pants
S > Anc Plate Armor
Storm Crow Gloves есть золотые+11+28+лак:)
B>>Hyon +11
B>>DB s norm opt ili BB
B>>Ringi norm opt
na DK
S>>Dragon panti+9+rate
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Dragon helm+ref
S>>GD pants+luck+hp
S>>GD armor+ref
S>>Day Breaker+9+luck+lvl/20
S>>Scale gloves+rate
S>>Lether helm+luck+rate
S>>AA sword+9+luck+mana
S>>Anc brass armor
S>>Anc brass gloves
na ELF
S>>Celestial Bow+11+luck+2%+speed+16
S>>Silk boots+9+rate
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+2%+rate
S>>Vine pants+luck+rate (x3)
S>>Guardian armor+rate+mana
S>>Guardian armor+luck+rate+dd
S>>Anc Vine pants
na DL
S>>Ademantin armor+ref
na DW
S>>Bone helm+rate
S>>Anc sfinx gloves
S>>>>Platina staff+9+20+2%+speed
na MG
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Volkano armor+ref+luck+zen
S>>Pendant of wind+rate+lvl/20+life
S>>Anc pendant of Wind
S>>Anc ring of ice
S>>anc Storm Crow set+9,Boots+luck
S>>Hyon gloves+11+luck
S>>Hyon helm+9
B<<DB+norm opcia - dorogo!
B<<Dragon pants,armor+rate+luck - dorogo!
B<<Skale Armor+reit+ref+luck
na DK
S>>Dragon panti+9+rate
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Dragon helm+ref
S>>GD pants+luck+hp
S>>GD armor+ref
S>>Day Breaker+9+luck+lvl/20
S>>Scale gloves+rate
S>>Lether helm+luck+rate
S>>AA sword+9+luck+mana
S>>Anc brass armor
S>>Anc brass gloves
na ELF
S>>Celestial Bow+11+luck+2%+speed+16
S>>Silk boots+9+rate
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+2%+rate
S>>Vine pants+luck+rate (x3)
S>>Guardian armor+rate+mana
S>>Guardian armor+luck+rate+dd
S>>Anc Vine pants
na DL
S>>Ademantin armor+ref
na DW
S>>Bone helm+rate
S>>Anc sfinx gloves
S>>>>Platina staff+9+20+2%+speed
na MG
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Volkano armor+ref+luck+zen
S>>Pendant of wind+rate+lvl/20+life
S>>Anc pendant of Wind
S>>Anc ring of ice
T<>Platina+9+20+2%+speed=Soley Scepter na DL
S>Dark Champion Pants +luck+hp+rate
S>Dark Champion Gloves +rate
S>Dark Champion Armor +dd+rate
S>Dark Champion Helm +rate
S>Dark Champion Gloves +luck+rate
S>GS Gloves +hp+rate
S>GS Gloves +rate
S>GS Boots +luck+rate
S>GS Armor +rate
S>GS Helm +rate
S>GS Pants +luck+dd+rate
S>GS Gloves +mana+rate
S>Volcano Gloves +rate
S>Volcano Armor +luck+mana+ref+rate
S>Onyx Gloves +9+luck+ref+rate
S>Onyx Helm +11+luck+mana+rate
S>Onyx Armor +rate+zen
S>Onyx Armor +luck+mana+rate
S>Dark Master Glooves +luck+rate
S>Dark Master Mask +hp+rate
S>Dark Master Armor +ref+rate
S>Venom Mist Helm +ref+rate
S>Venom Mist Helm +luck+hp+ref
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+rate
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+ref+rate
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+ref+hp
S>Venom Mist Armor +luck+rate
S>Sphinx Boots +luck+rate
S>Sphinx Mask +luck+rate
S>Sphinx Gloves +luck+hp+rate
S>Bone Gloves +luck+rate
S>Bone Helm+rate
S>Bone Bots+luck+rate
S>Anibys Gloves Helm Armor
S>Sunlight Gloves +luck+ref+rate
S>Sunlight Armor +rate+zen
S>Sunlight Armor +luck+rate
S>Dark Steel Boots +mana+rate
S>Dark Steel Boots +luck+mana+rate
S>Dark Steel Mask +luck+ref+rate
S>Explosion Blade +lvl/20+rate
S>Bronze Shield +luck+rate
S>Gordon Plate Gloves +ref+rate
S>Dark Soul Gloves +luck+rate
S>Dark Soul Boots +ref+rate
S>GD Pants +11+luck+mana+rate
S>GD Boots +luck+ref
S>Guardian Gloves +luck+rate+zen
S>Storm Crow Armor
S>Crimson Armor +ref+rate
S>Crimson Pants +luck+rate+zen
S>Huricane Armor +rate+zen
S>Pad Armor +luck+dd+rate
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor +11 = dorogo !
B > Storm Crow Gloves +11+rate = dorogo !
S > Explosion Balde +lvl20+8add
S > Sword of Destruction +rate+4add
S > Lighting Sword +11+luck+2%+speed+4add
S > Legendry Gloves +11+16add+luck+rate+hp
S > Legendry Gloves +11+luck+rate+ref+4add
S > Legendry Gloves +11+luck+rate
S > Legendry Helm +rate+ref+8add
S > Legendry Armor +rate+12add
S > Scale Gloves +rate+ref+8add
S > Sunlight Armor +11+luck+rate+mana
S > Bone Armor +rate+12add
S > Bone Boots +luck+rate+zen+4add
S > Vine Gloves +luck+rate+hp
S > Dark Soul Armor +rate+12add
S > Guardian Boots +9+luck+rate+zen
S > Huricane Armor +rate+4add
S > Anc Spirit Armor
S > Anc Storm Pants
S > Anc Spinx Shield
B>>Hyon +11
B>>DB s norm opt ili BB
B>>Ringi norm opt
B>>Dragon armor i pants norm opt
Все перечисленно кулю дорого
MERCURY nada dragon pants+9+rate i DB+9+luck+lvl/20?
B<<anc vine boots
B<<vine armor+rate
B<<guardian helm i pants+rate
S>>sphinx set+11+luck+rate(armor i boots+9+luck+rate)
S>>anc bone set+9
S>>tower shield+9+luck+rate
S>>AA sword+13+luck+2%
S>>wings for MG+9+luck
na DK
S>>Dragon panti+9+rate
S>>Dragon pants+rate+luck+dd
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Dragon helm+ref
S>>GD pants+luck+hp
S>>GD armor+ref
S>>Day Breaker+9+luck+lvl/20
S>>Scale gloves+rate
S>>Lether helm+luck+rate
S>>AA sword+9+luck+mana
S>>Anc brass armor
S>>Anc brass gloves
na ELF
S>>Celestial Bow+11+luck+2%+speed+16
S>>Silk boots+9+rate
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+2%+rate
S>>Vine pants+luck+rate (x3)
S>>Guardian armor+rate+mana
S>>Guardian armor+luck+rate+dd
S>>Anc Vine pants
na DL
S>>Ademantin armor+ref
S>>Dark Master armor+ref
na DW
S>>Bone helm+rate
S>>Anc sfinx gloves
na MG
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Volkano armor+ref+luck+zen
S>>Anc pendant of Wind
S>>Anc ring of ice
B<<ANC Scale wmot(vce krome pendanta)vozmojen obmen na wmot iz spiska
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor +11 = dorogo !
B > Storm Crow Gloves +11+rate = dorogo !
S > Explosion Balde +lvl20+8add
S > AA Bow +lvl20+2%+4add
S > Sword of Destruction +rate
S > Lighting Sword +11+luck+2%+speed+4add
S > Legendry Gloves +11+16add+luck+rate+hp
S > Legendry Gloves +11+luck+rate+ref+4add
S > Legendry Gloves +11+luck+rate+4add
S > Legendry Helm +rate+ref+8add
S > Legendry Armor +rate+4add
S > Scale Gloves +rate+ref+8add
S > Bone Armor +ref+hp+4add
S > Bone Armor +rate+16add
S > Dark Soul Armor +rate+4add
S > Huricane Armor +rate+4add
S > Ring of Ice+rate+hp rec (2)
S > Pendant of Ability +lvl20+2%+mana+ag rec
S > Anc Spirit Armor
S > Anc Storm Pants (2)
S > Anc Spinx Shield
S > Anc Plate Gloves
S > Anc Brass Gloves
S > Anc Guardian Gloves
S > Anc Legendry Armor +9+4add
06.03.2011, 10:35
na DW
legendari staff luck rate mana
legendari staff rate
legendari staff luck 2% (x2)
pad panti luck rate
kris 2%
bone armor luck rate mana
pad armor luck rate
pad boti rate mana
sphinx glovers luck rate
ans sphinx glovers (x3)
ans sphinx helm
ans sphinx armor
ans skull shied (x2)
ans bone bots (x2)
ans pad panti
ans pad glovers
ans bone armor (X2)
ans pad glovers
ans pad helm luck
ans pad helm (x3)
ans pad armor
ans pad panti (x2)
na DK
double blade rate
dark breaker lucl 2% lvl20v
tower shied rate mana
sworld of destruction luck 2%
leather boti rate
brass armor rate
dark king glovers luck ref hp
blac dragon armor rate
sclare armor luck rate mana
brass panti luck rate dd
ans morrnig sworld (x2)
ans sclare helm
ans sclare panti (x2)
ans sclare armor
ans leather armor (x3)
ans leather glovers
ans leather helm (x3)
ans brass panti
ans brass bots (x4)
ans brass panti (x4)
ans brass glovers (X2)
ans bronze armor (x7)
ans plate bots
ans leather bots (x2)
ans plate armor (x2)
ans plate glovers (x4)
ans brass armor luck (x2)
ans bronze bots (x6)
arrov viper bow luck lvl20
sylpid wind bow 2%
celestial bow luck rate 2%
arrov viper bow +9 rate speed
saint crossbow rate speed
saint crossbow rate
saint crossbow rate lvl20
celestial bow rate speed
arrov viper bow luck rate 2%
aquagold crossbow luck rate
red spirit panti rate
sylpid ray armor rate mana
gurdian armor rate mana
red spirit panti luck rate zen
vine panti rate
silk helm luck rate zen
ans silk armor (x3)
ans silk helm
ans vine panti
ans vine glovers (x4)
ans vine helm
ans silk glovers (x4)
ans gurdian armor (x2)
ans gurduan bots (x6)
ans gurdian glovers (x2)
ans wind helm
ans wind boti
na DL
great lord scepter rate mana
dark chempion glovers +11 luck rate dd
dark chempion glovers luck rate
dark chempion panti rate
great scepter luck lvl20 2%
great scepter luck lvl20
great scepter luck rate
lord scepter rate 2%
sunlight armor rate mana
scepter of aegis luck rate
na MG
thunder blade luck 2%
volcna glovers rate
huricane bots luck rate zen
huricane armor luck rate hp
huricane bots luck rate hp
ans ctorm crow bots
pendant of ability 2%
ans pendant of fire
anubis ring (x3)
ans ring of magic (x3)
ans ring of eart (x3)
ans ring of wind
ans ring of poison
ans pendant of ability (x4)
ans pendant of water
ans pendant of lighting
ans penannt of ice (x3)
ans pendant of wind (x3)
B<DK panti rate ili (random)
Venom panti i boti luck rate
GVS luck rate 2%
na DK
S>>Dragon panti+9+rate
S>>Dragon pants+9+rate+luck+dd
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>GD pants+luck+hp
S>>GD pants+luck+rate+zen
S>>GD armor+ref
S>>Day Breaker+9+luck+lvl/20
S>>Scale gloves+rate
S>>Scale pants+rate+luck
S>>Scale gloves+rate+ref+luck+zen
S>>Lether helm+luck+rate
S>>Lether pants+rate+mana+dd
S>>AA sword+9+luck+mana
S>>Anc brass armor
S>>Anc brass gloves
S>>Anc Bronze armor
S>>Anc Plate armor
S>>Anc Morning Star(x2)
na ELF
S>>Celestial Bow+11+luck+2%+speed+16
S>>Silk boots+9+rate
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+2%+rate
S>>Vine pants+luck+rate (x3)
S>>Guardian armor+rate+mana
S>>Guardian armor+luck+rate+dd
S>>Red Spirit helm+luck+zen
S>>Anc Spirit gloves
S>>Anc Vine pants
na DL
S>>Ademantin armor+ref
S>>Dark Master armor+ref
na DW
S>>Bone helm+rate
S>>Bone armore+rate+luck+mana
S>>Bone boots+rate
S>>Anc sfinx gloves
S>>Anc legendari helm i armor
na MG
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Volkano armor+ref+luck+zen
S>>Anc pendant of Wind
S>>Anc ring of ice
B<<Vine wmot+rate+luck
B<<ANC Scale wmot(vce krome pendanta)vozmojen obmen na wmot iz spiska
08.03.2011, 14:19
S<DP boots+11+l+ref
na DK
S>>DK gloves+rate
S>>DK armor+rate+ref
S>>Dragon panti+9+rate
S>>Dragon pants+9+rate+luck+dd
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>GD pants+luck+hp
S>>GD pants+luck+rate+zen
S>>GD armor+ref
S>>Day Breaker+9+luck+lvl/20
S>>Scale gloves+rate
S>>Scale pants+rate+luck
S>>Scale gloves+rate+ref+luck+zen
S>>Lether helm+luck+rate
S>>Lether pants+rate+mana+dd
S>>AA sword+9+luck+mana
S>>Anc brass armor
S>>Anc brass gloves
S>>Anc Bronze armor
S>>Anc Plate armor
S>>Anc Morning Star(x2)
na ELF
S>>Celestial Bow+11+luck+2%+speed+16
S>>Silk boots+9+rate
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+2%+rate
S>>Vine pants+luck+rate (x3)
S>>Guardian armor+rate+mana
S>>Guardian armor+luck+rate+dd
S>>Red Spirit helm+luck+zen
S>>Anc Spirit gloves
S>>Anc Vine pants
na DL
S>>Ademantin armor+ref
S>>Dark Master armor+ref
na DW
S>>Bone helm+rate
S>>Bone armore+rate+luck+mana
S>>Bone boots+rate
S>>Anc sfinx gloves
S>>Anc legendari helm i armor
na MG
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Volkano armor+ref+luck+zen
S>>Anc pendant of Wind
S>>Anc ring of ice
B<<Vine wmot+rate+luck
B<<ANC Scale wmot(vce krome pendanta)vozmojen obmen na wmot iz spiska
B > Anc Storm Crow Armor +11 = dorogo !
B > Storm Crow Gloves +11+rate = dorogo !
S > Explosion Balde +lvl20+8add
S > AA Bow +lvl20+2%+4add
S > Sword of Destruction +rate
S > Lighting Sword +11+luck+2%+speed+4add
S > Legendry Gloves +11+16add+luck+rate+hp
S > Legendry Gloves +11+luck+rate+ref+4add
S > Legendry Gloves +11+luck+rate+4add
S > Legendry Helm +rate+ref+8add
S > Legendry Armor +rate+4add
S > Scale Gloves +rate+ref+8add
S > Bone Armor +ref+hp+4add
S > Bone Armor +rate+16add
S > Dark Soul Armor +rate+4add
S > Huricane Armor +rate+4add
S > Ring of Poison +rate+hp rec 1%
S > Ring of Poison +rate+hp rec 2%
S > Ring of Poison +rate+hp+hp rec 2%
S > Ring of Ice +rate+zen+hp rec 1%
S > Pendant of Ability +lvl20+2%+mana+ag rec
S > Serpend Shield +rate+dd+5add
S > Anc Spirit Armor
S > Anc Storm Pants (2)
S > Anc Spinx Shield
S > Anc Plate Gloves
S > Anc Brass Gloves
S > Anc Guardian Gloves
S > Anc Legendry Armor +9+4add
S > 2kkk = 20 jokav !
Продам шмот за реал:
Platina staff +11+4opt
Bone set +11+4opt
Explozhin blade +11+4opt
либо обмен на фулл шмот на ДК
S<DP boots+11+l+ref
Напиши когда будеш в игре,куплю.
B<<DP armor/pants/helm/gloves+11+ref ili +11+rate (mowno+9:))
na DK
S>>DK gloves+rate
S>>DP gloves+rate+ref
S>>Dragon panti+9+rate
S>>Dragon pants+9+rate+luck+dd
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>GD pants+luck+hp
S>>GD pants+luck+rate+zen
S>>GD armor+ref
S>>Scale pants+rate+luck
S>>Scale gloves+rate+ref+luck+zen
S>>Lether helm+luck+rate
S>>Lether pants+rate+mana+dd
S>>AA sword+9+luck+mana
S>>Anc brass armor
S>>Anc brass gloves
S>>Anc Bronze armor
S>>Anc Plate armor
S>>Anc Morning Star
na ELF
S>>Celestial Bow+11+luck+2%+speed+16
S>>Silk boots+9+rate
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+2%+rate
S>>Vine pants+luck+rate (x3)
S>>Guardian armor+rate+mana
S>>Guardian armor+luck+rate+dd
S>>Red Spirit helm+luck+zen
S>>Anc Spirit gloves
S>>Anc Vine pants
na DW
S>>Bone helm+rate
S>>Bone armore+rate+luck+mana
S>>Bone boots+rate
S>>Anc sfinx gloves
S>>Anc legendari helm i armor
na MG
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Volkano armor+ref+luck+zen
S>>Anc pendant of Wind
S>>Anc ring of ice
B<<Legendari pants+rate
B<<Evis(anc bone)pants
Продам шмот за реал:
Platina staff +11+4opt
Bone set +11+4opt
Explozhin blade +11+4opt
либо обмен на фулл шмот на ДК
B > Storm Crow Gloves +11+rate = dorogo !
S > AA Bow +lvl20+2%+4add
S > Legendry Gloves +11+luck+rate+hp+4add
S > Legendry Helm +9+rate+ref+8add
S > Legendry Armor +rate+4add
S > Bone Armor +9+rate+28add
S > Wind Boots +9+rate+ref+dd+28add
S > Dark Soul Armor +rate+4add
S > Serpend Shield +9+rate+dd
S > Anc Storm Pants
S > Anc Huon Boots +9
S > Anc Legendry Armor +9
12.03.2011, 20:21
na DW
legendari staff luck rate mana
legendari staff rate
legendari staff luck 2% (x2)
pad panti luck rate
kris 2%
bone armor luck rate mana
pad panti luck rate zen
pad panti luck rate
pad armor luck rate
pad boti rate mana
sphinx glovers luck rate
ans sphinx glovers (x3)
ans sphinx helm
ans sphinx armor
ans skull shied (x2)
ans bone bots (x2)
ans pad panti
ans pad glovers
ans bone armor (X2)
ans pad glovers
ans pad helm luck
ans pad helm (x3)
ans pad armor
ans pad panti (x2)
na DK
double blade rate
dark breaker lucl 2% lvl20v
tower shied rate mana
sworld of destruction luck 2%
leather boti rate
brass armor rate
dark king glovers luck ref hp
houn helm
blac dragon armor rate
sclare armor luck rate mana
brass panti luck rate dd
ans morrnig sworld (x2)
ans sclare helm
ans sclare panti (x2)
ans sclare armor
ans leather armor (x3)
ans leather glovers
ans leather helm (x3)
ans brass panti
ans brass bots (x4)
ans brass panti (x4)
ans brass glovers (X2)
ans bronze armor (x7)
ans plate bots
ans leather bots (x2)
ans plate armor (x2)
ans plate glovers (x4)
ans brass armor luck (x2)
ans bronze bots (x6)
arrov viper bow luck lvl20
sylpid wind bow 2%
celestial bow luck rate 2%
arrov viper bow +9 rate speed
saint crossbow rate speed
saint crossbow rate
saint crossbow rate lvl20
celestial bow rate speed
arrov viper bow luck rate 2%
aquagold crossbow luck rate
red spirit panti rate
sylpid ray armor rate mana
gurdian armor rate mana
red spirit panti luck rate zen
vine panti rate
silk helm luck rate zen
silk armor luck rate ref
ans silk armor (x3)
ans silk helm
ans vine panti (x2)
ans vine glovers (x4)
ans vine helm (x2)
ans silk glovers (x4)
ans gurdian armor (x2)
ans gurduan bots (x6)
ans gurdian glovers (x2)
ans wind helm
ans wind boti
na DL
great lord scepter rate mana
dark chempion glovers +11 luck
rate dd
dark chempion glovers luck rate
dark chempion panti rate
great scepter luck lvl20 2%
great scepter luck lvl20
great scepter luck rate
lord scepter rate 2%
sunlight armor rate mana
scepter of aegis luck rate
na MG
thunder blade luck 2%
volcna glovers rate
huricane bots luck rate zen
huricane armor luck rate hp
huricane bots luck rate hp
ans ctorm crow bots
pendant of ability 2%
ans pendant of fire
anubis ring (x3)
ans ring of magic (x3)
ans ring of eart (x3)
ans ring of wind
ans ring of poison
ans pendant of ability (x4)
ans pendant of water
ans pendant of lighting
ans penannt of ice (x3)
ans pendant of wind (x3)
B<Venom panti i boti luck rate
GVS luck rate 2%
B<<DP/GD armor/pants/helm/gloves+11+ref ili +11+rate (mowno+9).
S>>Hyon helm+9
S>>Gorgon Plate helm+rate+Luck+mana
S>>Divine gloves+rate+luck+opt
S>>Divine helm+rate+mana+opt
S>>Thunder hawk boots+rate+ref+opt
S>>Black dragon armor+9+rate+opt
S>>Black dragon boots+9+luck+ref+opt
S>>Vine set+rate+random
S>>Laether set
15.03.2011, 17:54
na DW
legendari staff luck rate mana
legendari staff rate
legendari staff luck 2% (x2)
pad panti luck rate
kris 2%
bone armor luck rate mana
pad panti luck rate zen
pad panti luck rate
pad armor luck rate
pad boti rate mana
sphinx glovers luck rate
ans sphinx glovers (x3)
ans sphinx helm
ans sphinx armor
ans skull shied (x2)
ans bone bots (x2)
ans pad panti
ans pad glovers
ans bone armor (X2)
ans pad glovers
ans pad helm luck
ans pad helm (x3)
ans pad armor
ans pad panti (x2)
na DK
double blade rate
dark breaker lucl 2% lvl20v
tower shied rate mana
sworld of destruction luck 2%
leather boti rate
brass armor rate
dark king glovers luck ref hp
houn helm
blac dragon armor rate
sclare armor luck rate mana
brass panti luck rate dd
ans morrnig sworld (x2)
ans sclare helm
ans sclare panti (x2)
ans sclare armor
ans leather armor (x3)
ans leather glovers
ans leather helm (x3)
ans brass panti
ans brass bots (x4)
ans brass panti (x4)
ans brass glovers (X2)
ans bronze armor (x7)
ans plate bots
ans leather bots (x2)
ans plate armor (x2)
ans plate glovers (x4)
ans brass armor luck (x2)
ans bronze bots (x6)
arrov viper bow luck lvl20
sylpid wind bow 2%
celestial bow luck rate 2%
arrov viper bow +9 rate speed
saint crossbow rate speed
saint crossbow rate
saint crossbow rate lvl20
celestial bow rate speed
arrov viper bow luck rate 2%
aquagold crossbow luck rate
red spirit panti rate
sylpid ray armor rate mana
gurdian armor rate mana
red spirit panti luck rate zen
vine panti rate
silk helm luck rate zen
silk armor luck rate ref
ans silk armor (x3)
ans silk helm
ans vine panti (x2)
ans vine glovers (x4)
ans vine helm (x2)
ans silk glovers (x4)
ans gurdian armor (x2)
ans gurduan bots (x6)
ans gurdian glovers (x2)
ans wind helm
ans wind boti
na DL
great lord scepter rate mana
dark chempion glovers +11 luck rate dd
dark chempion glovers luck rate
dark chempion panti rate
great scepter luck lvl20 2%
great scepter luck lvl20
great scepter luck rate
lord scepter rate 2%
sunlight armor rate mana
scepter of aegis luck rate
na MG
thunder blade luck 2%
volcna glovers rate
huricane bots luck rate zen
ans ctorm crow bots
pendant of ability 2%
ans pendant of fire
anubis ring (x3)
ans ring of magic (x3)
ans ring of eart (x3)
ans ring of wind
ans ring of poison
ans pendant of ability (x4)
ans pendant of water
ans pendant of lighting
ans penannt of ice (x3)
ans pendant of wind (x3)
Продам шмот за реал:
Platina staff +11+4opt
Bone set +11+4opt
Explozhin blade +11+4opt
либо обмен на фулл шмот на ДК
16.03.2011, 16:20
S> anybis items (est+luck)
S> ans spirit items (est +luck)
S> hyon helm/sword
S> lezer set+9+rate+random
S> anc sfinks boot panti shild+9
S> GD armor +11+ref+hp +luck
Продаю джоки за реал инвентарь 64 джока = 10.000 тысяч.
Писать в личку или стучаться в асю:491845880.
17.03.2011, 10:01
S>Spirit gloves+luck(anc)
S>Storm Crow set(anc)
S>Anybis Armor x2
po 4em Storm Crow?
S>>Dragon pants+9+rate
S>>Dragon pants+9+rate+luck+dd
S>>Hyon Sword+9
S>>Anubis ring
S>>Anubis helm+9(x2)
S>>Anubis armor+9
Продам шмот за реал:
Platina staff +11+4opt
Bone set +11+4opt
Explozhin blade +11+4opt
либо обмен на фулл шмот на ДК
S>>Dragon pants+9+rate
S>>Dragon pants+9+rate+luck+dd
S>>Hyon Sword+9
S>>DP gloves+rate+ref
S>>Scale gloves+rate+ref+luck+mana
S>>Scale pants+rate+luck
S>>DK gloves+rate
S>>Bone armor+luck+rate+mana
S>>Bone helm+rate
S>>Pad gloves+rate+luck
S>>Anubis ring
S>>Anubis helm+9(x2)
S>>Anubis armor+9
S>>Anc spirit set+9
T<>GVS+9+lvl/20+28+joki(ili wmot)=GVS+norm opt(rassmotru lubie yslovi9
17.03.2011, 21:33
S>Spirit gloves+luck(anc)
S>Storm Crow set(anc)
S>Anybis Armor x2
Продам шмот за реал:
Platina staff +11+4opt
Bone set +11+4opt
Explozhin blade +11+4opt
либо обмен на фулл шмот на ДК
B > Storm Crow Gloves +11+rate = dorogo !
S > AA Bow +lvl20+2%+4add
S > Legendry Gloves +11+luck+rate+hp+4add
S > Legendry Helm +9+rate+ref+8add
S > Legendry Armor +rate+4add
S > Bone Armor +9+rate+28add
S > Wind Boots +9+rate+ref+dd+28add
S > Dark Soul Armor +rate+4add
S > Serpend Shield +9+rate+dd
S > Anc Storm Pants
S > Anc Legendry Armor +9
S>>Hyon helm+9
S>>Gorgon Plate helm+rate+Luck+mana
S>>Divine gloves+rate+luck+opt
S>>Divine helm+rate+mana+opt
S>>DP gloves+11+luck+ref+opt
S>>Black dragon boots+9+luck+ref+opt
S>>Vine set+rate+random
S>>Laether set
18.03.2011, 13:14
na DW
legendari staff luck rate mana
legendari staff rate
legendari staff luck 2% (x2)
pad panti luck rate
kris 2%
bone armor luck rate mana
pad panti luck rate zen
pad panti luck rate
pad armor luck rate
pad boti rate mana
sphinx glovers luck rate
ans sphinx glovers (x3)
ans sphinx helm
ans sphinx armor
ans skull shied (x2)
ans bone bots (x2)
ans pad panti
ans pad glovers
ans bone armor (X2)
ans pad glovers
ans pad helm luck
ans pad helm (x3)
ans pad armor
ans pad panti (x2)
na DK
double blade rate
dark breaker lucl 2% lvl20v
tower shied rate mana
sworld of destruction luck 2%
leather boti rate
brass armor rate
dark king glovers luck ref hp
houn helm
blac dragon armor rate
sclare armor luck rate mana
brass panti luck rate dd
ans morrnig sworld (x2)
ans sclare helm
ans sclare panti (x2)
ans sclare armor
ans leather armor (x3)
ans leather glovers
ans leather helm (x3)
ans brass panti
ans brass bots (x4)
ans brass panti (x4)
ans brass glovers (X2)
ans bronze armor (x7)
ans plate bots
ans leather bots (x2)
ans plate armor (x2)
ans plate glovers (x4)
ans brass armor luck (x2)
ans bronze bots (x6)
arrov viper bow luck lvl20
sylpid wind bow 2%
celestial bow luck rate 2%
arrov viper bow +9 rate speed
saint crossbow rate speed
saint crossbow rate
saint crossbow rate lvl20
celestial bow rate speed
arrov viper bow luck rate 2%
aquagold crossbow luck rate
red spirit panti rate
sylpid ray armor rate mana
gurdian armor rate mana
red spirit panti luck rate zen
vine panti rate
silk helm luck rate zen
silk armor luck rate ref
ans silk armor (x3)
ans silk helm
ans vine panti (x2)
ans vine glovers (x4)
ans vine helm (x2)
ans silk glovers (x4)
ans gurdian armor (x2)
ans gurduan bots (x6)
ans gurdian glovers (x2)
ans wind helm
ans wind boti
na DL
great lord scepter rate mana
dark chempion glovers +11 luck rate dd
dark chempion glovers luck rate
dark chempion panti rate
great scepter luck lvl20 2%
great scepter luck lvl20
great scepter luck rate
lord scepter rate 2%
sunlight armor rate mana
scepter of aegis luck rate
na MG
thunder blade luck 2%
volcna glovers rate
huricane bots luck rate zen
ans ctorm crow bots
pendant of ability 2%
ans pendant of fire
anubis ring (x3)
ans ring of magic (x3)
ans ring of eart (x3)
ans ring of wind
ans ring of poison
ans pendant of ability (x4)
ans pendant of water
ans pendant of lighting
ans penannt of ice (x3)
ans pendant of wind (x3)
B<Venom panti i boti luck rate
GVS luck rate 2%
18.03.2011, 20:40
B>>guardian helm armor L rate
B>>dragon pants+L+rate
B>>xyon boots
B<<HURICANE GLOVES (lubya opca)
21.03.2011, 22:19
B>>guardian armor L rate
B>>dragon pants+L+rate
B>>xyon boots
B<<Venom mist armor,helm,pants+rate
B<<Hurican gloves+rate
S>>AA staff+11+rate
S>>Hyon sword+9
S>>Anc Spirit set+9
S>>Wingi na elfa+ignor
S>>Anubis armor i helm+9
S>>Anubis ring
B<<DB+2%+opt +0-13...
B<<2 Wingi na DK+0-13...
S>>Gorgon Plate helm+rate+Luck+mana
S>>Divine gloves+13+rate+luck+opt
S>>Divine helm+rate+mana+opt
S>>Thunder hawk boots+rate+ref+opt
S>>Dragon boots+11+luck+rate+opt
S>>Vine set+rate+random
22.03.2011, 21:00
B>DS armor i helm+13
S>>Hyon helm +9
T/S>>Platina +11+4opt
T/S>>Explozhin blade +11+4opt
B>>Hyon boots i sword+11 (dorogo)
B>>Dragon armor i pants+norm opt (dorogo)
B>>DB+norm opt
B<Leather wmot+Luck+reite+ref
B>scale helm+luck+reite ref
B<DP armor+Luck+reite +ref
S>>Scale gloves+rate+ref+luck+zen
S>>Spirit set+9
S>>Bone armor+rate+luck+mana
S>>Guardian gloves+rate+dd
B<<Venom Mist pants+rate(ili+rate+ref)
B<<Hurican gloves+rate(ili+rate+ref)
B<<GVS+13+4 opt(vozmojno za real)minsk
B<<Storm crov gloves + rate
S>>Wmot na mg i dl
S>Anc Anubis Set+11+16add(Gloves+28add)
S>Legendary Shield+11+Luck+Rate+Mana+20add
S>Platina Staff+9+speed+16add
B<Xyon Boots(желательно +11)
B<Set Na DK+rate(ref)
а также возможен обмен на хуон бутс+11 или гуд сет на ДК
писать в лс BuBeJlb
S>Legendary Shield+11+Luck+Rate+Mana+20add
S>Platina Staff+9+speed+16add
B<Great Dragon Pants+ref
B<Xyon Boots(желательно +11)
B<Set Na DK+rate(ref)
а также возможен обмен на хуон бутс+11 или гуд сет на ДК
писать в лс BuBeJlb
S>>Hyon helm +9
T/S>>Platina +11+4opt
T/S>>Explozhin blade +11+4opt
B>>Hyon boots i sword+11 (dorogo)
B>>Dragon armor i pants+norm opt (dorogo)
B>>DB+norm opt
S>Platina Staff+9+speed+16add
S>Anubis Helm+0
S>Xyon Sword+0
S>Storm Pants+0(x2)
B<Dragon Pants+Luck+Random
B<Xyon Boots(желательно +11)
B<Set Na DK+rate(ref)
B<Blessi, Soli=joki
писать в лс BuBeJlb
29.03.2011, 02:10
B>storm crow boots +0-11 mnoqo
B>Anybis gloves +11-0 mnoqo
B>explosion +11-0
B>AA staf +0-11
mnoqo pm nenko li6o dota
S>>Hyon helm +9
T/S>>Platina +11+4opt
T/S>>Explozhin blade +11+4opt
B>>Hyon boots i sword+11 (dorogo)
B>>Dragon armor i pants+norm opt (dorogo)
B>>DB+norm opt
nord napiwi mne kak bydew' online
B<<Venom mist pants(jelatel'no+rate ili+r+r)
B<<Anubis glovi
S>>Anc plate shild(x2)
S>>Anc Scale armor
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>DK gloves+rate
S>>Vin pants+rate+luck(x3)
S>>Guardian helm+rate(x2)
S>>Guardian gloves+rate
S>>Evis pendant(dl9 anc Bone)
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Wind armor+rate
30.03.2011, 08:09
B>>guardin armor L +0(13)+L+rate
B>>dragon pants +0(13)+rate
B>>legendary helm+0(13)+L+rate
B>>vine rate ref shmot
30.03.2011, 12:54
B>Anybis gloves +11-0 mnoqo
B>explosion +11-0
B>AA staf +0-11
pm nenko li6o dota
S>Platina Staff+9+speed+16add
S>Anubis Helm+0
S>Xyon Sword+0
S>Storm Pants+0(x2)
S>Anc Spinx Shield, Helm+9
S>Anc Spirit Armor, Gloves+0
S>Legendary Pants+0+Rate
B<Dragon Pants+Luck+Random
B<Xyon Boots+11
B<Scale Armor, Boots+Luck+Rate
B<Blessi, Soli=joki
писать в лс BuBeJlb
B<<DB+2%+opt +0-13...
B<<2 Wingi na DK+0-13...
B<<GD boots helm+luck+rate
B<<DK helm pants boots+luck+rate ili +luck+random
Всё куплю дорого.
S>>Gorgon Plate helm+rate+Luck+mana
S>>Divine gloves+13+rate+luck+opt
S>>Divine helm+rate+opt
S>>Dragon boots+11+luck+rate+opt
S>>Vine set+rate+random
B<<Venom mist pants
B<<Sfinx niz+11-13
B<<GVS,Platina,Kundun staffi
S>>Anc plate shild(x2)
S>>Anc Scale armor
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Vin pants+rate+luck(x3)
S>>Guardian helm+rate(x2)
S>>Guardian gloves+rate
S>>Evis pendant(dl9 anc Bone)
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Wind armor+rate
B>Set na DL+RATE
B>Dark Champion gloves,boots,armor +rate
Igrok na igre:*Faaq*
31.03.2011, 15:37
B>anybis gloves+9-11
PM:HeHaBucTb ili DotaStar
B>Set na DK(BK) ili DP wmot
03.04.2011, 08:26
B>>guardin armor L +0(13)+L+rate +13 дорого
B>>dragon pants +0(13)+rate +13 дорого
B>>legendary helm+0(13)+L+rate +13 дорого
B>>vine rate ref shmot
B>>spirit pants+L+0(13) anc +13 дорого
03.04.2011, 15:26
B>Dragon armor
S>Scale Gloves+9+rate+ref+16add
S>Anc Scale Pants+9
S>Scale Pants+9+rate+zen+16add
S>Legendar Pants+0+rate+16add
S>Leather Pants+0+rate+hp+dd
S>Anc Spirit Armor+0
S>Anc Spirit Gloves+0
S>Legendary Armor+9+Luck+rate
S>Leather Helm+0+Luck+rate+ref
S>Vine Armor+0+Luck+rate
S>Anc Spinx Shield+9
B<Dragon Pants+Luck(Exe)
B<Scale Boots+Luck+rate
B<Scale Armor+Luck+rate
B<Great Dragon Pants+Ref+HP
B<Great Dragon Armor+Ref+HP
03.04.2011, 20:38
B>Dragon armor
S>anc sphinx panti+11
S>Legendary wield+11+l+rate+rate10%+mana
S>DS boots+13+l+ref+rate+max hp+def
S>DS panti+13+l+rate+def+zen
S>DS glovi+13+l+ref+rate+def
S>VM helm+10+l+def+ref
S>VM armor+11+l+ref+dd+hp
S>VM glovi+9+l+dd
S>VM boots+9+def+ref+zen
B<<Venom mist pants
S>>Anc plate shild(x2)
S>>Anc Scale armor
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Vin pants+rate+luck(x3)
S>>Guardian helm+rate(x2)
S>>Guardian gloves+rate
S>>Guardian armor+rate
S>>Evis pendant(dl9 anc Bone)
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Wind armor+rate
T<>Venom mist set+9+rate(GS pants+9+rate+luck+mana)=norm set na dw+rate
B<<DB+2%+opt +0-13...
B<<2 Wingi na DK+0-13...
B<<GD boots helm+luck+rate
B<<DK helm pants boots+luck+rate ili +luck+random
Всё куплю дорого.
S>>Gorgon Plate helm+rate+Luck+mana
S>>Divine gloves+13+rate+luck+opt
S>>Divine helm+rate+opt
S>>Dragon boots+11+luck+rate+opt
S>>Vine set+rate+random
B>>>DK ili FF Set (tok ne RandoM) !!
T>>Leather set (+4 opcii) !!
S>Scale Gloves+9+rate+ref+16add
S>Anc Scale Pants+9
S>Scale Pants+9+rate+zen+16add
S>Legendar Pants+0+rate+16add
S>Leather Pants+0+rate+hp+dd
S>Anc Spirit Armor+0
S>Anc Spirit Gloves+0
S>Legendary Armor+9+Luck+rate
S>Leather Helm+0+Luck+rate+ref
S>Vine Armor+0+Luck+rate
S>Anc Spinx Shield+9
S>Scale Armor+11+luck+rate+mana+16add
S>Scale Gloves+11+Luck+rate+ref+zen+16add
S>Scale Pants+11+luck+rate
B<Dragon Pants+Luck(Exe)
S>>Anc plate shild(x2)
S>>Anc Scale armor
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Vin pants+rate+luck(x3)
S>>Guardian helm+rate(x2)
S>>Guardian gloves+rate
S>>Guardian armor+rate
S>>Evis pendant(dl9 anc Bone)
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Wind armor+rate
S>>Emerald Gloves+rate
S>>Legendari helm+rate+luck+dd
S>>Pendant of Wind+lvl/20+increas dmg 2%+life
S>>Lezer boots+rate+luck
S>>Anc ring of magic
S>>Anc spirit set+0 i+9
S>>Celestila bow+11+luck+16+speed+2%
S>>Anc Pendant of Wind
S>>Sfinx gloves+rate+mana
S>>Vine gloves+rate+dd
S>>Hyon helm+9
S>>Pad boots+rate+luck
S>>Anc ring of Wind
S>>Anc Vine boots
S>>Anc Vine pants
S>>Vine pants+rate+luck(x3)
S>>Wind gloves+rate+luck
S>>Anc plate armor
S>>Anc lether boots
S>>Anc lether helm
S>>Anc lether pants
S>>Anc ring of ice
S>>Anc bronze pants
S>>anc bronze armor
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Large Round Shield+9+rate+luck+mana
S>>Anc sfinx boots
S>>Sfinx helm+rate+luck
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+rate+2%
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+luck+rate+speed
S>>AA Crossbow+9+luck+mana
S>>Pad gloves+rate+luck
S>>Wind armor+rate+mana
S>>Anc Vine helm
S>>GD armor+ref
S>>Vine gloves+rate+luck+mana
S>>Red Spirit helm+luck+zen
S>>Anubis armor+9
S>>Anubis helm
S>>Anc Wind boots
S>>Anc Wind helm
S>>Emirald armor+9+rate
S>>Anc Brass pants
S>>Anc Brass armor
S>>Anc Pendant of Water
S>>Anc Vine gloves
05.04.2011, 18:46
B>DP armor i helm
S>>Anc plate shild(x2)
S>>Anc Scale armor
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Vin pants+rate+luck(x3)
S>>Guardian helm+rate(x2)
S>>Guardian gloves+rate
S>>Guardian armor+rate
S>>Evis pendant(dl9 anc Bone)
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Wind armor+rate
S>>Emerald Gloves+rate
S>>Legendari helm+rate+luck+dd
S>>Pendant of Wind+lvl/20+increas dmg 2%+life
S>>Lezer boots+rate+luck
S>>Anc ring of magic
S>>Anc spirit set+0 i+9
S>>Celestila bow+11+luck+16+speed+2%
S>>Anc Pendant of Wind
S>>Sfinx gloves+rate+mana
S>>Vine gloves+rate+dd
S>>Hyon helm+9
S>>Pad boots+rate+luck
S>>Anc ring of Wind
S>>Anc Vine boots
S>>Anc Vine pants
S>>Vine pants+rate+luck(x3)
S>>Wind gloves+rate+luck
S>>Anc plate armor
S>>Anc lether boots
S>>Anc lether helm
S>>Anc lether pants
S>>Anc ring of ice
S>>Anc bronze pants
S>>anc bronze armor
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Large Round Shield+9+rate+luck+mana
S>>Anc sfinx boots
S>>Sfinx helm+rate+luck
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+rate+2%
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+luck+rate+speed
S>>AA Crossbow+9+luck+mana
S>>Pad gloves+rate+luck
S>>Wind armor+rate+mana
S>>Anc Vine helm
S>>GD armor+ref
S>>Vine gloves+rate+luck+mana
S>>Red Spirit helm+luck+zen
S>>Anubis armor+9
S>>Anubis helm
S>>Anc Wind boots
S>>Anc Wind helm
S>>Emirald armor+9+rate
S>>Anc Brass pants
S>>Anc Brass armor
S>>Anc Pendant of Water
S>>Anc Vine gloves
S/T>>Venom mist set+9+rate( pants GS+9+rate+luck+mana)
05.04.2011, 20:58
S> anybi set
S> legendary set+9+rate
S/T> VM set +9+rate+ref)panti+9+luck+zen)=set na elfa/joki
B< spirit boot helm
06.04.2011, 18:08
B>DP armor i helm
06.04.2011, 18:49
B>Knight Blade(+luck)+0-11
06.04.2011, 21:06
B>DP armor i helm
S>anc sphinx panti+11
S>Legendary wield+11+l+rate+rate10%+mana
S>DS boots+13+l+ref+rate+max hp+def
S>DS panti+13+l+rate+def+zen
S>DS glovi+13+l+ref+rate+def
S>VM helm+10+l+def+ref
S>VM armor+11+l+ref+dd+hp
S>VM glovi+9+l+dd
S>VM boots+9+def+ref+zen
06.04.2011, 21:37
T>>+13 anc spirit gloves+armor+28 opc=dragon pants L rate 11
06.04.2011, 22:01
B>Knight Blade(+luck)+0-11
B>set na elfa
S>Bone armor + rate +luck + mana
S>greta lord scepter +9 +luck +lvl20 + 2% + add
S>Scale gloves + rate +ref +add
S> Sunlight armor +10 +luck +rate +hp
S>Kris + lvl20 + speed + add
S>ANS Scale set +7
S>Ring of Ice 2% + rate + zen
S>Ring of Magic rate + mana
S>Pendant of ability 10% + 2%
S>Pendant of water 10% + lvl 20 + hp recoveri
S>Pendant of lighting +10% + speed
S>Thunder blade + luck + rate + mana
S>Vine pants + rate +add + zen
S>Legendary helm +9 +rate + add
S>ANS Skull Shield +9 + add20
S>Huricane armor +9 + luck + rate + hp
07.04.2011, 17:25
S>DP gloves+luck+rate
S>DP pant+luck+rate
S>anc spirit set+0
pm:nen ili insaider
B>>DK ili DP SET (Random He Predlogatb)
T>>Leather set +4 opcii !!
08.04.2011, 18:09
B>DP armor i helm
S>anc sphinx panti+11
S>Legendary wield+11+l+rate+rate10%+mana
S>DS boots+13+l+ref+rate+max hp+def
S>DS panti+13+l+rate+def+zen
S>DS glovi+13+l+ref+rate+def
S>VM helm+10+l+def+ref
S>VM armor+11+l+ref+dd+hp
S>VM glovi+9+l+dd
S>VM boots+9+def+ref+zen
B<<Set dl9 DK+rate(rassmotru lubie varianti)
S>>Anc plate shild(x2)
S>>Anc Scale armor
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Vin pants+rate+luck(x3)
S>>Guardian helm+rate(x2)
S>>Guardian gloves+rate
S>>Guardian armor+rate
S>>Evis pendant(dl9 anc Bone)
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Wind armor+rate
S>>Emerald Gloves+rate
S>>Legendari helm+rate+luck+dd
S>>Pendant of Wind+lvl/20+increas dmg 2%+life
S>>Lezer boots+rate+luck
S>>Anc ring of magic
S>>Anc spirit set+0 i+9
S>>Celestila bow+11+luck+16+speed+2%
S>>Anc Pendant of Wind
S>>Sfinx gloves+rate+mana
S>>Vine gloves+rate+dd
S>>Hyon helm+9
S>>Pad boots+rate+luck
S>>Anc ring of Wind
S>>Anc Vine boots
S>>Anc Vine pants
S>>Vine pants+rate+luck(x3)
S>>Wind gloves+rate+luck
S>>Anc plate armor
S>>Anc lether boots
S>>Anc lether helm
S>>Anc lether pants
S>>Anc ring of ice
S>>Anc bronze pants
S>>anc bronze armor
S>>Dragon helm+rate+luck
S>>Large Round Shield+9+rate+luck+mana
S>>Anc sfinx boots
S>>Sfinx helm+rate+luck
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+rate+2%
S>>Great Reign Crossbow+luck+rate+speed
S>>AA Crossbow+9+luck+mana
S>>Pad gloves+rate+luck
S>>Wind armor+rate+mana
S>>Anc Vine helm
S>>GD armor+ref
S>>Vine gloves+rate+luck+mana
S>>Red Spirit helm+luck+zen
S>>Anubis armor+9
S>>Anubis helm
S>>Anc Wind boots
S>>Anc Wind helm
S>>Emirald armor+9+rate
S>>Anc Brass pants
S>>Anc Brass armor
S>>Anc Pendant of Water
S>>Anc Vine gloves
09.04.2011, 17:12
B< Emerald panti!!!!!!!!!
S>DP gloves+luck+rate
S>DP pant+luck+rate
S>anc spirit set+0
pm:nen ili insaider
S>DP gloves+luck+rate
S>DP pant+luck+rate
10.04.2011, 14:43
S>DP gloves+luck+rate
S>DP pant+luck+rate
ок как смогу зайду в игру отпишу тебе
S>DP gloves+luck+rate
S>DP pant+luck+rate
S>anc spirit set+0
pm:nen ili insaider
бб с 2%лайф заберу
ок как смогу зайду в игру отпишу тебе
А когда примерно будеш?Я просто могу афк стоять.
B<<GD boots helm+luck+rate
B<<DK helm pants boots+luck+rate ili +luck+random
B<<DP armor boots helm+random
Всё куплю дорого.
S>>Gorgon Plate helm+rate+Luck+mana
S>>Divine gloves+13+rate+luck+opt
S>>Divine helm+rate+opt
S>>Dragon boots+11+luck+rate+opt
S>>2 wingi na Dk Mg Dw.
S>>Vine set+rate+random
10.04.2011, 18:33
А когда примерно будеш?Я просто могу афк стоять.
в 10 вечера не раньше
в 10 вечера не раньше
Ок,после 10-ти буду ждать.
11.04.2011, 21:03
B>Dragon panti
B>anc leathet panti
B>Red Spirit armor
B>anc spirit armor glovi
B<<Venom mist pants
S>>Bone armor+9+rate+mana
S>>Legendari helm+rate+luck+dd
S>>Legendari gloves+rate
S>>Anc Dragon helm+9
S>>Legendari staff+13+rate+luck
S>>Legendari shild+11+rate+luck+mana+20
S>>Venom mist set+9+rate(bez pants)
S>>GS pants+9+rate+luck+mana
S>>Sfinx gloves+rate
S>>Sfinx helm+luck+rate
S>>Large Round Shield+9+rate+luck+mana
S>>Anc plate shild(x2)
S>>Anc Scale armor
S>>Anc pendant of Water
S>>Anubis helm
S>>GD armor+ref
rassmotru lubie varianti obmena,prodaji,obmena+doplata i t.p.
B<<GD boots helm+luck+rate
B<<DK helm pants boots+luck+rate ili +luck+random
B<<DP armor boots helm+random
Всё куплю дорого.
S>>Gorgon Plate helm+rate+Luck+mana
S>>Divine gloves+13+rate+luck+opt
S>>Divine helm+rate+opt
S>>Dragon boots+11+luck+rate+opt
S>>anc Sphinks shield
S>>DS arm+hp
S>>2 wingi na Dk Mg Dw.
B<<Venom mist pants
S>>Bone armor+9+rate+mana=4Jok
S>>Legendari helm+rate+luck+dd=3Jok
S>>Legendari gloves+rate=3Jok
S>>Anc Dragon helm+9=5Jok
S>>Legendari staff+13+rate+luck=8Jok
S>>Venom mist set+9+rate(bez pants)=20Jok
S>>GS pants+9+rate+luck+mana=5Jok
S>>Sfinx gloves+rate=2Jok
S>>Sfinx helm+luck+rate=2Jok
S>>Large Round Shield+9+rate+luck+mana=5Jok
S>>Anc plate shild(x2)=2Jok
S>>Anc Scale armor=2Jok
S>>Anc pendant of Water=2Jok
S>>GD armor+ref=3Jok
S>>Scull shild+9=4Jok
rassmotru lubie varianti obmena,prodaji,obmena+doplata i t.p.
14.04.2011, 16:54
B>Dragon panti
S>DS boots+13+l+ref+rate+max hp+def
S>DS panti+13+l+rate+def+zen
S>DS glovi+13+l+ref+rate+def
B>>>Legendary Pants i boots +RATE!
S>>Blesi.Souli i life o4en mnogo v pm
B<<plate ili bronze shield + ref + rate
20.04.2011, 10:49
S/T>Emerald set +9+rate+random=set na DK
S/T> GD set+9+ref+hp=set na DK
S>anybis helm armor
B< hyon set/items+9
B< dragon armor panti+9+random
20.04.2011, 17:12
S>anubis gloves+11
S>VM panti+11 full
21.04.2011, 21:24
S>VM panti+11 full
почем панты?
Куплю сет на дв и дк с реитом+опт.писать сюда или в асю 279556371
23.04.2011, 15:34
S>anubis glovi+11
S>VM panti+11 full
S>DS boots+13+l+ref+rate+max hp+def
S>DS panti+13+l+rate+def+zen
S>DS glovi+13+l+ref+rate+def
куплю доки. писать здесь или в асю 279556371
25.04.2011, 08:40
S>anubis glovi+11
S>DS boots+13+l+ref+rate+max hp+def
S>DS panti+13+l+rate+def+zen
S>DS glovi+13+l+ref+rate+def
S>Crimson gloves+r+r+def
B<<<<GVS ili Platiny ili Kund
skol`ko jokov nado i po 4em pokypaesh?
26.04.2011, 15:33
skol`ko jokov nado i po 4em pokypaesh?
ооооо разводилу разбанили
dyrik kakoi razvodila???
a ja 4to v bane bil?=)))))))))
если за реал покупаешь скажи количество мб помогу чем, ну и ты мне)
26.04.2011, 20:46
куплю JOCi.
смысл тебе от джок, если даже ни 1 реса нету, а норм шмот никто за джоки непродает...
B<<GD boots helm+luck+rate
B<<DK helm pants boots+luck+rate ili +luck+random
B<<DP armor boots helm+random
Всё куплю дорого.
S>>Gorgon Plate helm+rate+Luck+mana
S>>Divine gloves+13+rate+luck+opt
S>>Divine helm+rate+opt
S>>Dragon boots+11+luck+rate+opt
S>>anc Sphinks shield x2
S>>anc plate boots
S>>anc Guardian armor
S>>anc Spirit armor
S>>Hyon gloves+11
27.04.2011, 06:48
B< Dragon armor/panti
T> Emerald set+9+rate+random=set na DK
S> hyon/anybis items
B<<<<GVS ili Platiny ili Kund
B<<<<GVS ili Platiny ili Kund
S>>Venom Mist set+9+rate(bez pants)-dewevo!!!!!
S>>Scale boots+9+rate+ref+luck
S>>Scale boots+9+rate+mana
S>>Scale boots+rate+ref
S>>Large Round Shild+11+rate+luck+mana
S>>GS pants+9+rate+luck+mana
S>>Ring +rate+dd+hp
28.04.2011, 15:58
S>anubis glovi+11
S>DS boots+13+l+ref+rate+max hp+def
S>DS panti+13+l+rate+def+zen
S>DS glovi+13+l+ref+rate+def
B<<<<GVS ili Platiny ili Kund
B<<Anubis armor+11(ili T<>Anubis armor+9+joki=anubis armor+11)
B<<Legendari niz+0-+13
S>>Venom Mist set+9+rate(bez pants)-dewevo!!!!!
S>>Scale boots+9+rate+ref+luck
S>>Scale boots+9+rate+mana
S>>Scale boots+rate+ref
S>>Large Round Shild+11+rate+luck+mana
S>>GS pants+9+rate+luck+mana
S>>Ring +rate+dd+hp
напиши мне в пм Mercury ,120=жок
Куплю Joci!!! писать в асю 279556371 или сообщением
01.05.2011, 14:07
S> pad set+9+rate+luck+radnom
S>Legendary shild+9+rate
S> anc sfinks panti boot shild vse +9
S> anybis helm
S> hyon helm/boot
S>Emerald set+9+rate+random
01.05.2011, 14:42
B>DS(Dark Soul)+13 armor i helm
B<<Bronze,plate,tover shield+13+rate+ref(ili +11+luck+rate+ref)+random
02.05.2011, 13:54
B>DS(Dark Soul)+13 armor i helm
B>anc sphinx boots+0-11
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