Просмотр полной версии : Покупка и продажа вещей! (флуд карается блокировкой форумного аккаунта)
27.01.2012, 20:57
B>Anubis helm,legendary panti
28.01.2012, 17:27
B<dark champion gloves i helm + rate(luck)
T<>Wingi na DK+9+ignor+luck+28
Scale set+11+rate+luck
vozmojna doplata jokami ili wmotom na DW
na set dl9 DK(na BK ne predlogat)+11-13+R+R
29.01.2012, 00:55
B>>Hyon Boots от +0 до +13
B>>Pad Pants +rate+LUCK
B>>Bone Helm, Pants, Gloves, Armor +rate+LUCK
B>>Wingi na DW +Luck или +13
B>>shield na Elfa +rate
B>>anubys and Sfinks низ
T>S>>Hyon Helm
T>S>>Hyon Gloves
T>S>>Hyon Sword
T>S>>Dragon Armor+11+28+4opc
T>S>>Dragon Pants+11+28+4opc
T>S>>Dark Breaker+11+28+4opc
T>S>>Day Breaker+mana+rate
pm: KapRiZZ*, KucA, HeHaBucTb.
B>chaos lightning staff +L+random
B>dark master pant +0+random(dorogo)
B>GS items +0+random (+shield)
B>dp items +0+ref(ref hp)
S>dk's wings +0+L+ignor/+7+ignor/+10
S>elf's wings +0+ignor
B>rings 4 opt(3 opt)
pm Wilgeforce
30.01.2012, 19:40
B>>Hyon Boots от +0 до +13
B>>Pad Pants +rate+LUCK
B>>Bone Helm, Pants, Gloves, Armor +rate+LUCK
B>>Wingi na DW +Luck или +13
B>>anubys and Sfinks низ
T>S>>Hyon Helm
T>S>>Hyon Gloves
T>S>>Hyon Sword
T>S>>Dragon Armor+11+28+4opc
T>S>>Dragon Pants+11+28+4opc
T>S>>Dark Breaker+11+28+4opc
T>S>>Day Breaker+mana+rate
pm: KapRiZZ*, KucA, HeHaBucTb.
S>Excellent Staff of Kundun +luck +rate za joki doraga vel 80447134480
31.01.2012, 01:14
B<gloves Darck champion+rate dorogo
T>>Day Braker+13+28+luck+2%+lvl/20+exc dmg+speed + 64 joka = Day Braker+13+28+luck+2%+lvl/20+exc dmg+LIFE !!!
31.01.2012, 23:29
B>>Hyon Boots от +0 до +13
B>>Pad Pants +rate+LUCK
B>>Bone Helm, Pants, Armor +rate+LUCK
B>>Wingi na DW +Luck или +13
B>>anubys and Sfinks низ
T>S>>Hyon Helm
T>S>>Hyon Gloves
T>S>>Hyon Sword
T>S>>Dragon Armor+11+28+4opc
T>S>>Dragon Pants+11+28+4opc
T>S>>Dark Breaker+11+28+4opc
T>S>>Day Breaker+mana+rate
pm: KapRiZZ*, KucA, HeHaBucTb.
01.02.2012, 01:15
махну 13 эксплоужен лайф 28адд на солей скептер 11 +хорошие опции либо на 13 любые опции
01.02.2012, 09:16
S>Excellent Staff of Kundun +11 +28 +luck +rate +mana/8
S>Divine Staff of Arhangel +11 +rate
S>Excellent Staff of Kundun +luck +rate
S>Anc Katana Plate Set +9
S>Anc Hyon Dradon Helm i Gloves+7
S>Anc Hyon Lighting Sword +9
S>Anc Gaion Storm Crow Set +9
S>Anc Argo Spirit Set +7
S>Anc Gywen Guardian Set +7
S>Wings of Soul +ignore
S>Wings of Soul +13 +luck
S>2 Wingi na Elf +luck
S>Anubis Set (helm, armor, gloves i ring)
S>Excellent Legendary Pants +9 +rate +16add
S>Excellent Grand Soul Shield +11 +35 +luck +rate
S>Excellent Sphinx Helm +luck +rate
S>Excellent Great Dragon Pants +rate +mana
S>Excellent Huricane Pants +rate
S>Excellent Dragon Gloves +rate +HP
S>Excellent Dragon Boots +luck +rate +decrease
S>Excellent Secpent Shield +rate +15add rate
S>Excellent Brass Armor +luck +rate
S>Anc Gaion Storm Crow Boots
S>Divine Crossbow of Arhangel +9 +luck +rate +lvl/20
S>Anc Odin Wind Boots
S>Anc Odin Wind Gloves
S>Anc Eplete Scale Helm
S>Anc Eplete Scale Pants
S>Anc Eplete Scale Shield +9
S>Excellent Sylpid Ray Helm +rate
S>Anc Gywen Guardian Armor
S>Anc Gywen Guardian Boots
S>Anc Gywen Silver Box
S>Anc Kanata Plate Armot
S>Anc Katana Plate Gloves
S>Excellent Venom Mist Helm +9 +rate +decrease
S>Excellent Venom Mist Boots +9 +rate +mana
S>Venom Mist Pants +9 (ne excellent - dl9 seta)
S>Gaion Anc Storm Crow Pants +luck
S>Excellent Dark Steel Gloves +rate +mana
S>Anc Garuda Brass Gloves
S>Excellent Brass Gloves +rate
S>Excellent Black Dragon Armor +rate +HP
S>Excellent Red Spirit Helm +luck +rate
S>Excellent Scale Pants +rate
S>Anc Argo Spirit Gloves
S>Anc Garuda Pendant of Fire
S>Anc Eplete Pendant of Lighting +HP rec 2%
S>Anc Gywen Pendant of Ability
S>Anc Gaion Pendant of Water
S>Anc Anubis Ring of Fire
S>Anc Katana Ring of Poison
S>Excellent Pendant of Fire +rate
S>Excellent Pendant of Lighting +rate +HP rec 1%
S>Excellent Pendant of Fire +HP rec 1% +lvl/20 +2% +speed
S>Excellent Ring of Ice +rate
S>Excellent Rong of Wind +HP rec 1% +mana +decrease
B<Grand Soul i Venom Mist wmot +3-4 opc
B<Legendary Boots +full
01.02.2012, 14:24
Junior Member
Регистрация: 08.01.2012
Сообщений: 6
Ник в игре:
какой ник в иге?? Явно не spit, я бы много чего купил бы у тебя..
T>>>>Platina FULL
T>>>>Sylpid BOW FULL
T>>>>GS set FULL
01.02.2012, 14:51
какой ник в иге?? Явно не spit, я бы много чего купил бы у тебя..
это кузя епт))
01.02.2012, 15:08
T<> Full AA = +13 gvs ili platina ili drugie predlojenya
ili 13 explosion na palku SM 11+
B<<Exl Dragon set ili wmot+luboi opt(+0-+13)
01.02.2012, 15:23
B>Anubis helm,Legendary panti
B<<Dragon set ili wmot+luboi opt
B<<Plate set+luboi opt
ili obmen na:
Scale set+11+rate+luck
DK wingi+9+luck+28+ignor
01.02.2012, 21:11
S>Excellent Staff of Kundun +11 +28 +luck +rate +mana/8
S>Divine Staff of Arhangel +11 +rate
S>Excellent Staff of Kundun +luck +rate
S>Anc Katana Plate Set +9
S>Anc Hyon Dradon Helm i Gloves+7
S>Anc Hyon Lighting Sword +9
S>Anc Gaion Storm Crow Set +9
S>Anc Argo Spirit Set +7
S>Anc Gywen Guardian Set +7
S>Wings of Soul +ignore
S>2 Wingi na Elf +luck
S>2 Wingi na DK +luck
S>Excellent Legendary Pants +9 +rate +16add
S>Excellent Grand Soul Shield +11 +35 +luck +rate
S>Excellent Sphinx Helm +luck +rate
S>Excellent Great Dragon Pants +rate +mana
S>Excellent Huricane Pants +rate
S>Excellent Dragon Gloves +rate +HP
S>Excellent Dragon Boots +luck +rate +decrease
S>Excellent Secpent Shield +rate +15add rate
S>Excellent Brass Armor +luck +rate
S>Anc Gaion Storm Crow Boots
S>Divine Crossbow of Arhangel +9 +luck +rate +lvl/20
S>Anc Odin Wind Boots
S>Anc Odin Wind Gloves
S>Anc Eplete Scale Helm
S>Anc Eplete Scale Pants
S>Anc Eplete Scale Shield +9
S>Excellent Sylpid Ray Helm +rate
S>Anc Gywen Guardian Armor
S>Anc Gywen Guardian Boots
S>Anc Gywen Silver Box
S>Anc Kanata Plate Armot
S>Anc Katana Plate Gloves
S>Excellent Venom Mist Helm +9 +rate +decrease
S>Excellent Venom Mist Boots +9 +rate +mana
S>Venom Mist Pants +9 (ne excellent - dl9 seta)
S>Gaion Anc Storm Crow Pants +luck
S>Excellent Dark Steel Gloves +rate +mana
S>Anc Garuda Brass Gloves
S>Excellent Brass Gloves +rate
S>Excellent Black Dragon Armor +rate +HP
S>Excellent Red Spirit Helm +luck +rate
S>Excellent Scale Pants +rate
S>Anc Argo Spirit Gloves
S>Anc Garuda Pendant of Fire
S>Anc Eplete Pendant of Lighting +HP rec 2%
S>Anc Gywen Pendant of Ability
S>Anc Gaion Pendant of Water
S>Anc Anubis Ring of Fire
S>Anc Katana Ring of Poison
S>Excellent Pendant of Fire +rate
S>Excellent Pendant of Lighting +rate +HP rec 1%
S>Excellent Pendant of Fire +HP rec 1% +lvl/20 +2% +speed
S>Excellent Ring of Ice +rate
S>Excellent Rong of Wind +HP rec 1% +mana +decrease
B<Grand Soul i Venom Mist wmot +3-4 opc
B<Legendary Boots +full
03.02.2012, 01:15
T<>DS set+9+rate+random
T<>legendary set +9+rate(pants i bots+luck+rate+dd+9)
T<>sfnks set +luck+11+rate+random
T<>full AA staf 4 opc
T<>full ring
vse menyau na kundun ili platina ili GVS predlojeni9 v igre ili v pm
T > Full Legendry Shield = Full AA Staff
T > Full Scale Set = Full Crimson set
T > Explosion Blade +11+28+rate+lvl20
T > Legendry Shield +11+luck+rate+ref+35add
03.02.2012, 16:27
B<anc sfinks boti i pants +luck+9 ili +11
B<wingi na SM+ignore
у кого есть желание приобрести неплохой шмот за реал - пишите в личку что или на кого нужно.
B>DS GS items +0+random
B>chaos lighting staff +L+random
B>wings of soul +ignor
B> призывы и бафы на эльфа1!!!!!! очень нужны!!!(много)!!
05.02.2012, 14:01
B<anubis armor +9-+13
B<ans sfinks boti +9-+13
B<onyx boti +rate ili +random
S > Scale set FULL + Dragon Shield FULL = 10$ (Minsk)
B>DS GS items +0+random
B>chaos lighting staff +L+random
B>wings of soul +ignor
B>Rune blade+0+random
B> призывы и бафы на эльфа1!!!!!! очень нужны!!!(много)!!
S > Scale set FULL + Dragon Shield FULL = 10$ (Minsk)
06.02.2012, 14:49
B<1wigni na elfa+0
2 wigni+0
2 wingi+ignore
pm April
S > Scale set FULL + Dragon Shield FULL = 80.000 бел.руб
S > Anc Storm Crow set +11+28add (FULL storm crow gloves) + FULL Legendry Shield = 80.000 бел.руб
S > 300 JOKov = 50.000 бел.руб.
07.02.2012, 09:30
S>JoCr za Real MNOGO
S>255 Sign Real MNOGO
S>Excellent Staff of Kundun +11 +28 +luck +rate +mana/8
S>Divine Staff of Arhangel +11 +rate
S>Excellent Staff of Kundun +luck +rate
S>Anc Katana Plate Set +9
S>Anc Hyon Dradon Helm i Gloves+7
S>Anc Hyon Lighting Sword +9
S>Anc Gaion Storm Crow Set +9
S>Anc Argo Spirit Set +7
S>Anc Gywen Guardian Set +7
S>Wings of Soul +ignore
S>2 Wingi na Elf +luck
S>2 Wingi na DK +luck
S>Excellent Legendary Pants +9 +rate +16add
S>Excellent Grand Soul Shield +11 +35 +luck +rate
S>Excellent Sphinx Helm +luck +rate
S>Excellent Great Dragon Pants +rate +mana
S>Excellent Huricane Pants +rate
S>Excellent Dragon Gloves +rate +HP
S>Excellent Dragon Boots +luck +rate +decrease
S>Excellent Secpent Shield +rate +15add rate
S>Excellent Brass Armor +luck +rate
S>Anc Gaion Storm Crow Boots
S>Divine Crossbow of Arhangel +9 +luck +rate +lvl/20
S>Anc Odin Wind Boots
S>Anc Odin Wind Gloves
S>Anc Eplete Scale Helm
S>Anc Eplete Scale Pants
S>Anc Eplete Scale Shield +9
S>Excellent Sylpid Ray Helm +rate
S>Anc Gywen Guardian Armor
S>Anc Gywen Guardian Boots
S>Anc Gywen Silver Box
S>Anc Kanata Plate Armot
S>Anc Katana Plate Gloves
S>Excellent Venom Mist Helm +9 +rate +decrease
S>Excellent Venom Mist Boots +9 +rate +mana
S>Venom Mist Pants +9 (ne excellent - dl9 seta)
S>Gaion Anc Storm Crow Pants +luck
S>Excellent Dark Steel Gloves +rate +mana
S>Anc Garuda Brass Gloves
S>Excellent Brass Gloves +rate
S>Excellent Black Dragon Armor +rate +HP
S>Excellent Red Spirit Helm +luck +rate
S>Excellent Scale Pants +rate
S>Anc Argo Spirit Gloves
S>Anc Garuda Pendant of Fire
S>Anc Eplete Pendant of Lighting +HP rec 2%
S>Anc Gywen Pendant of Ability
S>Anc Gaion Pendant of Water
S>Anc Anubis Ring of Fire
S>Anc Katana Ring of Poison
S>Excellent Pendant of Fire +rate
S>Excellent Pendant of Lighting +rate +HP rec 1%
S>Excellent Pendant of Fire +HP rec 1% +lvl/20 +2% +speed
S>Excellent Ring of Ice +rate
S>Excellent Rong of Wind +HP rec 1% +mana +decrease
B<Grand Soul i Venom Mist wmot +3-4 opc
B<Legendary Boots +full
08.02.2012, 14:41
B<wingi na SM+ignore
B<anc sfinks bots i pants+11
B<legendary shield+rate
T<>explosion blade+13+28add+life
T<>storm crow gloves+11+luck+rate+28add
T<>spirit set anc+11+full spirit helm i boti=anubiis+11+legendary niz 11 3-4opt
10.02.2012, 10:01
S>Joci S>Signi na real MNOGO NEDOROGO
S>Anubis +Hera (Sphinx) Set +11 +28
S>Full Legendary Pants
S>Full Grand Soul Shield
S>Full Venom Mist Pants
S>Full Viper Staff
S>Full AA Staff
S>Full Lighting Pendant
S>Full Ring
S> 4ara DW 6K EP
na nem Grand Soul Set +11 +rate Venom Mist Set +11 +rate (pants bez rate)
Wingi +13 +28 i Wingi +0 +ignore
Excellent Staff of Kundun +11 +28 +luck +rate +mana/8
AA staff +11 +rate
Buckler Shield +11 +16 +luck +rate
2 ringa +4opc
Pendant +3opc
B<<Ex Plate set ili wmot+luboi opt
B<<Dragon wmot+ref ili+rate ili+R+R
B<<Brass wmot+rate ili+ref ili+r+r
B<<AA Sword+0-13
13.02.2012, 20:17
B<<Ex Plate set ili wmot+luboi opt
B<<Dragon wmot+ref ili+rate ili+R+R
B<<Brass wmot+rate ili+ref ili+r+r
B<<AA Sword+0-13
est brass helm luck hp i brass [ants+rate
AA+luck+2%, zaidi i vozmi v sunduke^
13.02.2012, 20:31
T<>spirit set+11anc+full helm+11 i full boti+11
T<>explosion blade+13+life+28add
T<>storm crow gloves+11+luck+rate+28add
T<>full AA staf+11
T<>full ring +9+4opc
maxau vse na norm shmot na dw
T<>spirit set+11anc+full helm+11 i full boti+11
T<>explosion blade+13+life+28add
T<>storm crow gloves+11+luck+rate+28add
T<>full AA staf+11
T<>full ring +9+4opc
maxau vse na norm shmot na dw
или на Ex Plate set
B<<Ex Plate set ili helm i pants+luboi opt
B<<Ademantin set ili wmot
B<<Dragon wmot+ref+luck
B<<DP wmot+luck
B<<GD wmot+L+ref ili+L+rate ili+L+R+R
B<<Brass set ili wmot+rate ili+ref ili+r+r
B<<AA sword+11-13
B<<Sword of Destruction+11-13(x2)
B<<Bone set ili wmot+luck+rate ili+L+R+R
vozmojen obmen,rassmotru lubie varianti krome pakupki za real.
15.02.2012, 08:16
S>Joci S>Signi na real MNOGO NEDOROGO
S>Anubis +Hera (Sphinx) Set +11 +28
S>Full Legendary Pants
S>Full Grand Soul Shield
S>Full Venom Mist Pants
S>Full Viper Staff
S>Full AA Staff
S>Full Lighting Pendant
S>Full Ring
B/T> Hurricane Gloves +L+rate+random
Есть, что предложить взамен.
B/T<<Set na DL+rate ili+r+r ili full
B/T<<Dark Steel wmot+rate ili+r+r
vozmojen obmen na DK ili DW wmot
18.02.2012, 00:14
S>storm gloves+rate+11+luck+28add=jocu
S>explosion 13 life 28add=jocu
S>>>>Full albatros
S>>>>Full Sylpid Bow
S>>>>Platina FUll
S>>>>SIlk set luck hp decr rate
S>>>>Divine set ves rate ref
S>>>>Full Bucler s4it
S > 300 Jokov = WMZ/WMR (deshevo)
S > Full Scale Set = WMZ/WMR (deshevo)
S > Anc Storm Crow set +11+28 (gloves FULL) = WMZ/WMR (deshevo)
19.02.2012, 20:30
S>Joci S>Signi na real MNOGO NEDOROGO
S>Anubis +Hera (Sphinx) Set +11 +28
S>Full Legendary Pants
S>Full Grand Soul Shield
S>Full Venom Mist Pants
S>Full Viper Staff
S>Full AA Staff
S>Full Lighting Pendant
S>Full Ring
S> 4ara DW 6K EP
na nem Grand Soul Set +11 +rate Venom Mist Set +11 +rate (pants bez rate)
Wingi +13 +28 i Wingi +0 +ignore
Excellent Staff of Kundun +11 +28 +luck +rate +mana/8
AA staff +11 +rate
Buckler Shield +11 +16 +luck +rate
2 ringa +4opc
Pendant +3opc
19.02.2012, 23:41
почем анубис+сфинкс
20.02.2012, 23:50
B<plate shield 0-13+rate(luck ili ref)
S > JOKu = WMZ/WMR (deshevo)
S > Full Scale Set = WMZ/WMR (deshevo)
S > Full Lighting Pendant = WMZ/WMR (deshevo)
S > Anc Storm Crow set +11+28 (gloves FULL) = WMZ/WMR (deshevo)
S> Sunlight armor+HP+dd
S> Sunlight helm+mana
S> Brass shmot+rate
S> Dark Breaker +L+rate
B/T> Hurricane gloves+L+rate
23.02.2012, 20:10
B<<Plate shield+Rate (ref ili luck)
S > JOKu = WMZ/WMR (deshevo)
S > Full Scale Set = WMZ/WMR (deshevo)
S > Full Lighting Pendant = WMZ/WMR (deshevo)
S > Anc Storm Crow set +11+28 (gloves FULL) = WMZ/WMR (deshevo)
26.02.2012, 19:29
B<anc storm set +9-11 za jocu
27.02.2012, 09:23
B<anc storm set +9-11 za jocu
B<wingi +ignore na MG
S > JOKu = WMZ/WMR (deshevo)
S > Full Scale Set = WMZ/WMR (deshevo)
S > Full Lighting Pendant = WMZ/WMR (deshevo)
S > Anc Storm Crow set +11+28 (gloves FULL) = WMZ/WMR (deshevo)
28.02.2012, 13:17
S>Джоки за реал осталось 4 фулл акка НЕДОРОГО
S>Фулл аккк джолов по дешевке
S>Зены 8KK опять таки по норм цене отдам
S>Сигн 1 пачка только осталась - разбираем
S>Anubis +Hera (Sphinx) Set +11 +28
S>Full Legendary Pants
S>Full Grand Soul Shield
S>Full Venom Mist Pants
S>Full Viper Staff
S>Full AA Staff
S>Full Lighting Pendant
S>Full Ring
28.02.2012, 20:04
B<storm crow pants anc+0-11
29.02.2012, 17:11
T<>Black dragonset +11-13 rate random
T<>Dark champion set +11-13+rate+random(boots full)
T<>sfinks niz anc+11(shild+35add)
T<>legendary niz+9+rate+dd+luck
T<>Day braker+2%+9
T<>Bone blade+9+rate+28add
T<>soley scepter+9+life+29add
maxau na anc storm crow shmot ili set 11-13 ili full gloves
01.03.2012, 11:19
куплю фулл дарк сол сет реал
01.03.2012, 11:25
B>>> Great Dragon Boots + rate
B>>> Dragon Shield + rate ili Bronze Shield +11+Rate
za JOCr
V igre SeaRover
02.03.2012, 19:11
B<anc storm crow shmot+luck ili 9-11
B>chaos lighting staff+L+random(dorogo)
03.03.2012, 14:37
S>Джоки за реал осталось 4 фулл акка НЕДОРОГО
S>Фулл аккк джолов по дешевке
S>Сигн 1 пачка только осталась - разбираем
S>Anubis +Hera (Sphinx) Set +11 +28
S>Full Legendary Pants
S>Full Grand Soul Shield
S>Full Venom Mist Pants
S>Full Viper Staff
S>Full AA Staff
S>Full Lighting Pendant
S>Full Ring
S > JOKu = $ (deshevo)
S > Full Lighting Pendant = $ (deshevo)
S > Full Scale Set = $ (deshevo)
S > Full Legendry Set = $ (deshevo)
S > Bone Set +11+28+luck+rate+hp = $ (deshevo)
05.03.2012, 22:59
T<>ACC FO_ox = 2full ring+full AA+full shield na MG
05.03.2012, 23:04
T<>lezer set+11+3opt + 2 destruction sword+11+random=full ring
06.03.2012, 17:40
B>FULL Dark Soul set =10$
06.03.2012, 23:39
T<>full platina=full AA staf v pm: Energizer
S > JOKu = $ (deshevo)
S > Full Lighting Pendant = $ (deshevo)
S > Full Scale Set = $ (deshevo)
S > Full Legendry Set = $ (deshevo)
S > Bone Set +11+28+luck+rate+hp = $ (deshevo)
08.03.2012, 10:33
B>>> Great Dragon Boots + rate
B>>> Dragon Shield + rate ili Bronze Shield +11+Rate
za JOCr
V igre SeaRover
09.03.2012, 09:04
S>Джоки за реал осталось 4 фулл акка НЕДОРОГО
S>Фулл аккк джолов по дешевке
S>Сигн 1 пачка только осталась - разбираем
S>Anubis +Hera (Sphinx) Set +11 +28
S>Full Legendary Pants
S>Full Grand Soul Shield
S>Full Venom Mist Pants
S>Full Viper Staff
S>Full AA Staff
S>Full Lighting Pendant
S>Full Ring
11.03.2012, 12:09
B/T<pendant of lighting+9 1-4 opt
S > JOKu = $ (deshevo)
S > Full Lighting Pendant = $ (deshevo)
S > Full Scale Set = $ (deshevo)
S > Full Legendry Set = $ (deshevo)
S > Bone Set +11+28+luck+rate+hp = $ (deshevo)
12.03.2012, 09:17
B<platina ili kund ili gvs (vse 9-13) ili B<DS staf 13
S > 300 JOKov = 5$ (deshevo)
S > Full Lighting Pendant = 5$
S > Full Scale Set = 7$
S > Full Legendry Set = 8$
S > Bone Set +11+28+luck+rate+hp = 3$
16.03.2012, 18:38
S>Джоки за реал осталось 4 фулл акка НЕДОРОГО
S>Фулл аккк джолов по дешевке
S>Сигн 1 пачка только осталась - разбираем
S>Anubis +Hera (Sphinx) Set +11 +28
S>Full Legendary Pants
S>Full Grand Soul Shield
S>Full Venom Mist Pants
S>Full Viper Staff
S>Full AA Staff
S>Full Lighting Pendant
S>Full Ring
20.03.2012, 14:49
B<anubis armor i gloves 0-11
T<>anubis helm+9
23.03.2012, 15:58
КУплю фулл веном сет
S> SoD+L+rate+lvl/20
S> AA Sword+L+mana
S> Legendary armor+7+rate+mana
S> Legendary Helm+rate+ref
S> Legendary gloves+ref+HP
S> Pendants разные 2 опции - по 2-3 JoC
S > 300 JOKov = 5$ (deshevo)
S > Full Lighting Pendant = 5$
S > Full Scale Set = 7$
S > Full Legendry Set = 8$
S > Bone Set +11+28+luck+rate+hp = 3$
26.03.2012, 16:05
B<lighting sword+mana
B<explosion blade+luck+mana
T<>storm crow gloves+11+luck+rate+28add
S>anc storm boots+9
S>serpent shield+9+rate
S>bronze shield+9+rate
S > Full Lighting Pendant = 5$
S > Full Scale Set = 7$
S > Full Legendry Set = 8$
S > Bone Set +11+28+luck+rate+hp = 3$
28.03.2012, 15:37
T<>legendaru niz +11+28+rate+hp+dd=dragon ili legendary shield +11 3-4 opt
B<anc storm crow shmot 0-13 ili luck mnogo!
S > Day Breker +9+rate+2%+add
S > Explosion Blade +11+rate+lvl20+28add
S > Gorgon Plate set +9+rate (boots +9+ref)
S > Sunlight Boots +9+rate+ref
S > Venom Mist Boots +9+rate
S>>DK set+11+4opt=100k bel rub
S>>DB+11+4opt=70k bel rub
S>>BB+11+4opt=70k bel rub
S>>ring+9+4opt=40k bel rub
S>>ring+9+4opt=40k bel rub
S>>Pendant of Lighting+9+4opt=40k bel rub
Vozmojen torg!!!
30.03.2012, 23:52
B> Full venom mis set real
S>>>Platina staf+11+full=440 JoC
02.04.2012, 14:42
B<anc storm crow 0-13,armorok 6 wtuk,pants 8 wtuk.botov 7 wtuk
S > Full Scale set = 10$
S > Full Legendry set = 10$
S > Full Lighting Pendant = 5$
S > 400 Jokov = 10$
06.04.2012, 09:28
куплю фулл веном сет
Куплю фулл ринг оф айс +9 или+13
08.04.2012, 14:04
B<anc storm crow boots i pants 0-13 ili luck
S > Full Scale Set = wmz/wmr
S > Full Legendry Set = wmz/wmr
S > 400 jokov = wmz/wmr
pm DuKu_KoHb
12.04.2012, 17:02
S> anybis set+11
legendary niz +11
legendary shild+11 rate dd vrode
staff kundun +13+luck+life
B< dragon armor exe +luck
B< hyon items
T>>Full Venom Mist set = pend light +9 +4 opt, leg shield +4 opt
B<<Legendari niz+11-13+rate ili+r+r
B<<Anc Sfinx niz+11-13
13.04.2012, 14:03
B<explosion blade 11-13+mana ili 0-13+luck+mana
B<anc storm crow boots i pants 9-13
T<>skull shield+11+35+4opt
S > Full Scale Set = 10 wmz
S > Full Legendry Set = 10 wmz
S > 400 jokov = 10 wmz
pm DuKu_KoHb
14.04.2012, 15:22
S>Dragon helm+9+l+rate+ref+max mana+def+zen
15.04.2012, 15:38
T<>hyon set 9,dragon armor i pants+9+ref
T<>anubis set 9-11
T<>wingi na DW+9+ignore+16
B<explosion blade 0-13+mana
B<storm crow boots 0-13
B<lighting sword exe+mana
15.04.2012, 21:19
S>venom shmot
venom helm +9+rate
Venom armor +11 +rate
Venom glores+9+random
Venom boots+9 +rate
S>Anc sfinks boots
S> Anc sphinx armor
S> Anc bronze boots
S> Divine pants+rate
S> Hurricane pants+rate
S> Thunder Hawk gloves+rate+dd
S> Buckler+rate
S> Guardian Helm+L+rate
S> Pendants разные (все + 2 opt) - по 2 JOC
S> Krisы разные
17.04.2012, 10:04
B<explosion blade
B<storm boots 11-13
B<hurricane gloves+rate
B/T<full set na MG
S/T hyon set 9+dragon armor i pants+9+ref
anubis set 9-11
wingi na DW+ignore+9
T<>full shmot na DW
19.04.2012, 14:45
S>Venom mist set +rate
19.04.2012, 15:45
B<explosion blade+11-13 ili +luck 0-13
B<wingi na MG+ignore
S>legendayr pants+rate, pants+dd
S>anubis set 9-11
S>hyon set+9(bez gloves)
S>dragon armor+ref i dragon pants+ref
S?dark soul gloves 2 pari+rate
19.04.2012, 19:18
24.04.2012, 09:56
S>Джоки за реал осталось 4 фулл акка НЕДОРОГО
S>Фулл аккк джолов по дешевке
S>Сигн 1 пачка только осталась - разбираем
S>Anubis +Hera (Sphinx) Set +11 +28
S>Full Legendary Pants
S>Full Grand Soul Shield
S>Full Venom Mist Pants
S>Full Viper Staff
S>Full AA Staff
S>Full Lighting Pendant
S>Full Ring
26.04.2012, 23:38
T<>full legendary set+11
full lighting pendant+9
full platina
anubis+11+sfinks niz+11
singov 255
28.04.2012, 09:14
Продаю за реал ВСЕ ДЕШЕВО
S>Джоки 4 фулл акка
S>Anubis +Hera (Sphinx) Set +11 +28
S>Full Legendary Pants
S>Full Grand Soul Shield
S>Full Venom Mist Pants
S>Full Viper Staff
S>Full AA Staff
S>Full Lighting Pendant
S>Full Ring
p.s. за куплей/продажей будет следить ГМ
Подгоните кто twisting slash=)
S>>>>albatros 11 FULL
S>>>>Sylpid Bow 11 FULL
S>>>>Blade of Knight 2 wtyki 11 FULL
S>>>>GS s4it 13 FULL
S>>>>Bronze set +11 FULL
S>>>>Vine set +11 FULL
S>>>>GS set +11 FULL
B<<<Legendary niz +11 full
B<<<Anybis +11
B<<<kolca Full
02.05.2012, 20:09
B<explosion blade+мана
B<wingi na MG+ignore
S>anubis helm+11
S.anubis armor+9
S>wingi na DW+9+ignore+7% i +28add
S>hyon set 0-9
S.dragon armor+9+ref i dragon pants+9+ref
02.05.2012, 20:35
Продаю за реал ВСЕ ДЕШЕВО
S>Джоки 4 фулл акка = 10 тыс. за акк
S>Anubis +Hera (Sphinx) Set +11 +28 = 10 тыс
S>Full Legendary Pants = 15 тыс
S>Full Grand Soul Shield = 25 тыс
S>Full Venom Mist Pants = 15 тыс
S>Full Viper Staff = 50 тыс
S>Full AA Staff = 30 тыс
S>Full Lighting Pendant = 25 тыс
S>Ring of Fire +9 +4opc = 10 тыс
Если все оптом за 100 тыс отдам + чар ДВ 7300 ЕП
05.05.2012, 15:17
B<explosion blade +mana 0-13 ili maxnu na shmot
S>hyon set+armorka i pants
09.05.2012, 11:19
продам фулл шмот на дк и дв, фул пенды и ринги
09.05.2012, 20:08
Продаю за реал ВСЕ ДЕШЕВО
S>Джоки 4 фулл акка = 10 тыс. за акк
S>Anubis +Hera (Sphinx) Set +11 +28 = 10 тыс
S>Full Legendary Pants = 15 тыс
S>Full Grand Soul Shield = 25 тыс
S>Full Venom Mist Pants = 15 тыс
S>Full Viper Staff = 50 тыс
S>Full AA Staff = продан
S>Full Lighting Pendant = 25 тыс
S>Ring of Fire +9 +4opc = 10 тыс
Если все оптом за 100 тыс отдам + чар ДВ 7300 ЕП
09.05.2012, 23:14
B<explosin blade 11-13+mana,mojno za real
S > Full Scale + Full Legendry set + anc spinx set +11 + Bone set +11+28+luck+rate+hp = 15$
S > 400 Jokov = 63.000
S > Anc Storm Crow set +13 + ful gloves storma +13
13.05.2012, 11:07
S/T<>legendary set+11+28+4opt
S/T<>pendant of lighting+9+4opt
S > Full Scale + Full Legendry set + anc spinx set +11 + Bone set +11+28+luck+rate+hp = 15$
S > 400 Jokov = 63.000
S > Anc Storm Crow set +13 + ful gloves storma +13
20.05.2012, 10:34
S>legendary set+11+4opt+28 = real
S>wingi na dw+ignore+9+28add
S>anc sfinks shield+11+35add
S>serpent shield+luck+rate i +9+rate
S>sword of destruction+2%
S>lighting sword+9+rate+lvl/20+mana
S>anc storm crow armor i boots+9
20.05.2012, 11:23
Продаю за реал ВСЕ ДЕШЕВО
S>Джоки 4 фулл акка = 10 тыс. за акк
S>Anubis +Hera (Sphinx) Set +11 +28 = 10 тыс
S>Full Legendary Pants = 15 тыс
S>Full Grand Soul Shield = 25 тыс
S>Full Venom Mist Pants = 15 тыс
S>Full Viper Staff = 50 тыс
S>Full AA Staff = продан
S>Full Lighting Pendant = 25 тыс
S>Ring of Fire +9 +4opc = 10 тыс
Если все оптом за 100 тыс отдам + чар ДВ 7300 ЕП
20.05.2012, 11:33
T<>ring of ice+9+3opt + 255 sing= ring+9+4 opt
22.05.2012, 14:52
S>legendary set+11+28+4opt
S>legendary staf+13+28+rate+2%+lvl/20
T<>ring+9+3opt+255sing of lord= ring+9+4opt
S>sword of destruction+9+2%
S>serpent shield+9+rate+luck
S>anc skull shield+11+35add
S>wingi na DW+ignore+9+28add
S>anc storm crow armor i bots+9
S > Full Scale set+Full Legendry set+Full Pendant+Bone set+11+28+luck+rate+hp+Anc Spinx set +11 = 20$
T> anubis gloves 9 + kakoi-nibyd` xlam joci xyeki etc = anubis gloves 11
24.05.2012, 07:47
S>legendary set+11+28+4opt
S>legendary staf+13+28+rate+2%+lvl/20
S>ring+9 +rate+hp+dd
S>sword of destruction+9+2%
S>serpent shield+9+rate+luck
S>wingi na DW+ignore+9+28add
S>anc storm crow armor i bots+9
S>dark master armor+luck+rate+ref
S > Full Scale set+Full Legendry set+Full Pendant+Bone set+11+28+luck+rate+hp+Anc Spinx set +11 = 20$
24.05.2012, 14:13
Продаю за реал ВСЕ ДЕШЕВО
S>Джоки 4 фулл акка = 10 тыс. за акк
S>Anubis +Hera (Sphinx) Set +11 +28 = 10 тыс
S>Full Legendary Pants = 15 тыс
S>Full Grand Soul Shield = 25 тыс
S>Full Venom Mist Pants = 15 тыс
S>Full Viper Staff = 50 тыс
S>Full AA Staff = продан
S>Full Lighting Pendant = 25 тыс
S>Ring of Fire +9 +4opc = 10 тыс
27.05.2012, 00:45
S/T<>legendary set +11+28+ 4opt
S/T<>ring of ice +9+3opt
S>wingi na DW+9+ignore+28add
27.05.2012, 17:48
B<<GVS+rate/2%+luck /Platina rate+l
pm Gizmo/~IMMORTAL~
05.06.2012, 13:20
S>platina+13 rate 2% lvl20 life real ili obmen na ful set mg
06.06.2012, 23:59
S>>>Jafa 50$
+375 25 528 14 55 Ilya(Minsk) libo v pm
skype ilya_zhelobkovich
08.06.2012, 14:54
S>legendary staf+13+28+rate+2%+lvl/20
S>day braker+11+28+rate+2%+lvl/20
ili obmen na full AA staf ili MG set
08.06.2012, 17:34
77k ep all full+11:eek::eek:
08.06.2012, 18:40
gde ti kudaew obi9vy,ti videw 4to tyt shmot prodaut
10.06.2012, 10:28
S>legendary staf+13+28+rate+2%+lvl/20
S>day braker+11+28+rate+2%+lvl/20
ili obmen na full AA staf ili MG setup........
14.06.2012, 00:23
B<bone pants bots i armor+rate+ref
20.06.2012, 23:28
B<solay scepter lubie opt v pm: Aspire
T<>full legendary set
T<>acc DW 27k ep na acc ili shmot
B>> много жоков!!! Pm, Icq
21.06.2012, 21:03
B< AA staf +rate + mana
T<>legendary set na full set mg ili full AA staf(s manoi)+doplata
25.06.2012, 11:20
B<solay scepter v pm Aspire
28.06.2012, 22:58
B>>>Grand Soul Paints i Gloves
28.06.2012, 23:08
S> legendary set +11+4opt+28add
S>sunlight set+11+4opt+28add
S>pendant of lighting+9+4opt
vse za real
29.06.2012, 22:56
S> legendary set +11+4opt+28add
по чем в $???
01.07.2012, 14:15
B>BK wings +Ignore За реал
01.07.2012, 23:35
B/T<hurricane gloves
T<>lighting pendant+9+4opt(s lafiom) na laiting+9+4opt( s manoi)+mogu doplatit
T<>DPset+9+rate(2+ref i 3+dd)
S> legendary set +11+4opt+28add
S>bone set+11+4opt+28add
S>sunlight set+11+4opt+28add
S>pendant of lighting+9+4opt
vse za real
ili maxnu shmot na set na MG full ili +rate+ref
06.07.2012, 00:37
za real:
S>legendary set+11+4opt+28%
S>bone set+11+4opt+28%
S>sunlight set+11+4opt+28%
S>legendary shield+11+4opt+35
S>ring of ice+9+4opt - 2wtuki
S>ring of ice+9+3opt
S>AA staf+11+4opt+28add
S>explosion blade+13+4opt+28
S>lighting pendant+9+4opt - 2wtuki
S>anc storm crow set+11 + storm crow gloves+11+4opt+28%
S>volcano set+11+rate+luck+28%
S>djoki i raznii xorowii shmot ne full
14.08.2012, 22:31
продам за реал дешево:
explosion blade+13+4opt+28
scale set+11+4opt+28
sunlight set+11+4opt+28
anc storm set+11 + storm gloves+11+4opt+28
legendary shield+11+4opt+35
serpent shield+11+4opt+35
ring of ice x2 +9+4opt
ring of ice+9+3opt
pendant of lighting+9+4opt
i raznii good shmot ne full
много жоков
15.08.2012, 03:49
b<<первые винги на эльфа
b<<archangel crossbow +random options
25.08.2012, 10:10
T<>full sepent shild i laiting pendant+9 i ring+9+3opt na AA ili Lighting sword+4opt
ili kuplu za jocu
добрый день!
Меня интересует топ шмот (в заточке) и топ оружие на Эльфа.
Куплю за реальные деньги.
Предложения писать в приват.
Также интересует услуга прокачки персонажа до ресета с оплатой ресета (опять же расчет за реальные деньги).
Спасибо, жду сообщений.
могу прокачать твоего Эльфа за реал
добрый день!
Меня интересует топ шмот (в заточке) и топ оружие на Эльфа.
Куплю за реальные деньги.
Предложения писать в приват.
Также интересует услуга прокачки персонажа до ресета с оплатой ресета (опять же расчет за реальные деньги).
Спасибо, жду сообщений.
Пиши в игре -Gramzy- в аську или ПМ на счёт прокачки за реал. В цене сойдемся.
28.08.2012, 11:01
S/T<>ring of ice+9+3opt
S/T<>pendantof lighting+9+4opt
B<Hurricane pants+rate+ref
Pomenay Hyon Boots +11 = Huon Gloves +11 i Huon Sword +11
куплю вторые крылЬЯ НА МАГА С ИГНОРОМ +11;12;13.
22.09.2012, 23:18
B<storm crow gloves
B<hurricane gloves
B<anc plate(kantata) set ili shmot 0-11
T > Huon Boots +11 = Huon Gloves +11
B/T > Huon Sword +11
срочно,дорого !
27.09.2012, 16:26
B<anc storm crow armor i boots mnogo 0-13
Куплю стаф пох какой лиш бы подошёл мг+лайф+мана
DtathCry а лучше в вк вот id20386206
T> Huon Boots +11 = Huon Sword +11
03.10.2012, 16:35
B<ancient storm crow armor i boots mnogo
B<wingi na MG+luck+ignore ili 11 ignore
B<<Hyon set i wmot(mnogo)
B<<B i S mnogo
T<>Legendari gloves+13+rate+luck+hp
B<<Signi 1=3 jok
B<<Dragon pants i armor+rate
07.10.2012, 21:40
T<>W1nd 20k ep mg so shmotom ili bez na shmot na elfa full ili lubie predlojeni9 drugie
07.10.2012, 23:19
помогите случайно вкачал 33к аги)
07.10.2012, 23:23
ник ZVER_ , кстати ещё и str перекидал)
Куплю крылья на МАГА + игнор.
08.10.2012, 22:03
Прода за реал:
Explosion blade+13+luck+rate+2%+lvl/20+life+28add
Legendary shield+11+luck+rate+ref+hp+dd+35add
или махну на альбатрос 4 опт
куплю винги на эльфа с игнором
B<<B i S(mnogo)
B<<Dragon armor+rate
T<>Legendari gloves+13+rate+luck+hp
B<<AA ili Distruction swod+9-+13(Mnogo i dorogo)
B<<B i S(mnogo)
B<<Dragon armor+rate
T<>Legendari gloves+13+rate+luck+hp
B<<AA ili Distruction swod+9-+13(Mnogo i dorogo)
B<<Wingi na Elfa+ignor
B<<Dark Soul wmot+rate
B<<Staff na DW+norm opt
B<<Anubis wmot
B<<Anc Sfinx niz
B<<Legendari niz+rate
B<<Legendari wmot+rate
B<<Wingi na DW+ignor
B<<Sword na DK+13
куплю крылья на мага с игнором
Grand Soul gloves+Rate+DD
Dark Soul armor+Rate+Ref
Anc Skull Shield x2
Anc Storm Crow Armor
Anc Storm Pendant
Spinx Helm +Luck+Rate+DD
Legendary Helm+Luck+Rate
Legendary Gloves+Rate
Set na DK+Rate
Pad Helm+Rate+DD
Wingi na Blade Knight 2-e
v pm maker
15.10.2012, 20:02
kyply wings na elf+ignore i albatross full kuplu ili pomen9u
17.10.2012, 23:47
T>>acc DW 5700ep=wmot na DK or wmot na DK+joki
(PM) Vulture, Bess
S>Anc Storm Armor+11
B<Pad Helm, Pants+Luck+Rate+HP/DD
в игре maker
B<<B i S(mnogo)
B<<Dragon armor+rate
T<>Legendari gloves+13+rate+luck+hp
B<<AA ili Distruction swod+9-+13(Mnogo i dorogo)
B<<Wingi na Elfa+ignor
B<<Dark Soul wmot+rate
B<<Staff na DW+norm opt
B<<Anubis wmot
B<<Anc Sfinx niz
B<<Legendari niz+rate
B<<Legendari wmot+rate
B<<Wingi na DW+ignor
B<<Sword na DK+13
B<<B i S(mnogo)
B<<Dragon armor+rate
T<>Legendari gloves+13+rate+luck+hp
B<<AA ili Distruction swod+9-+13(Mnogo i dorogo)
B<<Wingi na Elfa+ignor
B<<Dark Soul wmot+rate
B<<Staff na DW+norm opt
B<<Anubis wmot
B<<Anc Sfinx niz
B<<Legendari niz+rate
B<<Legendari wmot+rate
B<<Wingi na DW+ignor
B<<Sword na DK+13
пиши на maker
некоторое там есть
21.10.2012, 15:28
T>Black Dragon set+rate(boots bez rate)=GVS ili Platina
T>Kundum Staff+11+Luck+exl damage rate+lvl/20+2%+28add=GVS +11+norm opca
B<Pad Helm+Luck+Rate
B< B i S
T>Kundum Staff+11+Luck+exl damage rate+lvl/20+2%+28add=GVS +11...13+norm opca
в игре maker
поменяю -platina+13 +4 opt.на хороший сет и оружие на дк. Куплю крылья с ИГНОРОМ на мага
25.10.2012, 17:19
S>> DB+13+speed+lvl/20
S>> BB+13+lvl/20+life
B<<B i S(mnogo)
B<<Dragon armor+rate
T<>Legendari gloves+13+rate+luck+hp
B<<AA ili Distruction swod+9-+13(Mnogo i dorogo)
B<<Wingi na Elfa+ignor
B<<Dark Soul wmot+rate
B<<Staff na DW+norm opt
B<<Anubis wmot
B<<Anc Sfinx niz
B<<Legendari niz+rate
B<<Legendari wmot+rate
B<<Wingi na DW+ignor
B<<Sword na DK+13
31.10.2012, 22:29
продам за реал или махну на альбатрос 4 опцы:
explosion blade+13+4opt+luck+28add
legendary shield+11+4opt+35add
могу дать впридачу что нить из этого:
aa staf+13+2%
aa staf+9+rate+2%+lvl/20
Lighting pendant ne exe +9
B<Anubis Shmot=Joci
T>Kundum Staff+11+Luck+Exl Damage Rate+2%+lvl/20+28add=Viper+11..13+norm opca
в пм maker
поменяю -platina+13 +4 opt.на хороший сет и оружие на дк. Куплю крылья с ИГНОРОМ на мага
02.11.2012, 17:44
S> hyon helm/gloves/sword
S> knight blade +9+luck+2%+lvl20
S> 2x knight blade+speed
S> Dp gloves+9+luck+rate+hp
S> GD panti ref hp
S> albatross bow full
S> argo set+9
S> BD armor/panti boot gloves(+9+rate+random) +0 1 wmotka
S> heras panti/shild
S> wingi 2-ie DK/ELF
S> legendary shild+9+luck+dd+hp
S> horn shild+9+luck+rate+ref+hp
S> gorgon plate gloves+13+luck+rate+dd
S> GD helm+luck+dd
02.11.2012, 17:52
S> hyon helm/gloves/sword
S> knight blade +9+luck+2%+lvl20
S> 2x knight blade+speed
S> Dp gloves+9+luck+rate+hp
S> GD panti ref hp
S> albatross bow full
S> argo set+9
S> BD armor/panti boot gloves(+9+rate+random) +0 1 wmotka
S> heras panti/shild
S> wingi 2-ie DK/ELF
S> legendary shild+9+luck+dd+hp
S> horn shild+9+luck+rate+ref+hp
S> gorgon plate gloves+13+luck+rate+dd
S> GD helm+luck+dd
продай мне альбу фулл
Куплю зены за джоки. любое колличество.
S/T>Dragon Pants+Rate+HP=Joci/Anubis
T>Kundum ST>Kundum Staff+11+Luck+exl damage rate+lvl/20+2%+28add=GVS +11+norm opca
B<Blessi, Soli(4b4s=1Joc)
Куплю зены за джоки. любое количество.
08.11.2012, 18:33
B>Anubis helm+0-11
B<<Dragon Armor+rate
B<<Dark Soul armor helm i pants+rate
B<<B i S(Mnogo) 4b 4s=jok
B<<Set na Elfa+11-13+3-4 opt(za mnogo jok)
B<<Anc Spirit wmot+9-13
B<<Spirit helm i boots+rate(za mnogo jok)
B<<Anubis wmot+9-13
B<<Anc Sfinx wmot 11-13
B<<PLatina 13+2-4 opt(za mnogo jok)
B<<Hyon wmot+9-13
S>Venom Mist Helm+11+Luck+Rate
B<Anubis Helm, Gloves
B<Volcano Pants, Boots, Gloves+Luck+Rate
B<Wingi na MG+Ignore(+9..13)
09.11.2012, 20:58
B<ring+9 za jocu ili maxnu na laiting pendant+9 ne exe
S>Venom Mist Helm+11+Luck+Rate
B<Anubis Helm, Gloves
B<Volcano Pants, Boots, Gloves+Luck+Rate
B<Wingi na MG+Ignore(+9..13)
куплю жоки за зены. Любое количество
10.11.2012, 19:12
T>Dragon Armor+11+rate=Anubis helm+11
T<>Wingi na DK+9+L+ignor+28=Wingi na DW+ignor
11.11.2012, 21:46
B>>> Dragon Armor +Rate +0+11 (za JoCi ili Signi)
T<>Wingi na DK+9+L+ignor+28=Wingi na DW+ignor
B/T<>Anubis armor+9 ili helm+9=Dragon armor+rate
T<>Wingi na DK+9+L+ignor+28=Wingi na DW+ignor
B/T<>Anubis armor+9 ili helm+9=Dragon armor+rate
B<<Chaosi Mnogo
13.11.2012, 09:51
T>>>Greate Lord Sceper + ex.dam+lvl/20+skill = Dragon Armor +Rate +11
15.11.2012, 19:31
T>Dragon Armor+11+rate=Anubis helm+11
Продам жоки за зены! Любое количество. Куплю Крылья на мага +13+игнор
17.11.2012, 22:41
T>Dragon Armor+11+rate=Anubis helm+11
B>Anubis helm
v pm longreds
18.11.2012, 15:25
T>>>Anubis Helm + 9 = Dragon Armor + Rate
B<Anubis Helm, Gloves lybie
B<B i S=Joki(4b4s=1Jok)
B<Anc Storm
B<Wingi na MG +Luck/ignore
B<Volcano Pants, Bootes, Gloves+Luck+Random
B<Anc Spirit Pants
B<Wind +Luck+Rate
19.11.2012, 20:10
B>Sylpid Ray wmot+ref (rate+ref)
возможен обмен на:
Dragon Helm+9+Luck+Max Mana+Ref+Rate+Zen
Bone set+9+rate
AA staff+9+exc damage rate
Anubis armor i gloves+9
v pm longreds
B<<DW wingi+ignor
B<<Dark Soul helm i armor+rate
T<>BB+11+4 opt=Wmot na DW
22.11.2012, 23:22
b<elf wings + ignore
23.11.2012, 18:54
B>Set na Elfa+ref
B>Sylpid Ray wmot+ref (rate+ref)
B>Emerland wmot+ref
возможен обмен на:
Dragon Helm+9+Luck+Max Mana+Ref+Rate+Zen
Bone set+9+rate
AA staff+9+exc damage rate
Anubis armor i gloves+9
v pm longreds
23.11.2012, 19:11
kuplu platina ili gvs staf,set na dw+rate(bone,legendary i dr)
T<>DK set+11+4 opt=Wmot na DW
T<>DB+11+4 opt=Wmot na DW
T<>BB+11+4 opt=Wmot na DW
B/T<<Wingi na DW+ignor ili+13
B<<Dark Soul helm+rate
B<<Dark Soul armor+rate
B<<Straff na DW
T<>DB+11+life+28=Staff na DW
B/T<<Wingi na DW+ignor ili+13
B<<Dark Soul helm+rate
B<<Dark Soul armor+rate
T<>Wingi na MG+13+luck+ignor=DW wingi+ignor
29.11.2012, 11:59
B<legendary boots+rate
B<anubis gloves i helm
T<>wind set full na legendary niz 3-4opt+lighting pendant+9 ili na full set na DW
29.11.2012, 16:52
B>Set na Elfa+ref
B>Sylpid Ray wmot+ref (rate+ref)
B>Emerland wmot+ref
возможен обмен на:
Dragon Helm+9+Luck+Max Mana+Ref+Rate+Zen
Bone set+9+rate
AA staff+9+exc damage rate
Anubis armor i gloves+9
v pm longreds
B>>Full ring za joki
S>>Legendary set +11+4 opt
S>>Legendary shild +11+4opt
S>>Platina staff +11+4 opt
30.11.2012, 20:18
B<wingi na elfa+ignore
B<mnogo 1 wingov lubix
04.12.2012, 20:17
B>Set na elfa+rate+ref
07.12.2012, 02:21
S> DK helm rate ref
S> DP gloves+9+luck+rate+dd
S>AA sword+11+luck+life +ewe 4to to
S> hyon gloves
S> Gaion armor
S> KB+9+luck+2 opc
B< BD boot helm+9 -+13
07.12.2012, 19:43
B>Vine wmot+rate+ref
18.12.2012, 18:45
B<1 wingi an elfa
B<legendary boots+rate
B<set i shmot na DL
28.12.2012, 19:53
B<<<<Explosion blade 11-13 нормальная опция!!! искать Vincent
S > Huon Set +11 +Armor i Pants +11+28+luck+rate
S > Anc Storm Crow set +13 +28 +Storm Gloves +13 Full
S > Anc Spirit set +11
S > Full Bronze set +11
S > Legendry Shield +13 Full
S > Full Pendant + 2 Full Ringa
Продаю только за wmz!
02.01.2013, 14:13
B<wingi na elfa+ignore+luck ili 11 ignore
B/T<set na DL
B<dark steel shmot+rate ili +luck
B<solay scepter dorogo
S > Anc Storm Crow set +13 +28 +Storm Gloves +13 Full
S > Anc Spirit set +11
S > Full Bronze set +11
S > Legendry Shield +13 Full
S > Full Pendant + 2 Full Ringa
Продаю только за wmz!
B<<DarkSoul Armor i helm+rate
B<<GVS+luboi opt Mnogo!
B<<Set na DL+rate(rate+ref)
B<<Soley Scepte
T<>Anc Plate set+11(helm i pants+9+rate+luck+28)=Wmot na DL
T<>Sylpid Ray Set+11(2 wmotki+rate+ref+L+28,3 wmotki+rate+dd+L+28)
04.01.2013, 01:54
B<<<explosion blade 10-13
B<<<Volcano shmot reit!!!
PS Искать в игре Vincent
04.01.2013, 09:10
B<explosion blade dorogo
04.01.2013, 13:40
B<<<explosion blade 10-13
B<<<Volcano shmot reit!!!
PS Искать в игре Vincent
Жду, UP! =)
S > Anc Storm Crow set +13 +28 +Storm Gloves +13 Full
S > Anc Spirit set +11
S > Full Bronze set +11
S > Legendry Shield +13 Full
S > Full Pendant + 2 Full Ringa
Продаю только за wmz!
04.01.2013, 21:07
Куплю explosion blade 10-13 нормальная опция
volcano шмотки reit!
Т<>DK 5900 ep= Wmot na DL DW
13.01.2013, 18:50
B>>2 винги на дв+лак+игноре
S > Anc Storm Crow set +13 +28 +Storm Gloves +13 Full
S > Anc Spirit set +11
S > Full Bronze set +11
S > Legendry Shield +13 Full
S > Full Pendant + 2 Full Ringa
Продаю только за wmz!
14.01.2013, 10:47
B<explosion blade 0-13 dorogo
B/T<>Soley Scepter i Set na DL+rate
vozmojen obmen na DK set+11+4 opt
DB+11+4 opt
Acc DK 5959 ep
Hyon set+9+Dragon arm+11+rate+Dragon Pants+9+rate
14.01.2013, 17:37
B<<explosion blade 11-13 norm option
B<<<volcano шмотки + reit!
17.01.2013, 21:16
B>Shield na DLa +rate+luck
B<<Dark Soul armor+rate mnogo
B<<Soley Scepter
B<<Set na DL+11+rate
T<>DK set+11+4 opt=Set na Dl
T<>DB+11+4 opt=Soley Scepter
B/T<>Spirit helm i boots+rate
20.01.2013, 15:23
B>Dark Soul helm,armor+rate ili +ref
S>> +13 Hyon Set с фул частями
S>> +13 Scale set R+R+Hp
S>> +11 Dragon Shild фул
S>> 2 фул кольца +9
S>> фул Ligting амуль +9
S>> фул Day Braker +11
S>> фул Bone Blade +11
S>> фул Sword of Destruction +11
S>> +13 Wings of Dragon L+28
Все за реал оптом отдам по дешевке и перс 18к еп DK в подарок
+375259483431 Антон
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