Просмотр полной версии : Покупка и продажа вещей! (флуд карается блокировкой форумного аккаунта)
Вазму Hyon Dragon Helm в пм bbbooorrr !!!
12.12.2008, 14:00
S>Dragon armor+11+luck+rate+dd
S>Dragon pants+11+luck+rate+dd
S>Legendary boots+9+luck+rate+hp
S>Legendary pants+9+luck+rate
B>Anubis gloves i ring
S>>Bone armor+9+luck+rate+ref
S>>Bone pants+9+luck+rate+ref
PM Energizer
13.12.2008, 12:27
S>anubis set +9=$$
S>xyon set+9=$$
Предложения оставляйте тут или звоните 359-61-15 велком
13.12.2008, 13:11
S>>>Bone gloves+11+luck+28+rate+ref+dd=zeni,joki
S>>>Bone armor,pants,boots+9+luck+28+rate+ref+dd=zeni,joki
S>>>DK gloves+luck+ref=joki,zeni
S>>>Black Dragon vce krome boots+9+rate+random..=joki,zeni
S>>>GD set+9luck+ref=joki,zeni
Pisatb v PM CTARUKAWKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13.12.2008, 13:14
S>T>Rune blade+2%+mana
S>T>AA scepter+2%+lvl/20
S>T>Dragon armor+11+luck+28+rate+dd
B>T>Anubis gloves
B<<Hyon Dragon Helm !
B<< DP Armor +rate !
B<<2-e Wingi na BK +luck
pm bbbooorrr,BelShina,Chester !
B > Pad armor u gloves +13+Luck+rate = $ (v predelah razymnogo)
B > Pad armor u gloves +13+Luck+rate = $ (v predelah razymnogo)
Не проше ли взать и самаму заточить ?))
B<<Hyon Dragon Helm !
B<< DP Armor +rate !
B<<2-e Wingi na BK +luck
S>>Legendary Shild +9+luck+decris!
13.12.2008, 20:27
бггг, так у тебя ведь сеты не полные, че ты там распрягаешь^^
ну падумаеш на ДП места Армора +рейт +дд а Хион Хелм куплю )
7 gloves 11 armorav kak rukou sneslo ...
B<<Hyon Dragon Helm !
B<< DP Armor +rate !
B<<2-e Wingi na BK +luck
S/T>>Legendary Shild +9+luck+decris!=Hyon Dragon Helm !
B<Wingi na DK+13
S>Huricane set+rate+ref+9=1kkk
S > Legendry Armor +9+Luck+rate S > Kundum staff +9+2% v PM Kasper
S>Skipitr of AGES+11+Rate+2%+Add4+Skill= Joki ili set na DK +Puxa NOrm+Joki wtuk 10-15
S>Dark steel set+9+Random
S>acc ME4EHbIu 305 LvL 60 e.p-60Jok =50 Jok(Torg umesteN)
PM she11 ili TheLord
14.12.2008, 20:15
B>>Pendanet +2%+lvl/20+exl dmg or life
guardian pants rate 2 wtuki
vine armor rate dd
vine armor rate hp
vine armor rate
vine pants luck rate hp
vine helm luck rate
vine helm luck ref hp
vine gloves luck rate zen
wind gloves luck rate dd zen
silk boots rate dd zen
silk boots rate mana
divine helm luck ref hp
red spirit helm luck hp dd
red spirit gloves luck rate dd
red spirit gloves luck rate mana
sylpid ray helm luck ref hp
ancient vine boots
ancient vine helm
ancient vine rapier 2 wtuki
ancient vine gloves 2 wtuki
ancient wind gloves
ancient silk armor 2wtuki
ancient silk gloves
ancient silk golden crossbow 2 wtuki
ancient silk helm
ancient guardian pendant of ability
ancient spirit gloves
pad gloves 7 luck ref hp
pad pants ref hp
sphinx boots luck rate ref
sphinx gloves luck ref hp
legenedary boots luck rate
grand soul gloves ref mana
grand soul gloves luck hp zen
grand soul pants luck ref
grand soul helm luck rate zen
dark soul helm luck mana dd
dark soul armor luck mana
venom gloves luck rate
ancient sphinx gloves
ancient pad ring of magic 2 wtuki
ancient pad pendant of ice
ancient pad armor
ancient pad gloves
ancient pad skull staff
ancient pad skull shield
ancient bone armor
brass gloves luck mana dd ref
brass gloves luck rate
brass armor luck rate ref
brass pants rate dd
brass pants luck rate dd
dragon boots 9 luck rate
dragon boots luck rate zen
dragon gloves luck rate hp
leathre armor rate
leathre armor rate hp
dark phoenix gloves ref mana
dark phoenix armor luck mana
dark phoenix boots ref
dark phoenix boots luck ref dd
great dragon gloves luck dd
great dragon pants hp mana
great dragon helm ref
great dragon helm 9 hp mana
great dragon helm ref mana
ancient plate ring of poison
ancient plate shield 2 wtuki
ancient plate armor
ancient plate gloves
ancient scale pants
ancient scale helm 2 wtuki
ancient scale armor
ancient brass pendant of fire
ancient brass armor
ancient leathre helm
ancient leathre pants
ancient leathre morning star
ancient bronze boots
dark champion helm luck mana ref
dark steel boots dd hp
dark steel boots rate
dark steel armor rate zen
crimson armor dd zen
crimson gloves luck hp dd
crimson pants hp dd
thunder gloves rate dd
thunder gloves luck rate dd
thunder gloves 9 rate ref
thunder boots 9 rate hp
thunder pants 9 rate ref
harbringer 13 rate 2%
dark breaker lvl/20 speed
dark breaker luck lvl/20 speed
great lord scepter rate mana
great scepter luck 2% speed
lord scepter rate mana
aa staff rate
aa sword luck mana
aa crossbow rate
saint crossbow luck rate 2% mana
sword of destruction rate
sword of destruction mana
sword of destruction life
sword of destruction luck life
great reign crossbow rate life
great reign crossbow 2% life 2 wtuki
albatros bow life
thunder blade 9 luck life
thunder blade lvl/20 mana
double blade rate life
double blade luck rate lvl/20
rapier luck 2% life
rapier lvl/20 rate
staff of destruction lvl/20 life
staff of destruction 2% life
chaos lighting staff luck 2% life
dark soul staff luck 2% life
ressurection staff 9 2% speed
ressurection staff luck lvl/20 life
legendary staff luck rate life
grand soul shield mana dd
kite shield rate hp
kite shield rate dd
kite shield ref hp
kite shield 9 luck rate dd
kite shield ref hp
serpent shield luck rate zen
serpent shield luck ref dd
bronze shield ref hp
horn shield 7 rate ref
plate shield ref dd
large round shield rate mana
ring ref hp hp rec
15.12.2008, 17:53
B>>Pendanet +2%+lvl/20+exl dmg or life
B>>Pendanet +2%+lvl/20+exl dmg or life
есть пенд 2% exc dmg lvl/20 life hp rec = 15$
15.12.2008, 18:05
мог бы мне за реал и не предлогать, я лучше 11ккк насобираю=)
S>DP panti gloves+rate+9=po 300 kk
S>Sunlight gloves+rate+ref=300 kk
S>Sunlight gloves+rate+luck+zen=150 kk
B>>Bronze shild +rate +decr
17.12.2008, 15:30
B>T>kris ili rapiry+speed+rate+mana
pm ahtung
17.12.2008, 16:12
B>>Pendant +2%+lvl/20+exl dmg
B<2-e Wingi na DK luck ignor +0...+13(за 13 дам 100 Ждок)
B<Dragon Pants luck rate dd
B<Great Dragon items luck random
B<AA sword luck random
B<Bone Blade luck 2% exc dmg или luck 2 % life (дорого)
S>Day Breaker +11 luck lvl/20 speed = 7 kkk zen
S>Explosion Blade +10 luck 2% = 100JOCr
________________________DW _______________________
S>AA Staff +11 luck exc dmg mana = 20 JOCr = 600 kk zen
S>Dark Master Mask rate = 8 JOCr = 240 kk zen
S>Dark Champion helm rate = 5 JOCr = 150 kk zen
_______________________Ancient ____________________
S>Anc Plate Armor
S>Anc Plate Boots
S>Anc Plate Gloves
S>Hyon Boots
___________________ВСЕ ПО 3 ЖДОКА ________________
S>Venom Armor luck reflect
S>AA Sword mana
S>Sylpid Ray Gloves luck dd
S>Silk pants rate mana
S>Emerald Boots hp
S>Emerald Gloves dd
S>Celestial Bow luck exc dmg mana
S>Crimson Gloves luck reflect zen
S>Dark Champion helm luck dd
S>Master Scepter luck exc dmg
S>Anc Wind Pants luck
S>Anc Ring of Ice
S>Eplete Pendant of Lightning
S> JOCri = 2 Jol = 30 kk zen (всегда в наличии)
Уместен небольшой торг.
ICQ:4374433 Жека
17.12.2008, 20:48
В>>Ringi rate dd hp
17.12.2008, 21:59
B>T>kris ili rapiry+speed+rate+mana
B>DK boots +rate
Андрей купи сэтик в магазе=)
Horh Shild +rate +10add
Kite Shild +7 +rate +mana
Dark Steel Gloves +luck +reflect
Dark Steel Gloves +rate +decriz
BD Armor +ref
Bone Pants +rate +hp +8add
Brass Armor +rate +mana +4add
Vine Boots +luck +rate
DK Armor +hp +mana +16add
Saint Crossbow +exe dmg +2% +life +4add
Celistal Bow +luck +life +mana +lvl/20
Great Regin Crossbow +luck +2% +speed
Pend of Fire
+rate +life
+rate +life +2%hp rec
+rate +lvl/20
+ lvl/20 +2% +1% hp rec
+ 2% +life +mana 1% hp rec
Ice Pendant
+2% wiz +life +mana +1 hp rec
+2% wiz +speed +life +1% hp rec
+rate +life +1% hp rec
Lightning pend
+rate +mana +2% hp rec
+2% wiz +speed +mana +2% hp rec
Wind pend
+rate +lvl/20 +2% hp rec
Ability pend
+rate +lvl/20 +1% hp rec
Ring of poison +ref +hp +3%hp rec
Ring of wind +ref +hp +3%hp rec
Ring of fire +rate + decriz +mana
Ring of erth +rate +hp +zen +1%hp rec
T>> перечисленное на что-нить полезное мне.
B>> Hyon Helm, Sword
B>> anc Lether Boots
B<2-e Wingi na DK luck ignor +0...+13(за 13 дам 100 Ждок)
B<AA sword luck random
B<Bone Blade luck 2% exc dmg или luck 2 % life (дорого)
S>Day Breaker +11 luck lvl/20 speed = 7 kkk zen
________________________DW _______________________
S>AA Staff +11 luck exc dmg mana = 20 JOCr = 600 kk zen
S>Dark Master Mask rate = 8 JOCr = 240 kk zen
S>Dark Champion helm rate = 5 JOCr = 150 kk zen
_______________________Ancient ____________________
S>Anc Plate Armor
S>Anc Plate Boots
S>Anc Plate Gloves
S>Anubis Armor
___________________ВСЕ ПО 3 ЖДОКА ________________
S>Venom Armor luck reflect
S>AA Sword mana
S>Sylpid Ray Gloves luck dd
S>Silk pants rate mana
S>Emerald Boots hp
S>Emerald Gloves dd
S>Celestial Bow luck exc dmg mana
S>Crimson Gloves luck reflect zen
S>Dark Champion helm luck dd
S>Master Scepter luck exc dmg
S>Anc Wind Pants luck
S>Anc Ring of Ice
S>Eplete Pendant of Lightning
Уместен небольшой торг.
ICQ:4374433 Жека
18.12.2008, 15:10
бух, дб продашь за 4.5 ккк в личку ответь.
18.12.2008, 15:41
B>T>kris ili rapiry+speed+rate+mana
B>anc storm crow items+luck
B>> Bronze shild +rate +decr
19.12.2008, 18:49
B>>2-e wingi na dw(pustie)
S>Explosion Blade +10 luck 2% = 100JOCr
Если за 96 отдашь напиши в лс(на форуме)
19.12.2008, 20:30
B>T>kris ili rapiry+speed+rate+mana
B>anc storm crow items+luck
S>DK armor+rate+hp
19.12.2008, 21:27
S>Explosion+13+Luck+Exc Dmg+Life+Mana=20$
S>DarkSteel Set+9+Cool+Random+Rate=10$
Если за 96 отдашь напиши в лс(на форуме)
я за 80 отдал (вчера)
бух, дб продашь за 4.5 ккк в личку ответь.
сор. нет
B<2-e Wingi na DK luck ignor +0...+13(за 13 дам 100 Ждок)
B<AA sword luck random
B<Bone Blade luck 2% exc dmg или luck 2 % life (дорого)
S>Day Breaker +11 luck lvl/20 speed = 7 kkk zen
________________________DW _______________________
S>AA Staff +11 luck exc dmg mana = 20 JOCr = 600 kk zen
S>Onyx Helm luck hp rate = 12 JOCr = 360 kk zen
S>Shpinx Gloves luck rate
________________________DK _______________________
S>Gorgone plate Helm luck hp rate = 5 JOCr = 150 kk zen
S>Celestial Bow +9 luck exc dmg mana = 5 JOCr = 150 kk
S>Crimson Gloves rate = 10 JOCr =150 kk zen
S>Dark Master Mask rate = 8 JOCr = 240 kk zen
S>Dark Champion helm rate = 5 JOCr = 150 kk zen
S>Dark Steel Armor luck rate reflect = 5 JOCr = 150 kk zen
_______________________Ancient ____________________
S>Anc Plate Armor = 5 JOCr
S>Anc Plate Boots = 5 JOCr
S>Anc Plate Gloves = 5 JOCr
S>Bone Boots luck = 5 JOCr
S>Huon Boots = 32 JOCr
S>Anubis Armor = 25 JOCr
___________________ВСЕ ПО 3 ЖДОКА ________________
S>Venom Armor luck reflect
S>Onyx Gloves luck mana reflect
S>Master Scepter luck exc dmg
S>Anc Ring of Ice
S>Eplete Pendant of Lightning
Уместен небольшой торг.
ICQ:4374433 Жека
guardian pants rate 2 wtuki
vine armor rate dd
vine armor rate hp
vine armor rate
vine pants luck rate hp
vine helm luck rate
vine helm luck ref hp
vine gloves luck rate zen
wind gloves luck rate dd zen
silk boots rate dd zen
silk boots rate mana
divine helm luck ref hp
red spirit helm luck hp dd
red spirit gloves luck rate dd
red spirit gloves luck rate mana
sylpid ray helm luck ref hp
ancient vine boots 2 wtuki
ancient vine helm
ancient vine rapier 2 wtuki
ancient vine gloves 2 wtuki
ancient vine ring of earth
ancient wind gloves
ancient silk armor 2wtuki
ancient silk gloves
ancient silk golden crossbow 2 wtuki
ancient silk helm
ancient guardian pendant of ability
ancient spirit gloves
pad gloves 7 luck ref hp
pad pants ref hp
pad pants rate zen
sphinx boots luck rate ref
sphinx gloves luck ref hp
legenedary boots luck rate
grand soul gloves ref mana
grand soul gloves luck hp zen
grand soul pants luck ref
dark soul helm luck mana dd
dark soul armor luck mana
venom gloves luck rate
ancient sphinx gloves
ancient sphinx skull shield
ancient sphinx mask luck
ancient sphinx boots
ancient pad ring of magic 2 wtuki
ancient pad pendant of ice
ancient pad armor 2 wtuki
ancient pad gloves
ancient pad pants
ancient pad skull staff
ancient bone armor
brass gloves luck mana dd ref
brass gloves luck rate
brass armor luck rate ref
brass pants rate dd
brass pants luck rate dd
dragon boots 9 luck rate
dragon boots luck rate zen
dragon gloves luck rate hp
leathre armor rate
leathre armor rate hp
dark phoenix gloves ref mana
dark phoenix armor luck mana
dark phoenix boots ref
dark phoenix boots luck ref dd
great dragon gloves luck dd
great dragon pants hp mana
great dragon helm ref
great dragon helm 9 hp mana
great dragon helm ref mana
ancient plate ring of poison
ancient plate armor
ancient plate gloves
ancient plate ring of wind
ancient scale pants
ancient scale helm 2 wtuki
ancient scale armor
ancient scale shield 2 wtuki
ancient brass pendant of fire
ancient brass armor
ancient leathre helm
ancient leathre pants
ancient leathre morning star 2
ancient bronze boots
ancient bronze pants 2 wtuki
dark champion helm luck mana ref
dark steel boots dd hp
crimson armor dd zen
crimson gloves luck hp dd
crimson pants hp dd
thunder gloves rate dd
thunder gloves luck rate dd
thunder gloves 9 rate ref
thunder boots 9 rate hp
thunder boots luck rate hp
thunder pants 9 rate ref
harbringer 13 rate 2%
dark breaker lvl/20 speed
dark breaker luck lvl/20 speed
great lord scepter rate mana
great lord scepter luck 2% speed
great lord scepter life
lord scepter rate mana
aa staff rate
aa staff life
aa staff lvl/20
aa staff luck rate mana
aa sword luck mana
aa crossbow rate
arrow viper bow rate 2%
saint crossbow luck rate 2% mana
elemental mace rate speed
sword of destruction rate
sword of destruction mana
sword of destruction life
sword of destruction luck life
great reign crossbow rate life
great reign crossbow 2% life 2 wtuki
albatros bow life
albatros bow luck life
thunder blade 9 luck life
thunder blade lvl/20 mana
double blade rate life
double blade luck rate lvl/20
rapier luck 2% life
rapier lvl/20 rate
staff of destruction lvl/20 life
staff of destruction 2% life
chaos lighting staff luck 2% life
dark soul staff luck 2% life
dark soul staff luck lvl/20
ressurection staff 9 2% speed
ressurection staff luck lvl/20 life
legendary staff luck rate life
grand soul shield mana dd
kite shield rate hp
kite shield rate dd
kite shield ref hp
kite shield 9 luck rate dd
kite shield ref hp
serpent shield luck rate zen
serpent shield luck ref dd
bronze shield ref hp
horn shield 7 rate ref
plate shield ref dd
large round shield rate mana
ring ref hp hp rec
20.12.2008, 14:44
20.12.2008, 15:54
B>>Anubis set i norm staff
gy6uHa po4em hyon sword vozmesh?
Dark Steel Gloves +rate +decriz
скока? в jocax?
B> Ans Dragon helm i boots
Постоянно покупаю блесы по 3.5 кк соулы по 2.5 кк
S>DP gloves i panti+rate+9+luck po 10 jok
B>Anc Sfinx panti(sro4no)
B>Dark Soul wmot+rate(+luck+9)
S>Elemental shield+rate+15add
21.12.2008, 19:43
B>T>kris ili rapiry+speed+rate+mana
B>anc storm crow items+luck
S>DK armor+rate+hp
21.12.2008, 21:43
B>>>plash na dla+ignor!
21.12.2008, 23:33
S>>xyon boots
S>>Crimson armor+rate v pm WINNKA
B>>onyx pants+rate
B>>anubis helm i gloves v pm NordOst
22.12.2008, 02:22
хуон бутс за сколько?
B>>Bronze shild +rate+decr
B>>Anc Storm crow armor i pants
И так начнем...
Scale set+0\9+Rate =500 kk (Gloves Netu)=)
Anc storm crow set+9=Joki=)
S>Harbringer+9+Skill+Luck+lvl 20+12 add+12add+opcia ewe kakaya to nepomnu..=Joki or Zen
S>Thunder set+9+Rate=Joki or zen
S>Big round wild+9+Rate+reflect+Skill
S>Plate wild+0+Rate ref add15+mana+Skill
S>Ringi+rate =5 Jok za wtuku
S>Pend of fire+0+Rate speed lvl 20 hp rec 3%
B>Great dragon Armor & Boots ExE!!!
V PM she11 or -SLIM- Or sdes!
S>DP gloves i panti+rate+9+luck po 10 jok
B>Anc Sfinx panti(sro4no)
B>Dark Soul wmot+rate(+luck+9)
S>Elemental shield+rate+15add
могу предложить весь сет дарк сол+9+рэйт (панты+рэйт+дд (самые редкие) и боты +рэйт +дд)
за реал))
B>>Bronze shild +rate+decr
могу предложить весь сет дарк сол+9+рэйт (панты+рэйт+дд (самые редкие) и боты +рэйт +дд)
за реал))
да не)спс)я как нить в джоках)
за джоки пива не купишь)
да и новый год не отметишь))
а в му я не играю... джоки не надо)
guardian pants rate 2 wtuki
vine armor rate dd
vine armor rate hp
vine helm luck rate
vine helm luck ref hp
vine gloves luck rate zen
wind gloves luck rate dd zen
silk boots rate dd zen
silk boots rate mana
divine helm luck ref hp
red spirit helm luck hp dd
red spirit gloves luck rate dd
red spirit gloves luck rate mana
sylpid ray helm luck ref hp
ancient vine boots 3 wtuki
ancient vine helm 2 wtuki
ancient vine rapier 2 wtuki
ancient vine gloves 2 wtuki
ancient vine ring of earth
ancient wind gloves
ancient silk armor
ancient silk golden crossbow
ancient guardian pendant of ability
ancient guardian armor
ancient spirit gloves
ancient silk set
pad gloves 7 luck ref hp
pad pants ref hp
pad pants rate zen
sphinx boots luck rate ref
sphinx gloves luck ref hp
grand soul gloves ref mana
grand soul gloves luck hp zen
grand soul pants luck ref
grand soul pants ref hp
dark soul helm luck mana dd
dark soul armor luck mana
venom gloves luck rate
venom armor mana
ancient sphinx gloves
ancient sphinx mask luck
ancient pad ring of magic 2 wtuki
ancient pad pendant of ice
ancient pad armor 2 wtuki
ancient pad gloves
ancient pad pants 2 wtuki
ancient pad skull staff
ancient bone armor
brass gloves luck mana dd ref
brass armor luck rate ref
brass pants rate dd
dragon boots 9 luck rate
dragon boots luck rate zen
dragon gloves luck rate hp
leathre armor rate
leathre armor rate hp
dark phoenix gloves ref mana
dark phoenix armor luck mana
dark phoenix boots ref
dark phoenix boots luck ref dd
great dragon gloves luck dd
great dragon pants hp mana
great dragon helm ref
great dragon helm 9 hp mana
great dragon helm ref mana
ancient plate ring of poison
ancient plate armor 2 wtuki
ancient plate gloves
ancient plate ring of wind
ancient scale helm
ancient scale shield
ancient scale pendant of lightning
ancient brass pendant of fire
ancient brass armor
ancient leathre helm
ancient leathre pants
ancient leathre morning star 2
ancient bronze boots
ancient bronze pants 2 wtuki
ancient scale set
dark champion helm luck mana ref
dark steel boots dd hp
crimson armor dd zen
crimson gloves luck hp dd
crimson pants hp dd
thunder gloves rate dd
thunder gloves luck rate dd
thunder gloves 9 rate ref
thunder boots 9 rate hp
thunder boots luck rate hp
thunder pants 9 rate ref
harbringer 13 rate 2%
dark breaker lvl/20 speed
dark breaker luck lvl/20 speed
dark breaker luck 2%
great lord scepter rate mana
great lord scepter luck 2% speed
great lord scepter life
lord scepter rate mana
aa staff life
aa staff lvl/20
aa sword luck mana
aa crossbow rate
arrow viper bow rate 2%
saint crossbow luck rate 2% mana
elemental mace rate speed
elemental mace luck 2% life
sword of destruction rate
sword of destruction luck life
great reign crossbow rate life
great reign crossbow 2% life 2 wtuki
great reign crossbow luck rate life
albatros bow life
thunder blade 9 luck life
thunder blade lvl/20 mana
double blade rate life
double blade luck rate lvl/20
rapier luck 2% life
rapier lvl/20 rate
staff of destruction lvl/20 life
staff of destruction 2% life
dark soul staff luck 2% life
dark soul staff 2% life
dark soul staff luck lvl/20
ressurection staff 9 2% speed
ressurection staff luck lvl/20 life
legendary staff luck rate life
grand soul shield mana dd
kite shield rate hp
kite shield rate dd
kite shield ref hp
kite shield 9 luck rate dd
kite shield ref hp
serpent shield luck rate zen
serpent shield luck ref dd
bronze shield ref hp
horn shield 7 rate ref
plate shield ref dd
large round shield rate mana
ring ref hp hp rec
24.12.2008, 12:10
B>T>kris ili rapiry+speed+rate+mana
B>anc storm crow items+luck
S>DP panti i gloves+rate+9+luck
S>Sunlight gloves+rate+ref
B>>Dark soul wmot+rate+;uck
B>>Anc Sphinks panti
Продам разный шмот..в ПМ !
26.12.2008, 10:33
Anubis set+9
Anc Sphinx set
GS set+9+dd
Pad boots+9+rate+zen
Pad armor+rate+zen
Pad pants+luck+ref+hp
Pad helm+rate+dd
Pad pants+luck+rate+dd
Legendary shield+9+dd
Wingi na DW 2-ble+13+2%hp rec
RS helm+11+luck+ref
RS armor+luck+rate
Scale boots+ref+hp
Explosion Blade+luck+(ex.dmg,life,speed)
Scale gloves+rate(ly4we+luck)
Rings rate dd hp
Crimson boots+rate
B npuBaT Vincent
Anubis set+9
Anc Sphinx set
GS set+9+dd
Pad boots+9+rate+zen
Pad armor+rate+zen
Pad pants+luck+ref+hp
Pad helm+rate+dd
Pad pants+luck+rate+dd
Legendary shield+9+dd
Wingi na DW 2-ble+13+2%hp rec
RS helm+11+luck+ref
RS armor+luck+rate
Scale boots+ref+hp
Explosion Blade+luck+(ex.dmg,life,speed)
Scale gloves+rate(ly4we+luck)
Rings rate dd hp
Crimson boots+rate
B npuBaT Vincent
Explosion могу продать...пиши в ПМ Фоксу или Робину
27.12.2008, 12:23
Anubis set+9
Anc Sphinx set
GS set+9+dd
Lezer set+9+rate
Thunder set+9+rate
Pad boots+9+rate+zen
Pad armor+rate+zen
Pad pants+luck+ref+hp
Pad helm+rate+dd
Pad pants+luck+rate+dd
Legendary shield+9+dd
Wingi na DW 2-ble+13+2%hp rec
RS helm+11+luck+ref
RS armor+luck+rate
Scale boots+ref+hp
Explosion Blade+luck+(ex.dmg,life,speed)
Scale gloves+rate(ly4we+luck)
Rings rate dd hp
Crimson boots+rate
B npuBaT Vincent
27.12.2008, 15:15
S>Explosion Blade+13+Luck+Exc Dmg+Lvl/20+Mana=15-20$
27.12.2008, 18:55
andreyka ostav sebe etot exploizon na pam9t^^^, smotri 4tobu teb9 ego xot9bi za 100 jok kupili, ceni upali ppc kak
27.12.2008, 21:40
B>T>kris ili rapiry+speed+rate+mana
B>T>Kris+speed+rate ili rate+mana
B>anc storm crow items+luck
S>Hyon boots
S>Crystal sword+skill+luck+rate+2%+speed+life+mana
S>Kite shield++luck+hp+mana+dd+ref+zen
28.12.2008, 00:01
S\T> Dark Soul set:
Boots 9 rate hp
Pants 9 luck rate
Helm 9 rate zen
Gloves 9 rate
Armor 9 luck rate mana
S> Bone set 9 rate
S> Ancient Bone set
S> Volcano Armor 11 luck rate decrease
S> DK gloves + ref
S> Buckler 9 rate
pm: Frost1k
B>>>explosion luck random ....
T>>> Knight Blade +9 +28 + speed
B<<< Exl DB + random ( торг )
28.12.2008, 23:49
B<<Albatross bow ( 5 - 7 wmz ) pm DarkLove
S>DB+2%+luck=7kkk zen
Volcano armor +ref+rate
Volcano gloves +luck+mana+rate
Venom Mist helm +luck+hp+ref
Hurricane boot +zen+rate
Leather glove+zen+rate
Bone helm+rate
Rapier +lvl/20+speed
Kriss+luck+dmg rate
Sylpid Ray gloves +ref+rate
Legendary helm+rate
Plata armor and shield
Pad helm and skull staff
Leather gloves and helm
Дешево...pm to HeHaBucTb
29.12.2008, 10:55
S>Thunder set+9+rate=20 joc ili 600kk
S>Lezer set+9+rate=17 joc ili 500kk
S>Hurbringer+9+luck+12ad+lvl/20+mana=15 joc ili 500kk
S>DP set+9+rate+zen( armor+9+dd)=40 joc ili 1.2kkk
S>AA sword+9+luck+2%+lvl/20=12 joc ili 360kk
S>AA sword+9+lvl/20+mana=8joc ili 240kk
S>Anubis armor+9=20 joc ili 600kk
S>Anubis ring of Fire=8 joc ili 250kk zena
S>Pad armor+rate+zen=3 joca ili 90kk
S>Pad boots+9+rate+zen=4joca ili 120kk
S>Pad helm+rate+dd=4 joca ili 120kk
S>Pad pants+luck+rate+dd=4 joca ili 120kk
S>Anc sphinx armor,gloves,helm po 3 joca za 1 wmotky ili 90kk
S>Anc Skull shield+9=4 joca ili 120kk
S>Buckler shield+13+luck+rate+mana=800kk ili 25 joc
S>Legendary shield+9+dd=8 joc ili 250kk
S>RS armor+luck+rate=5 joc ili 150kk
Bo3Mo}l{eH He 6olwou torg
B>Anc Storm Crow items+luck
B>Crimson boots+rate
B>Explosion Blade+luck+norm opt
B>Lezer boots+luck+rate
B>Tower shield+luck+rate+dd
B npuBaT Vincent
S>> Leather set +9+rate (ryki +13 +luck+rate)=10 jok
30.12.2008, 10:13
B>T>Kris+speed+rate ili rate+mana
B>anc storm crow items+luck
S>Albatros bow+skill+lvl/20
S>Crystal sword+skill+luck+rate+2%+speed+life+mana
S>Kite shield++luck+hp+mana+dd+ref+zen
S>AA staff+luck+rate+mana
S>AA staff+rate+2%
S>Huricane armor+rate+ref
30.12.2008, 11:55
S>Thunder set+9+rate=20 joc ili 600kk
S>Lezer set+9+rate=17 joc ili 500kk
S>Hurbringer+9+luck+12ad+lvl/20+mana=15 joc ili 500kk
S>DP set+9+rate+zen( armor+9+dd)=40 joc ili 1.2kkk
S>AA sword+9+luck+2%+lvl/20=12 joc ili 360kk
S>AA sword+9+lvl/20+mana=8joc ili 240kk
S>Anubis armor+9=20 joc ili 600kk
S>Anubis ring of Fire=8 joc ili 250kk zena
S>Pad armor+rate+zen=3 joca ili 90kk
S>Pad boots+9+rate+zen=4joca ili 120kk
S>Pad helm+rate+dd=4 joca ili 120kk
S>Pad pants+luck+rate+dd=4 joca ili 120kk
S>Anc sphinx armor,gloves,helm po 3 joca za 1 wmotky ili 90kk
S>Anc Skull shield+9=4 joca ili 120kk
S>Buckler shield+13+luck+rate+mana=800kk ili 25 joc
S>Legendary shield+9+dd=8 joc ili 250kk
S>RS armor+luck+rate=5 joc ili 150kk
Bo3Mo}l{eH He 6olwou torg
B>Anc Storm Crow items+luck
B>Crimson boots+rate
B>Explosion Blade+luck+norm opt
B>Lezer boots,armor,pants+luck+rate(mnogo!)
B>Tower shield+luck+rate+dd
B npuBaT Vincent
Volcano armor +ref+rate
Volcano gloves +luck+mana+rate
Venom Mist helm +luck+hp+ref
Hurricane boot +zen+rate
Leather glove+zen+rate
Bone helm+rate
Rapier +lvl/20+speed
Kriss+luck+dmg rate
Sylpid Ray gloves +ref+rate
Legendary helm+rate
Plata armor and shield
Pad helm and skull staff
Leather gloves and helm
Дешево...pm to HeHaBucTb
guardian pants rate 2 wtuki
vine armor rate dd
vine armor rate hp
vine helm luck rate
vine helm luck ref hp
vine gloves luck rate zen
wind gloves luck rate dd zen
silk boots rate dd zen
silk boots rate mana
divine helm luck ref hp
red spirit helm luck hp dd
red spirit gloves luck rate dd
red spirit gloves luck rate mana
sylpid ray helm luck ref hp
ancient vine boots 3 wtuki
ancient vine helm 2 wtuki
ancient vine rapier 2 wtuki
ancient vine gloves 2 wtuki
ancient vine ring of earth
ancient wind gloves
ancient wind helm
ancient silk armor
ancient silk golden crossbow
ancient guardian pendant of ability
ancient guardian armor
ancient spirit gloves
ancient silk set
pad gloves 7 luck ref hp
pad pants ref hp
pad pants rate zen
sphinx boots luck rate ref
sphinx gloves luck ref hp
grand soul gloves ref mana
grand soul gloves luck hp zen
grand soul pants luck ref
grand soul pants ref hp
dark soul helm luck mana dd
dark soul armor luck mana
venom gloves luck rate
venom armor mana
ancient sphinx gloves
ancient sphinx mask luck
ancient sphinx boots
ancient pad ring of magic 2 wtuki
ancient pad pendant of ice
ancient pad armor 2 wtuki
ancient pad gloves
ancient pad pants 2 wtuki
ancient pad skull staff
ancient bone armor
ancient legendary armor
brass gloves luck mana dd ref
brass armor luck rate ref
brass pants rate dd
dragon boots 9 luck rate
dragon boots luck rate zen
dragon gloves luck rate hp
dragon gloves luck rate
leathre armor rate
leathre armor rate hp
dark phoenix gloves ref mana
dark phoenix armor luck mana
dark phoenix boots ref
dark phoenix boots luck ref dd
great dragon gloves luck dd
great dragon pants hp mana
great dragon helm ref
great dragon helm 9 hp mana
great dragon helm ref mana
ancient plate ring of poison
ancient plate armor 2 wtuki
ancient plate gloves
ancient plate ring of wind
ancient scale helm
ancient scale shield
ancient scale pendant of lightning
ancient brass pendant of fire
ancient brass armor
ancient leathre helm
ancient leathre pants
ancient leathre morning star 2
ancient bronze boots
ancient bronze pants 2 wtuki
ancient scale set
dark champion helm luck mana ref
dark steel boots dd hp
sunlight helm rate ref
volcano gloves rate mana
crimson armor dd zen
crimson gloves luck hp dd
crimson gloves luck rate
crimson pants hp dd
thunder gloves rate dd
thunder gloves luck rate dd
thunder gloves 9 rate ref
thunder boots 9 rate hp
thunder boots luck rate hp
thunder pants 9 rate ref
harbringer 13 rate 2%
dark breaker lvl/20 speed
dark breaker luck lvl/20 speed
dark breaker luck 2%
great lord scepter rate mana
lord scepter luck 2% speed
lord scepter rate mana
aa staff life
aa staff lvl/20
aa sword luck mana
aa crossbow rate
arrow viper bow rate 2%
saint crossbow luck rate 2% mana
elemental mace rate speed
elemental mace luck 2% life
sword of destruction rate
sword of destruction luck life
great reign crossbow rate life
great reign crossbow 2% life 2 wtuki
great reign crossbow luck rate life
thunder blade 9 luck life
thunder blade lvl/20 mana
double blade rate life
double blade luck rate lvl/20
rapier luck 2% life
rapier lvl/20 rate
staff of destruction lvl/20 life
staff of destruction 2% life
dark soul staff luck 2% life
dark soul staff 2% life
dark soul staff luck lvl/20
ressurection staff 9 2% speed
ressurection staff luck lvl/20 life
legendary staff luck rate life
grand soul shield mana dd
kite shield rate hp
kite shield rate dd
kite shield ref hp
kite shield 9 luck rate dd
kite shield ref hp
serpent shield luck rate zen
serpent shield luck ref dd
bronze shield ref hp
horn shield 7 rate ref
plate shield ref dd
large round shield rate mana
ring ref hp hp rec
B<2-e Wingi na DK luck ignor +0...+13(за 13 дам 100 Ждок)
B<AA sword luck random
B<Bone Blade luck 2% exc dmg или luck 2 % life (дорого)
B<Ring Hp ref rate
________________________DW _______________________
S>Onyx Helm luck hp rate = 12 JOCr = 360 kk zen
S>Venom Armor luck ref
________________________DK _______________________
S>Gorgone plate Helm luck hp rate = 5 JOCr = 150 kk zen
S>Great Dragon Pants +9 rate = 8 JOCr
S>Celestial Bow +9 luck exc dmg mana = 5 JOCr = 150 kk
S>Crimson Gloves rate = 10 JOCr =150 kk zen
S>Huricane Armor rate zen
S>Huricane Pants luck rate zen
S>Dark Master Mask rate = 8 JOCr = 240 kk zen
S>Dark Champion helm rate = 5 JOCr = 150 kk zen
_______________________Ancient ____________________
S>Anc Plate Armor = 3 JOCr
S>Anc Plate Boots = 3 JOCr
S>Anc Plate Gloves = 3 JOCr
S>Bone Boots luck = 3 JOCr
S>Huon Boots = 25 JOCr
S>Anubis Armor = 25 JOCr
Уместен небольшой торг.
ICQ:4374433 Жека
S > Dark Knigt Armor +rate+dd
S > Guardian Helm +9+luck+rate
S > Spinxs Armor +9+luck+rate+dd
S > Serpend wild +9+luck+rate+mana+skill
S > 2 ringa +rate+hp
B > Anubis Gloves = Zen ulu JOKu (CPO4HO DOROGO)
Volcano armor +ref+rate
Volcano gloves +luck+mana+rate
Venom Mist helm +luck+hp+ref
Hurricane boot +zen+rate
Leather glove+zen+rate
Bone helm+rate
Rapier +lvl/20+speed
Kriss+luck+dmg rate
Sylpid Ray gloves +ref+rate
Legendary helm+rate
Red spirit boot+rate
Plata armor and shield
Pad helm and skull staff
Leather gloves and helm
Дешево...pm to HeHaBucTb
B>> Dark Steel gloves rate (luck rate)
02.01.2009, 18:32
B>T>Kris+speed+rate ili rate+mana
B>anc storm crow items+luck
S>Albatros bow+skill+lvl/20
S>Crystal sword+skill+luck+rate+2%+speed+life+mana
S>Kite shield++luck+hp+mana+dd+ref+zen
S>AA staff+luck+rate+mana
S>AA staff+rate+2%
S>Huricane armor+rate+ref
S>Venom mist helm+rate+zen+hp
S>Gordon plate gloves+luck+rate+mana
02.01.2009, 18:35
куплю 2 крылья на дв +0 с любой опт.
S>>Sylpid gloves+rate+hp+mana=5 jok
S>>Black Dragon boots+rate+luck=7 jok
S>>Harbringer+rate+speed+12add=15 jok
S>>Knight Blade+2%=7 jok
S>>Sunlight gloves+rate+ref=7 jok
S>>Ring+rate+HP=10 jok
Вынесу вам любой шмот с Магазина или сэты...пришите в ПМ в личку...всё за $ !!!
у меня дешевле! пишите в ЛС
Еслиб у тебя ГОЛДА эта была^^^^^^^
ааа хахахаха ну не говори )
продам шмот из магазина! под заказ )))) за зайчики!
Так канкуренцыя псик отсель
НЕТ! конкуренция должна быть всегда!
В твоей же безопастнасти эт=)
ааааааааа мне угрожают! друзья придется уйти с этого бизнеса! сор, но ели что то все таки нужно пишите...
B>>Anc storm crow pants mnogo)
Volcano armor +ref+rate
Volcano gloves +luck+mana+rate
Venom Mist helm +luck+hp+ref
Hurricane boot +zen+rate
Leather glove+zen+rate
Bone helm+rate
Rapier +lvl/20+speed
Kriss+luck+dmg rate
Sylpid Ray gloves +ref+rate
Legendary helm+rate
Red spirit boot+rate
Lighting sword +luck+lvl/20+speed
AA sword +2%+mana
Plata armor and shield
Pad helm and skull staff
Leather gloves and helm
Hyon gloves and boot
Дешево...pm to HeHaBucTb
S>>Коныков 2 штуки по дешёвке в приват Strike или JADERNAYT
03.01.2009, 15:16
Куплю 2-е крылья на ДВ с любой опцией.
S>>>Dark soul gloves+rate+ref+luck = 15jok = 450kk
S>>>Grad soul boots+rate+decris = 10jok = 300kk
S>>>Grad soul pants+rate+zen = 10jok = 300kk
S>>>BD armor+rate+mana = 10jok = 300kk
S>>>Dragon Knight helm+rate+zen+luck = 15jok = 450kk
S>>>Dragon knight armor+hp = 3jok = 90kk
S>>>AA sword+2%+lvl/20 = 8jok = 240kk
S>>>Sword of distruction+speed = 2jok =60kk
S>>>Grand Viper staff+13+16+luck = 10jok = 300kk
S>>>Resurectin staff+2%+lvl/20+life/8+luck = 6jok = 180kk
S>>>Divine gloves+rate+luck = 5jok = 150kk
03.01.2009, 19:05
B>T>Kris+speed+rate ili rate+mana
B>anc storm crow items+luck
S>Albatros bow+skill+lvl/20=32jok=1kkk
S>AA staff+luck+rate+mana=5jok
S>AA staff+rate+2%=10jok
S>Huricane armor+rate+ref=10jok
S>Venom mist helm+rate+zen+hp=12jok
S>Venom mist armor+rate+ref=20jo
S>Gordon plate gloves+luck+rate+mana=4jok
S>DK gloves+rate+dd=15jok
B<<<Leather Boots, Pants, Helm+Luck+rate+HP
B<<<Shield na DK+rate
B>>>DK items+rate(кроме gloves i armor)
04.01.2009, 02:54
B>>2-e wingi na dw pustie
04.01.2009, 11:53
Куплю 2-е крылья на ДВ с любой опцией.
S>>>Grad soul boots+rate+decris = 10jok = 300kk
S>>>Grad soul pants+rate+zen = 10jok = 300kk
S>>>BD armor+rate+mana = 10jok = 300kk
S>>>Dragon Knight helm+rate+zen+luck = 15jok = 450kk
S>>>Dragon knight armor+hp = 3jok = 90kk
S>>>AA sword+2%+lvl/20 = 8jok = 240kk
S>>>Sword of distruction+speed = 2jok =60kk
S>>>Grand Viper staff+13+16+luck = 10jok = 300kk
S>>>Resurectin staff+2%+lvl/20+life/8+luck = 6jok = 180kk
S>>>Divine gloves+rate+luck = 5jok = 150kk
04.01.2009, 13:31
B>T>Kris+speed+rate ili rate+mana
B>anc storm crow items+luck
S>Albatros bow+skill+lvl/20=32jok=1kkk
S>AA staff+luck+rate+mana=5jok
S>AA staff+rate+2%=10jok
S>Huricane armor+rate+ref=10jok
S>Venom mist helm+rate+zen+hp=12jok
S>Venom mist armor+rate+ref=20jok
S>Gordon plate gloves+luck+rate+mana=4jok
Volcano armor +ref+rate
Volcano gloves +luck+mana+rate
Venom Mist helm +luck+hp+ref
Hurricane boot +zen+rate
Leather glove+zen+rate
Bone helm+rate
Rapier +lvl/20+speed
Kriss+luck+dmg rate
Sylpid Ray gloves +ref+rate
Legendary helm+rate
Lighting sword +luck+lvl/20+speed
AA sword +2%+mana
Staff of Destruction +2%
Plata armor and shield
Pad helm and skull staff
Leather gloves and helm
Дешево...pm to HeHaBucTb
guardian pants rate 2 wtuki
vine armor rate dd
vine armor rate hp
vine helm luck rate
vine helm luck ref hp
vine gloves luck rate zen
wind gloves luck rate dd zen
silk boots rate dd zen
silk boots rate mana
divine helm luck ref hp
sylpid ray helm luck ref hp
ancient vine boots 3 wtuki
ancient vine helm 2 wtuki
ancient vine rapier 2 wtuki
ancient vine gloves 2 wtuki
ancient vine ring of earth
ancient wind gloves
ancient wind helm
ancient wind armor
ancient silk armor
ancient silk golden crossbow
ancient guardian pendant of ability
ancient guardian armor
ancient guardian silver bow
ancient silk set
pad gloves 7 luck ref hp
pad pants ref hp
pad pants rate zen
sphinx boots luck rate ref
sphinx gloves luck ref hp
legendary armor rate hp
grand soul pants luck ref
grand soul pants ref hp
dark soul helm luck mana dd
venom gloves luck rate
venom armor mana
ancient sphinx gloves
ancient sphinx mask luck
ancient sphinx boots
ancient pad ring of magic 2 wtuki
ancient pad pendant of ice
ancient pad armor 2 wtuki
ancient pad gloves
ancient pad pants 2 wtuki
ancient pad skull staff
ancient bone armor
ancient legendary armor
brass gloves luck mana dd ref
brass armor luck rate ref
brass pants rate dd
brass boots rate mana
dragon boots 9 luck rate
dragon boots luck rate zen
dragon gloves luck rate hp
dragon gloves luck rate
leathre armor rate
leathre armor rate hp
dark phoenix gloves ref mana
dark phoenix boots ref
dark phoenix boots luck ref dd
great dragon gloves luck dd
great dragon pants hp mana
great dragon helm ref
great dragon helm 9 hp mana
great dragon helm ref mana
ancient plate ring of poison
ancient plate armor 2 wtuki
ancient plate gloves
ancient plate ring of wind
ancient scale helm
ancient scale shield
ancient scale pendant of lightning
ancient brass pendant of fire
ancient brass armor
ancient leathre helm
ancient leathre pants
ancient leathre morning star 2
ancient bronze boots
ancient bronze pants 2 wtuki
ancient scale set
dark champion helm luck mana ref
dark steel boots dd hp
sunlight helm rate ref
volcano gloves rate mana
crimson armor dd zen
crimson gloves luck hp dd
crimson gloves luck rate
crimson pants hp dd
thunder gloves rate dd
thunder gloves luck rate dd
thunder gloves 9 rate ref
thunder boots 9 rate hp
thunder boots luck rate hp
thunder pants 9 rate ref
harbringer 13 rate 2%
dark breaker lvl/20 speed
dark breaker luck lvl/20 speed
dark breaker luck 2%
great lord scepter rate mana
great lord scepter luck 2%
lord scepter luck 2% speed
aa staff life
aa staff lvl/20
aa sword luck mana
aa crossbow rate
arrow viper bow rate 2%
saint crossbow luck rate 2% mana
elemental mace luck 2% life
sword of destruction rate
sword of destruction luck life
great reign crossbow rate life
great reign crossbow 2% life 2 wtuki
great reign crossbow luck rate life
thunder blade 9 luck life
thunder blade lvl/20 mana
double blade rate life
double blade luck rate lvl/20
rapier luck 2% life
rapier lvl/20 rate
staff of destruction lvl/20 life
staff of destruction 2% life
dark soul staff luck 2% life
dark soul staff 2% life
dark soul staff luck lvl/20
ressurection staff 9 2% speed
ressurection staff luck lvl/20 life
legendary staff luck rate life
elemental shield luck rate
grand soul shield mana dd
legendary shield mana dd
kite shield rate hp
kite shield rate dd
kite shield ref hp
kite shield 9 luck rate dd
kite shield ref hp
serpent shield luck rate zen
bronze shield ref hp
horn shield 7 rate ref
large round shield rate mana
ring ref hp hp rec
05.01.2009, 14:14
MERCURY, за пантс 6 жок,если надо в ЛС.
S>>Venom Mist Armor+rate=6jok
S>>Aqua Viper Bow+13+luck+2%+speed=20jok
S>>Wings of Darkness+13+luck=32jok или Devil Wings+13
B>Sfinks Boots Ancient
B<<<Red Dragon Armor, Pants +Luck+rate
S>>>Divine armor + luck + ref
S>>> Venom Mist Armor + add + ref + decris
S>>> Hurikane Pants + mana + zen :D
S>>> DF Pants + 9 + ref
S>>> DF Gloves + luck + decr
B<<< Hyon Helm boots Sword
B<<< Dragon Armor + rate
S>Dragon armor+rate+HP+9=12 jok
S>Dragon armor+rate+11=12 jok
S>Sylpid ray gloves+rate+HP+mana=5 jok
S>Grand Soul boots+rate+dd=5 jok
S>Legendary shield+rate+dd=15 jok
S>Ring+rate+HP=5 5jok
S>Anc sphinx boots+9 shield+9=po 3 jok
S>Gorgon plate armor+rate+luck=3 jok
S>>Wings na MG +9+ignore=dewevo
B>>Anubis per4i
B>>Storm crow pants
Спасибо за внимание
05.01.2009, 19:07
B>>Exe Kundun staff с любой опт, но желтельно +лак
S>>>BD set+9+rate = 50jok
S>>>Grad soul boots+rate+decris = 10jok = 300kk
S>>>Grad soul pants+rate+zen = 10jok = 300kk
S>>>BD armor+rate+mana = 10jok = 300kk
S>>>Dragon Knight helm+rate+zen+luck = 15jok = 450kk
S>>>Dragon knight armor+hp = 3jok = 90kk
S>>>AA sword+2%+lvl/20 = 8jok = 240kk
S>>>Sword of distruction+speed = 2jok =60kk
S>>>Grand Viper staff+13+16+luck = 10jok = 300kk
S>>>Resurectin staff+2%+lvl/20+life/8+luck = 6jok = 180kk
S>>>Divine gloves+rate+luck = 5jok = 150kk
B > Anubis Gloves = 70 JOKav + 300 kk zena (v PM)
S > Scale Armor +9 +luck +rate +mana
S > Scale Helm +9 +rate +hp
S > Brass Bots +9 +luck +rate +ref
S > Guardian Helm +9 +luck +rate
05.01.2009, 20:39
B>T>Kris+speed+rate ili rate+mana
B>anc storm crow items+luck
S>Albatros bow+skill+lvl/20=32jok=1kkk
S>AA staff+luck+rate+mana=5jok
S>AA staff+rate+2%=10jok
S>Huricane armor+rate+ref=10jok
S>Venom mist helm+rate+zen+hp=12jok
S>Venom mist armor+rate+ref=20jok
S>Gordon plate gloves+luck+rate+mana=4jok
05.01.2009, 20:54
куплю эксл кундун стаф
S>Dark Soul set+Rate+9=40 jok ili 1,2kkk
B>Dragon panti+rate+9(+luck+HP)DOROGO
06.01.2009, 01:30
а понты за сколько?
B<2-e Wingi na DK luck ignor +0...+13(за 13 дам 100 Джок)
B<AA sword luck random
B<Bone Blade luck 2% exc dmg или luck 2 % life
B<Ring Hp ref rate
________________________DW _______________________
S>Onyx Helm luck hp rate = 12 JOCr = 360 kk zen
S>Venom Armor luck ref
________________________DK _______________________
S>Gorgone plate Helm luck hp rate = 5 JOCr = 150 kk zen
S>DK Helm +9 rate = 15 JOCr
S>Celestial Bow +9 luck exc dmg mana = 5 JOCr = 150 kk
S>Crimson Gloves rate = 10 JOCr =150 kk zen
S>Huricane Armor rate zen
S>Huricane Pants luck rate zen
S>Dark Master Mask rate = 8 JOCr = 240 kk zen
S>Dark Champion helm rate = 5 JOCr = 150 kk zen
_______________________Ancient ____________________
S>Anc Plate Armor = 3 JOCr
S>Anc Plate Boots = 3 JOCr
S>Anc Plate Gloves = 3 JOCr
S>Bone Boots luck = 3 JOCr
S>Anubis Armor = 15 JOCr
Уместен небольшой торг.
ICQ:4374433 Жека
06.01.2009, 10:27
100 Ждок)
что ещё за Ждоки? ^^^^^^
во мля нуб! ждок это 1.5 Ждока!
хе хе
B<2-e Wingi na DK luck ignor +0...+13(за 13 дам 100 Джок)
B<AA sword luck random
B<Bone Blade luck 2% exc dmg или luck 2 % life
B<Ring Hp ref rate
________________________DW _______________________
S>Onyx Helm luck hp rate = 12 JOCr = 360 kk zen
S>Venom Armor luck ref
________________________DK _______________________
S>Gorgone plate Helm luck hp rate = 5 JOCr = 150 kk zen
S>DK Helm +9 rate = 15 JOCr
S>Celestial Bow +9 luck exc dmg mana = 5 JOCr = 150 kk
S>Crimson Gloves rate = 10 JOCr =150 kk zen
S>Huricane Armor rate zen
S>Huricane Pants luck rate zen
S>Dark Master Mask rate = 8 JOCr = 240 kk zen
S>Dark Champion helm rate = 5 JOCr = 150 kk zen
_______________________Ancient ____________________
S>Anc Plate Armor = 3 JOCr
S>Anc Plate Boots = 3 JOCr
S>Anc Plate Gloves = 3 JOCr
S>Bone Boots luck = 3 JOCr
S>Anubis Armor = 15 JOCr
Уместен небольшой торг.
ICQ:4374433 Жека
06.01.2009, 10:41
сам ты ждок=)
06.01.2009, 10:58
не, ты что, я не ждок=)
06.01.2009, 11:43
B>T>Kris+speed+rate ili rate+mana
B>anc storm crow items+luck
S>Albatros bow+skill+lvl/20=32jok=1kkk
S>AA staff+luck+rate+mana=5jok
S>AA staff+rate+2%=10jok
S>Huricane armor+rate+ref=10jok
S>Venom mist helm+rate+zen+hp=12jok
S>Venom mist armor+rate+ref=20jok
S>Gordon plate gloves+luck+rate+mana=4jok
S>>Wing na mg +9+ignore
B>>Anubis per4i
B>>Ans Storm crow pants
B>>>DK boots i gloves+rate DOROGO ! ! ! !
S>>Wing na mg +9+ignore
B>>Anubis per4i
B>>Ans Storm crow pants
B>>Scale boots rate ref (ili rate)
B > Anubis Gloves = 80 JOKAV ( СРОЧНО ) !!!
в PM <c> Kasper
06.01.2009, 14:07
S>>Venom Mist Armor+rate=6jok
S>>Venom Mist Helm+luck+mana+reflect=5jok
S>>Venom Boots+reflect=10jok
S>>Dark Soul Armor+luck+reflect=5jok
S>>Aqua Viper Bow+13+luck+2%+speed=20jok
06.01.2009, 15:47
B>T>Kris+speed+rate ili rate+mana
B>anc storm crow items+luck
S>Albatros bow+skill+lvl/20=20jok
S>AA staff+luck+rate+mana=5jok
S>AA staff+rate+2%=10jok
S>Huricane armor+rate+ref=10jok
S>Venom mist helm+rate+zen+hp=12jok
S>Venom mist armor+rate+ref=20jok
guardian pants rate 2 wtuki
guardian gloves rate dd
vine armor rate dd
vine armor rate hp
vine helm luck rate
vine helm luck ref hp
vine gloves luck rate zen
wind gloves luck rate dd zen
silk boots rate dd zen
silk boots rate mana
divine helm luck ref hp
sylpid ray helm luck ref hp
ancient vine boots 3 wtuki
ancient vine helm 2 wtuki
ancient vine rapier 2 wtuki
ancient vine gloves 2 wtuki
ancient vine ring of earth
ancient wind gloves 2
ancient wind helm
ancient wind armor
ancient silk armor
ancient silk gloves
ancient silk golden crossbow
ancient guardian pendant of ability
ancient guardian armor
ancient guardian silver bow
ancient silk set
pad gloves 7 luck ref hp
pad pants ref hp
pad pants rate zen
sphinx gloves luck ref hp
legendary armor rate hp
grand soul pants luck ref
grand soul pants ref hp
dark soul helm luck mana dd
venom gloves luck rate
venom armor mana
ancient sphinx gloves
ancient sphinx armor
ancient sphinx mask luck
ancient pad ring of magic 2 wtuki
ancient pad pendant of ice
ancient pad armor 2 wtuki
ancient pad gloves
ancient pad pants 2 wtuki
ancient pad skull staff
ancient bone armor
ancient bone boots
ancient legendary armor
brass gloves luck mana dd ref
brass armor luck rate ref
brass pants rate dd
brass boots rate mana
dragon boots 9 luck rate
dragon boots luck rate zen
dragon gloves luck rate hp
dragon gloves luck rate
leathre armor rate
leathre armor rate hp
dark phoenix gloves ref mana
dark phoenix boots ref
dark phoenix boots luck ref dd
great dragon gloves luck dd
great dragon pants hp mana
great dragon helm ref
great dragon helm 9 hp mana
great dragon helm ref mana
ancient plate gloves
ancient scale helm
ancient scale shield
ancient scale pendant of lightning
ancient brass pendant of fire
ancient brass armor
ancient leathre helm
ancient leathre pants
ancient leathre morning star 2
ancient bronze boots
ancient bronze pants 2 wtuki
ancient scale set
dark champion helm luck mana ref
dark steel boots dd hp
sunlight helm rate ref
volcano gloves rate mana
crimson armor dd zen
crimson gloves luck hp dd
crimson gloves luck rate
crimson pants hp dd
thunder gloves rate dd
thunder gloves luck rate dd
thunder gloves 9 rate ref
thunder boots 9 rate hp
thunder boots luck rate hp
thunder pants 9 rate ref
harbringer 13 rate 2%
dark breaker lvl/20 speed
dark breaker luck lvl/20 speed
dark breaker luck 2%
great lord scepter rate mana
great lord scepter luck 2%
lord scepter luck 2% speed
aa staff life
aa staff lvl/20
aa sword luck mana
aa crossbow rate
arrow viper bow rate 2%
saint crossbow luck rate 2% mana
elemental mace luck 2% life
sword of destruction rate
sword of destruction luck life
great reign crossbow rate life
great reign crossbow 2% life 2 wtuki
great reign crossbow luck rate life
thunder blade 9 luck life
thunder blade lvl/20 mana
double blade rate life
double blade luck rate lvl/20
rapier luck 2% life
rapier lvl/20 rate
staff of destruction lvl/20 life
staff of destruction 2% life
ressurection staff 9 2% speed
ressurection staff luck lvl/20 life
legendary staff luck rate life
elven shield luck rate zen
legendary shield mana dd
kite shield rate hp
kite shield rate dd
kite shield ref hp
kite shield 9 luck rate dd
kite shield ref hp
serpent shield luck rate zen
bronze shield ref hp
horn shield 7 rate ref
large round shield rate mana
ring ref hp
Volcano armor +ref+rate
Volcano gloves +luck+mana+rate
Venom Mist helm +luck+hp+ref
Leather glove+zen+rate
Bone helm+rate
Rapier +lvl/20+speed
Kriss+luck+dmg rate
Sylpid Ray gloves +ref+rate
Legendary helm+rate
Lighting sword +luck+lvl/20+speed
AA sword +2%+mana
Staff of Destruction +2%
Plata armor and shield
Pad helm and skull staff
Leather gloves and helm
S>>Wing na MG+9+ignore
S>>Explozhen +9+exl dmg
S>>Buckler shild +9+rate+opt
S>>Hyrricane set +9+decr(v nekotoruh +decr+ref)
S>>Leather set+9+luck+rate+opt
S>>Destraction staff+9+speed
S>>AA staf +9+2%
B>>Storm crow pants
06.01.2009, 19:50
guardian pants rate 2 wtuki
vine armor rate dd
vine armor rate hp
vine helm luck rate
vine helm luck ref hp
vine gloves luck rate zen
wind gloves luck rate dd zen
silk boots rate dd zen
silk boots rate mana
divine helm luck ref hp
sylpid ray helm luck ref hp
ancient vine boots 3 wtuki
ancient vine helm 2 wtuki
ancient vine rapier 2 wtuki
ancient vine gloves 2 wtuki
ancient vine ring of earth
ancient wind gloves
ancient wind helm
ancient wind armor
ancient silk armor
ancient silk golden crossbow
ancient guardian pendant of ability
ancient guardian armor
ancient guardian silver bow
ancient silk set
pad gloves 7 luck ref hp
pad pants ref hp
pad pants rate zen
sphinx gloves luck ref hp
legendary armor rate hp
grand soul pants luck ref
grand soul pants ref hp
dark soul helm luck mana dd
venom gloves luck rate
venom armor mana
ancient sphinx gloves
ancient sphinx mask luck
ancient sphinx boots
ancient pad ring of magic 2 wtuki
ancient pad pendant of ice
ancient pad armor 2 wtuki
ancient pad gloves
ancient pad pants 2 wtuki
ancient pad skull staff
ancient bone armor
ancient legendary armor
brass gloves luck mana dd ref
brass armor luck rate ref
brass pants rate dd
brass boots rate mana
dragon boots 9 luck rate
dragon boots luck rate zen
dragon gloves luck rate hp
dragon gloves luck rate
leathre armor rate
leathre armor rate hp
dark phoenix gloves ref mana
dark phoenix boots ref
dark phoenix boots luck ref dd
great dragon gloves luck dd
great dragon pants hp mana
great dragon helm ref
great dragon helm 9 hp mana
great dragon helm ref mana
ancient plate ring of poison
ancient plate armor 2 wtuki
ancient plate gloves
ancient plate ring of wind
ancient scale helm
ancient scale shield
ancient scale pendant of lightning
ancient brass pendant of fire
ancient brass armor
ancient leathre helm
ancient leathre pants
ancient leathre morning star 2
ancient bronze boots
ancient bronze pants 2 wtuki
ancient scale set
dark champion helm luck mana ref
dark steel boots dd hp
sunlight helm rate ref
volcano gloves rate mana
crimson armor dd zen
crimson gloves luck hp dd
crimson gloves luck rate
crimson pants hp dd
thunder gloves rate dd
thunder gloves luck rate dd
thunder gloves 9 rate ref
thunder boots 9 rate hp
thunder boots luck rate hp
thunder pants 9 rate ref
harbringer 13 rate 2%
dark breaker lvl/20 speed
dark breaker luck lvl/20 speed
dark breaker luck 2%
great lord scepter rate mana
great lord scepter luck 2%
lord scepter luck 2% speed
aa staff life
aa staff lvl/20
aa sword luck mana
aa crossbow rate
arrow viper bow rate 2%
saint crossbow luck rate 2% mana
elemental mace luck 2% life
sword of destruction rate
sword of destruction luck life
great reign crossbow rate life
great reign crossbow 2% life 2 wtuki
great reign crossbow luck rate life
thunder blade 9 luck life
thunder blade lvl/20 mana
double blade rate life
double blade luck rate lvl/20
rapier luck 2% life
rapier lvl/20 rate
staff of destruction lvl/20 life
staff of destruction 2% life
dark soul staff luck 2% life
dark soul staff 2% life
dark soul staff luck lvl/20
ressurection staff 9 2% speed
ressurection staff luck lvl/20 life
legendary staff luck rate life
grand soul shield mana dd
legendary shield mana dd
kite shield rate hp
kite shield rate dd
kite shield ref hp
kite shield 9 luck rate dd
kite shield ref hp
serpent shield luck rate zen
bronze shield ref hp
horn shield 7 rate ref
large round shield rate mana
ring ref hp
как можно столько шмота собрать? О_о
B>>Huricane Gloves+rate
В Пм Jack
B>>>explosion +luck +random
B>>>anc storm +luck ....
B>aa staff +luck 2% rate
S>>Wing na MG+9+ignore
S>>Explozhen +9+exl dmg
S>>Buckler shild +9+rate+opt
S>>Hyrricane set +9+decr(v nekotoruh +decr+ref)
S>>Leather set+9+luck+rate+opt
S>>Destraction staff+9+speed
S>>AA staf +9+2%
S>>Anc storm crow pants +9 (2 wtyki)
Volcano armor +ref+rate
Volcano gloves +luck+mana+rate
Venom Mist helm +luck+hp+ref
Leather glove+zen+rate
Rapier +lvl/20+speed
Kriss+luck+dmg rate
Sylpid Ray gloves +ref+rate
Legendary helm+rate
Lighting sword +luck+lvl/20+speed
AA sword +2%+mana
Staff of Destruction +2%
Great Dragon Helm +rate+mana
Plata armor and shield
Pad helm and skull staff
Leather gloves and helm
Spirit pants
Anubis Helm
Silk pants i Crossbow
Уважаемые игроки давайте поможем нуждающейся семье ! а конкретней семье Шута помогите ему кинуть Му родители уже ходят как сынишка мусара из нашей раши , пусть он кинет Му и кончит жрать и пойдёт работать ! Спс скинтесь все по 1 тысячи рублей это не так много но вместе мы поможем и сделаем его нормальным деньги ложите на номер 121-79-91 я потом рассторгну контракт и деньги сениму лично я уже кинул 10 тысяч такчто кому скоко не жалко !
S>>Wing na MG+9+ignore
S>>Explozhen +9+exl dmg
S>>Buckler shild +9+rate+opt
S>>Hyrricane set +9+decr(v nekotoruh +decr+ref)
S>>Leather set+9+luck+rate+opt
S>>Destraction staff+9+speed
S>>AA staf +9+2%
S>>Anc storm crow pants +9 (2 wtyki)
08.01.2009, 16:47
B>T>Kris+speed+rate ili rate+mana
B>anc storm crow items+luck
S>Albatros bow+skill+lvl/20=20jok
S>AA staff+luck+rate+mana=5jok
S>AA staff+rate+2%=10jok
S>Huricane armor+rate+ref=10jok
S>Venom mist helm+rate+zen+hp=12jok
S>Venom mist armor+rate+ref=20jok
S>Anubis gloves
S>>Wing na MG+9+ignore
S>>Explozhen +9+exl dmg
S>>Buckler shild +9+rate+opt
S>>Hyrricane set +9+decr(v nekotoruh +decr+ref)
S>>Leather set+9+luck+rate+opt
S>>Destraction staff+9+speed
S>>AA staf +9+2%
S>>Anc storm crow pants +9 (2 wtyki)
Volcano armor +ref+rate
Volcano gloves +luck+mana+rate
Venom Mist helm +luck+hp+ref
Leather glove+zen+rate
Rapier +lvl/20+speed
Kriss+luck+dmg rate
Sylpid Ray gloves +ref+rate
Lighting sword +luck+lvl/20+speed
AA sword +2%+mana
Great Dragon Helm +rate+mana
Black Dragon pants +luck+hp+rate
Black Dragon gloves +rate+zen
Dragon gloves +luck+hp+rate
Plata armor and shield
Pad helm and skull staff
Leather gloves and helm
Guardian boot
Brass pants and Armor
Spirit pants
Anubis Helm and Armor
Silk panty and Crossbow
12.01.2009, 10:45
B>Bone helm,gloves+rate
B>Scale pants+rate
B>Explosion Blade+13+random
B>Rings rate dd hp
S>Explosion Blade+9+28+28+ex.dmg
S>Thunder set+9+rate
S>Lezer set+9+rate
B npuBaT Vincent
12.01.2009, 12:27
S>plas4 na dl
S>brass boots+9+luck+hp+rate
S>vine boots+rate
S>dragon gloves+rate+reflekt+12ad
S>gorgon plate gloves+luck+rate+mana
S>gorgon plate armor+luck+rate+hp
B>brass armor i helm+luck+rate(mojno+11)
12.01.2009, 21:46
B>T>Kris+speed+rate ili rate+mana
B>anc storm crow items+luck
S>AA staff+rate+2%=10jok
S>Huricane armor+rate+ref=10jok
S>Anubis set+9(panti i boti+9+rate)=4.5kkk
S>Dark soul set+9+rate+random=1kkk
S>Kyndun staff+9+rate+lvl/20=1kkk
Vozmojen torg
Prodam vse eto ^^ 3a 5.5KKK
Volcano armor +ref+rate
Volcano gloves +luck+mana+rate
Venom Mist helm +luck+hp+ref
Leather glove+zen+rate
Rapier +lvl/20+speed
Kriss+luck+dmg rate
Sylpid Ray gloves +ref+rate
Lighting sword +luck+lvl/20+speed
AA sword +2%+mana
Great Dragon Helm +rate+mana
Black Dragon pants +luck+hp+rate
Black Dragon gloves +rate+zen
Dragon gloves +luck+hp+rate
Plata armor and shield
Pad helm and skull staff
Leather gloves and helm
Guardian boot
Brass pants and Armor
Spirit pants
Anubis Helm and Armor
Silk panty and Crossbow
S>>Anc storm crow pants +9 (2 wtyki)
S>>Explozhen +9+exl dmg
S>>Hyrricane set +9+decr(v nekotoruh +decr+ref)
S>>Destraction staff+9+speed
S>>AA staf +9+2%
Все дешево!!!!
S>>Anc storm crow pants +9 (2 wtyki)
S>>Explozhen +9+exl dmg
S>>Hyrricane set +9+decr(v nekotoruh +decr+ref)
S>>Destraction staff+9+speed
S>>AA staf +9+2%
Все дешево!!!!
B>>Anubis ring
guardian pants rate 2 wtuki
guardian gloves rate dd
vine armor rate dd
vine armor rate hp
vine helm luck rate
vine helm luck ref hp
vine gloves luck rate zen
wind gloves luck rate dd zen
silk boots rate dd zen
silk boots rate mana
silk pants luck rate ref
divine helm luck ref hp
divine pants luck rate dd
divine pants luck rate zen
emerald gloves luck rate ref
sylpid ray helm luck ref hp
ancient vine boots 3 wtuki
ancient vine helm 2 wtuki
ancient vine rapier 2 wtuki
ancient vine gloves 2 wtuki
ancient vine ring of earth
ancient wind gloves 2
ancient wind helm
ancient wind armor
ancient wind pants
ancient silk armor
ancient silk gloves
ancient silk golden crossbow
ancient guardian pendant of ability
ancient guardian armor
ancient guardian silver bow
ancient silk set
pad gloves 7 luck ref hp
pad pants ref hp
pad pants rate zen
pad armor ref hp
sphinx gloves luck ref hp
legendary armor rate hp
legendary helm luck rate hp
legendary pants rate
grand soul pants luck ref
grand soul pants ref hp
dark soul helm luck mana dd
venom gloves luck rate
venom armor mana
ancient sphinx gloves
ancient sphinx armor
ancient sphinx mask luck
ancient sphinx skull shield
ancient pad ring of magic 2 wtuki
ancient pad pendant of ice
ancient pad armor 2 wtuki
ancient pad gloves
ancient pad pants 2 wtuki
ancient pad skull staff
ancient bone armor
ancient bone boots
ancient bone pendant of wind
ancient legendary armor
brass gloves luck mana dd ref
brass pants rate dd
brass boots mana rate
dragon boots 9 luck rate
dragon boots luck rate zen
dragon gloves luck rate
dragon gloves rate hp
leathre gloves luck rate ref
leathre armor rate
leathre armor rate hp
dark phoenix gloves ref mana
dark phoenix boots ref
dark phoenix boots luck ref dd
great dragon gloves luck dd
great dragon pants hp mana
great dragon helm ref
great dragon helm 9 hp mana
great dragon helm ref mana
ancient plate gloves 2
ancient scale helm
ancient scale shield
ancient scale pendant of lightning
ancient brass pendant of fire
ancient brass armor
ancient leathre helm
ancient leathre pants
ancient leathre morning star 2
ancient bronze boots
ancient bronze pants 2 wtuki
ancient scale set
dark champion helm luck mana ref
dark steel boots dd hp
sunlight helm rate ref
volcano gloves rate mana
crimson armor dd zen
crimson gloves luck hp dd
crimson gloves luck rate
crimson pants hp dd
thunder gloves rate dd
thunder gloves luck rate dd
thunder gloves 9 rate ref
thunder boots 9 rate hp
thunder boots luck rate hp
thunder pants 9 rate ref
storm armor rate
ancient storm pendant of water
harbringer 13 rate 2%
dark breaker lvl/20 speed
dark breaker luck lvl/20 speed
dark breaker luck 2%
great lord scepter rate mana
great lord scepter luck 2%
lord scepter luck 2% speed
aa staff life
aa staff lvl/20
aa crossbow rate
arrow viper bow rate 2%
saint crossbow luck rate 2% mana
elemental mace luck 2% life
sword of destruction rate
sword of destruction luck life
great reign crossbow rate life
great reign crossbow 2% life 2 wtuki
great reign crossbow luck rate life
thunder blade 9 luck life
thunder blade lvl/20 mana
double blade rate life
double blade luck rate lvl/20
rapier luck 2% life
rapier lvl/20 rate
staff of destruction lvl/20 life
staff of destruction 2% life
ressurection staff 9 2% speed
ressurection staff luck lvl/20 life
legendary staff luck rate life
legendary staff luck 2% lvl/20
elven shield luck rate zen
legendary shield mana dd
plate shield rate
kite shield rate dd
kite shield ref hp
kite shield 9 luck rate dd
kite shield ref hp
serpent shield luck rate zen
bronze shield ref hp
horn shield 7 rate ref
large round shield rate mana
ring ref hp
16.01.2009, 12:22
B>anc. Storm crow armor
pm- Mutilate
S>anc plate set+9
S>anc scale set+9
S>rings+rate+random(3 штуки)
S>Anubis set+9 anc sfinx shield panti boti+9 leg panti i boti+9+rate=4.5kkk
S>Dark Soul set+9+rate+random=800kk
S>Kundun staff+9+rate+lvl 20=800kk
17.01.2009, 18:08
S>Anubis helm=20jok
S>Legendary pants+rate+hp=5jok
B>anc storm crow armor,pants,boots
Ablaze скоко хочеш 3а это storm gloves 9 rate ref mana??? Дорого Куплю
пиши в приват или сдесь
Volcano armor +ref+rate
Volcano gloves +luck+mana+rate
Venom Mist helm +luck+hp+ref
Leather glove+zen+rate
Rapier +lvl/20+speed
Kriss+luck+dmg rate
Sylpid Ray gloves +ref+rate
Lighting sword +luck+lvl/20+speed
AA sword +2%+mana
Great Dragon Helm +rate+mana
Black Dragon pants +luck+hp+rate
Black Dragon gloves +rate+zen
Dragon gloves +luck+hp+rate
Plata armor and shield
Pad helm and skull staff
Leather gloves and helm
Guardian boot
Brass pants and Armor
Spirit pants
Anubis Helm and Armor
Silk panty and Crossbow
B>Dragon Knight items+dd
S>anc Plate set+9=15joc
S>anc Scale set+9=10joc
приват Lexa
18.01.2009, 09:20
S>Anubis helm=20jok
S>Legendary pants+rate+hp=5jok
B>anc storm crow armor,pants,boots
B>Dark Reign Blade+random(mnogo)
S>Kundun staff+rate+lvl 20+9
S/T>Dark soul set+rate+9=Thunder set+rate
S>Anubis set+9(panti i boti+rate+9)
18.01.2009, 20:25
анубис сет за сколько?
Volcano armor +ref+rate
Volcano gloves +luck+mana+rate
Venom Mist helm +luck+hp+ref
Leather glove+zen+rate
Rapier +lvl/20+speed
Kriss+luck+dmg rate
Sylpid Ray gloves +ref+rate
Lighting sword +luck+lvl/20+speed
AA sword +2%+mana
Great Dragon Helm +rate+mana
Black Dragon pants +luck+hp+rate
Black Dragon gloves +rate+zen
Dragon gloves +luck+hp+rate
Plata armor and shield
Pad helm and skull staff
Leather gloves and helm
Guardian boot
Brass pants and Armor
Spirit pants
Silk panty and Crossbow
19.01.2009, 15:35
Анубис куплю!
19.01.2009, 15:56
Приобрету ancient Storm pants
в pm: Mutilate
19.01.2009, 16:02
20joc 3a ponti!
S/T>Ancient storm crow set+9
S/T>wingi na mg+9+luck+ignore
S/T>Exl Stom crow gloves+11+luck+rate+dd+28
S/T>Explosion blade+10+speed
B>Grand viper staf exl
B>Wingi na dw+13
B>Legendary shild+rate
B>anybis helm pants boots+rate
B>hyon boots, helm
B>great dragon items+rate(krome boots)
19.01.2009, 21:08
S>Anubis helm=20jok
S>Legendary pants+rate+hp=5jok
B>anc storm crow armor,pants,boots
guardian pants rate
guardian gloves rate dd
vine armor rate dd
vine armor rate hp
vine helm luck rate
vine helm luck ref hp
vine gloves luck rate zen
wind gloves luck rate dd zen
silk boots rate dd zen
silk boots rate mana
divine helm luck ref hp
divine pants luck rate dd
divine pants luck rate zen
red spirit helm rate mana
red spirit pants luck rate dd
emerald gloves luck rate ref
sylpid ray helm luck ref hp
ancient silk helm
ancient silk gloves
ancient silk pants
ancient silk golden crossbow
ancient guardian pendant of ability
ancient guardian armor
ancient guardian silver bow
ancient guardian gloves
ancient wind set
pad gloves 7 luck ref hp
pad pants rate zen
bone pants luck rate hp
bone boots ref hp
bone helm rate
grand soul pants ref hp
grand soul boots luck rate mana
dark soul boots rate
venom helm luck ref zen
ancient sphinx gloves
ancient sphinx armor
ancient sphinx mask luck
ancient sphinx skull shield
ancient bone pendant of wind
ancient bone pants
ancient bone boots
ancient legendary armor
ancient legendary ring of fire
ancient pad set
brass gloves luck mana dd ref
brass pants rate dd
brass boots mana rate
brass armor luck rate ref
scale gloves rate hp
scale gloves luck rate mana
dragon boots 9 luck rate
dragon boots luck rate zen
dragon gloves luck rate
dragon gloves luck rate hp
leathre gloves luck rate ref
leathre gloves luck ref hp
leathre armor rate
leathre armor rate hp
gorgon plate gloves rate hp
dark phoenix gloves ref mana
dark phoenix boots luck ref dd
dark phoenix boots luck rate
great dragon gloves luck dd
great dragon helm ref
great dragon helm 9 hp mana
great dragon helm ref mana
ancient scale helm
ancient scale shield
ancient scale pendant of lightning
ancient scale armor
ancient brass pendant of fire
ancient brass armor 2
ancient brass boots
ancient plate armor
ancient plate ring of wind
ancient leathre set
dark steel boots dd hp
volcano gloves rate mana
crimson armor 9 luck hp rate zen
crimson armor rate hp 2
crimson gloves luck rate
crimson gloves 9 luck rate ref
thunder gloves rate dd
thunder gloves 9 rate ref
thunder boots 9 rate hp
thunder boots luck rate hp
thunder pants 9 rate ref
hurricane boots rate
storm crow armor 9 rate
ancient storm crow pendant of water
ancient storm crow pants + 10
2ie wingi MG luck
great lord scepter rate mana
great lord scepter luck 2%
scepter of ages rate mana
lord scepter luck 2% speed
master scepter rate speed
aa staff life
aa staff lvl/20
aa crossbow rate
aa crossbow 2% life
arrow viper bow rate 2%
elemental mace luck 2% life
sword of destruction rate
great reign crossbow rate life
great reign crossbow 2% life
great reign crossbow luck rate 2%
rune blade 2% mana
double blade luck rate lvl/20
ressurection staff 9 2% speed
ressurection staff luck lvl/20 life
ressurection staff rate speed
elven shield luck rate zen
plate shield rate
plate shield 9 luck rate hp
kite shield rate dd
kite shield 9 luck rate dd
kite shield ref hp
serpent shield luck rate zen
serpent shield rate
bronze shield 9 ref hp
horn shield 7 rate ref
large round shield rate mana
buckler 9 luck rate
ring ref hp
pendant of ability lvl/20 speed
Volcano armor +ref+rate
Volcano gloves +luck+mana+rate
Venom Mist helm +luck+hp+ref
Leather glove+zen+rate
Rapier +lvl/20+speed
Kriss+luck+dmg rate
Sylpid Ray gloves +ref+rate
Great Dragon Helm +rate+mana
Black Dragon pants +luck+hp+rate
Black Dragon gloves +rate+zen
Dragon gloves +luck+hp+rate
Plata armor and shield
Pad helm and skull staff
Leather gloves and helm
Guardian boot
Brass pants and Armor
Spirit pants
Silk panty and Crossbow
S/T>anc plate set+9=10 joc
S/T>anc Scale set+9=10 joc
при покупке обоих сетов общая цена 15joc
S/T>GR crossbow+speed+exc dmg+mana+sm add=5joc
S/T>AA crossbow+exc dmg+lv/20=2joc
S/T>Bone pants+rate+hp=1joc
B/T>hyon Dragon helm(сразу называйте цену!)
приват Lexa
21.01.2009, 09:09
S>Explosion+13+Luck+exc dmg+lvl/20+mana=10$
S>Runa Blade+9+rate+luck
S>Ring of Earth+rate(2 wtyki)
S>Pendant of Wind+mana+rate+speed
S>Huricane armor+rate
S>Huricane pants+6+rate
S>Thunder glovers+9+ref+luck
S>Thunder boots+7+ref
S>2-e wingi na DW pustie
S>2-e wingi na MG pustie
S>Ancient Sphinx boti+7
в пм tex@s
23.01.2009, 19:32
S>Legendary pants+rate+hp
S>GS armor+rate
S>AA sword+luck+rate+lvl/20
S>Huricane armor+rate+ref
S>anc pendant of water
S>anc sphinks boots,armor,shield
B>Scale gloves+rate
B>wingi na mg+ignor
S>Explosion blade+13+luck+speed=joki
B>Legendary boots+rate
B>Legendary shield+rate
27.01.2009, 20:46
B>anc sphinx pants,boots
B>exc viper+norm opt
B>2 wingi na DW +13 ili maxnu na 9 ignore
B>rings rate dd hp
Pisat' tut ili pm
27.01.2009, 22:13
S>Legendary pants+rate+hp
S>GS armor+rate
S>AA sword+luck+rate+lvl/20
S>Huricane armor+rate+ref
S>Dark Phoeniks boots+rate
S>Soley scepter+skill+mana+life
S>anc pendant of water
S>anc sphinks boots,armor,shield
B>Scale gloves+rate
B>wingi na mg+ignor
B>Legendary boots+rate
B>Legendary shild+rate
S>Explosion blade+13+luck+speed
S>Storm crow gloves+11+luck+28+rate+dd
30.01.2009, 22:47
S>Explosin Blade+9+ex.dmg+lvl/20
S>Wingi na MG+9+ignore
S>Thunder set+9+rate
S>Bronze shild+rate+zen
S>Legendary shild+9+dd
S>Tower shild+9+rate+zen
B>Dark Soul pants,boots+rate
B>2-ble Wingi na DW+11..+13(ili +luck)
B>Anc Sphinx pants boots
S>Pad Armor+rate
S>Pad Boots+Luck+rate
S>Pad Gloves+rate
S>Grand Soul Helm+rate+mana
S>Dark Master Mask+rate
S>Vine Helm+rate
S>Tower Shield+Skill+rate+zen
31.01.2009, 20:26
Куплю хуон сэт, срочно
Писать -=SinfuL=- Mas_Oyama
01.02.2009, 00:00
S>Explosion Blade+9+exc.dmg+lvl/20
S>Scale set+rate(be3 pants)
S>Dp set+9+rate+zen(armor+9+dd)
S>Thunder set+9+rate
S>Lezer set+9+rate
S>Tower shild+9+rate+zen
S>Wingi na BK+9+ignore
B>Pad helm+luck+rate
B>Dark Soul set+9+rate
B>Dark Soul items+rate(krome helma)
B>Legendary shild+rate
B>Rings rate dd hp
B>2-ble wingi na dw+luck ili (11...13)+HP increase(DOROGO!)
guardian pants rate
guardian gloves rate dd
vine armor rate dd
vine armor rate hp
vine helm luck rate
vine helm luck ref hp
vine gloves luck rate zen
wind gloves luck rate dd zen
silk boots rate dd zen
silk boots rate mana
divine helm luck ref hp
divine pants luck rate dd
divine pants luck rate zen
red spirit helm rate mana
red spirit pants luck rate dd
emerald gloves luck rate ref
sylpid ray helm luck ref hp
ancient silk helm
ancient silk gloves
ancient silk pants
ancient silk golden crossbow
ancient guardian pendant of ability
ancient guardian armor
ancient guardian silver bow
ancient guardian gloves
ancient wind set
pad pants rate zen
bone pants luck rate hp
bone boots ref hp
bone helm rate
grand soul pants ref hp
grand soul boots luck rate mana
dark soul boots rate
venom helm luck ref zen
ancient sphinx gloves
ancient sphinx armor
ancient sphinx mask luck
ancient sphinx skull shield
ancient bone pendant of wind
ancient bone pants
ancient bone boots
ancient legendary armor
ancient legendary ring of fire
ancient pad set
brass gloves luck mana dd ref
brass pants rate dd
brass boots mana rate
brass armor luck rate ref
scale gloves rate hp
scale gloves luck rate mana
dragon boots 9 luck rate
dragon boots luck rate zen
dragon gloves luck rate
dragon gloves luck rate hp
leathre gloves luck rate ref
leathre gloves luck ref hp
leathre armor rate
leathre armor rate hp
gorgon plate gloves rate hp
dark phoenix gloves ref mana
dark phoenix boots luck ref dd
dark phoenix boots luck rate
great dragon gloves luck dd
great dragon helm ref
great dragon helm 9 hp mana
great dragon helm ref mana
ancient scale helm
ancient scale shield
ancient scale pendant of lightning
ancient scale armor
ancient brass pendant of fire
ancient brass armor 2
ancient brass boots
ancient plate armor
ancient plate ring of wind
ancient leathre set
dark steel boots dd hp
volcano gloves rate mana
crimson armor 9 luck hp rate zen
crimson armor rate hp 2
crimson gloves luck rate
crimson gloves 9 luck rate ref
thunder gloves rate dd
thunder gloves 9 rate ref
thunder boots 9 rate hp
thunder boots luck rate hp
thunder pants 9 rate ref
hurricane boots rate
storm crow armor 9 rate
ancient storm crow pendant of water
ancient storm crow pants + 10
2ie wingi MG luck
great lord scepter rate mana
great lord scepter luck 2%
scepter of ages rate mana
lord scepter luck 2% speed
master scepter rate speed
aa staff life
aa staff lvl/20
aa crossbow rate
aa crossbow 2% life
arrow viper bow rate 2%
elemental mace luck 2% life
sword of destruction rate
great reign crossbow rate life
great reign crossbow 2% life
great reign crossbow luck rate 2%
rune blade 2% mana
ressurection staff 9 2% speed
ressurection staff luck lvl/20 life
ressurection staff rate speed
elven shield luck rate zen
plate shield rate
plate shield 9 luck rate hp
kite shield rate dd
kite shield 9 luck rate dd
kite shield ref hp
serpent shield luck rate zen
serpent shield rate
bronze shield 9 ref hp
horn shield 7 rate ref
large round shield rate mana
buckler 9 luck rate
ring ref hp
pendant of ability lvl/20 speed
B>DK wmot+rate+random+luck(+9)
B>DP wmot+rate+random+luck(+9)
B>Hyon Svord
05.02.2009, 20:48
T>>DB +9+12+mana= Bobe Blade +10 i vishe (norm option)
S>Wind helm Luck rate ref
S>WInd armor +rate+hp
S>lezer armor+9+luck+rate+hp
B<<<dragon panti+rate
06.02.2009, 06:51
S>Huricane pants+rate
S>Huricane armor+rate+ref
S>Dark Phoeniks boots+rate
S>Soley scepter+skill+mana+life
S>Platina staff+speed+mana
S>anc pendant of water
S>anc sphinks armor,shield
S>anc spirit pants
B>Scale gloves+rate
B>wingi na mg+ignor
S>Pad Armor+rate
S>Pad Boots+Luck+rate
S>Pad Gloves+rate
S>Dark Master Mask+rate
S>Vine Helm+rate
S>Tower Shield+Skill+rate+zen
B<<<Bone Items(Helm, Gloves, Pants)+ref+HP
black dragon boots+hp+add4%
brass boots+rate+ref+add4%
brass pants+luck+rate
brass pants+luck+dd+hp
dragon knight gloves+ref+hp+add4%
dragon knight gloves+luck+zen
leather boots+luck+dd
red dragon pants+luck+dd+zen
scale armor+mana+zen+add4%
scale pants+9+luck+hp
anc bone pants
bone gloves+rate+Ref
dark soul helm+9+luck+ref+dd
dark soul gloves+9+luck+ref+hp
dark soul boots+9+luck+ref+dd
grand soul boots+luck+dd+zen
legendary armor+luck+ref+hp
legendary gloves+ref+hp+add8%
legendary boots+luck+ref+hp
onyx armor+rate+zen+add4%
onyx heln+rate+ref+add12%
sphinx mask+rate
sphinx gloves+luck+rate
sphinx boots+luck+mana
anc vine helm
vine helm+rate
vine gloves+ref+add4%
vine pants+luck+ref+zen
guardian gloves+luck+ref+hp
guardian helm+luck+rate+zen
emerald armor+rate+zen+add4%
wind helm+luck+hp
Weapons, sheilds
anc rapier
anc skull sheild+9
anc skull shield
tower sheild+luck+skill+rate+mana
dark breaker+skill+luck+9+speed+life
dark breaker+skill+exe dmg+add8%
golden crossbow+skill+luck+exe dmg+dmg lvl/20
grand soul sheild+luck+dd
grand soul sheild+9+ref+mana+add10%
short sword+2%+dmg lvl/20+add4%
thunder blade+skill+luck+exe dmg+speed
Pendants, rings
anc pendant of fire
anc ring of earth
ring +ref+hp+mana
ring +dd+hp
B>>Viper +9 s norm opt
B>>Kundun +13 s norm opt
07.02.2009, 00:37
b>dark soul gloves,armor,pants+rate
b>kundun staff+luck+norm opt ili+13
b>excellent viper staff+norm opt
b>pad helm+luck+rate
guardian pants rate
guardian gloves rate dd
guardian armor rate
vine armor rate dd
vine armor rate hp
vine helm luck rate
vine helm luck ref hp
vine gloves luck rate zen
wind gloves luck rate dd zen
silk boots rate dd zen
silk boots rate mana
divine helm luck ref hp
divine pants luck rate dd
divine pants luck rate zen
red spirit helm rate mana
red spirit pants luck rate dd
red spirit armor luck ref
emerald gloves luck rate ref
sylpid ray helm luck ref hp
ancient guardian pendant of ability
ancient guardian armor
ancient guardian silver bow
ancient guardian gloves
ancient wind set
ancient silk set
pad pants rate zen
bone pants luck rate hp
bone boots ref hp
bone helm rate
bone gloves luck rate mana
legendary boots rate mana
grand soul pants ref hp
grand soul pants rate ref
grand soul boots luck rate mana
dark soul boots rate
venom helm luck ref zen
ancient sphinx gloves 2
ancient sphinx armor
ancient sphinx mask luck
ancient sphinx skull shield 3
ancient bone pendant of wind
ancient bone pants
ancient bone boots
ancient legendary armor
ancient legendary ring of fire 2
ancient pad set
brass gloves luck mana dd ref
brass pants rate dd
brass boots mana rate
brass armor luck rate ref
scale gloves rate hp
scale gloves luck rate mana
dragon boots 9 luck rate
dragon boots luck rate zen
dragon gloves luck rate
dragon gloves luck rate hp
bd gloves luck hp dd
leathre gloves luck rate ref
leathre gloves luck ref hp
leathre armor rate
leathre armor rate hp
gorgon plate gloves rate hp
dark phoenix gloves ref mana
dark phoenix boots luck ref dd
great dragon gloves luck dd
great dragon helm ref
great dragon helm 9 hp mana
great dragon helm ref mana
dk helm luck dd mana
ancient scale helm
ancient scale shield
ancient scale pendant of lightning
ancient scale armor
ancient brass pendant of fire
ancient brass armor 3
ancient brass boots
ancient plate armor
ancient plate ring of wind
ancient leathre set
dark steel boots dd hp
sunlight armor luck ref
volcano gloves rate mana
crimson armor rate hp
crimson gloves luck rate
thunder gloves rate dd
thunder gloves rate hp
thunder boots luck rate hp
hurricane boots rate
hurricane boots luck hp dd
hurricane armor luck ref hp
storm crow armor 9 rate
ancient storm pants
great lord scepter rate mana
great lord scepter luck 2%
scepter of ages rate mana
lord scepter luck 2% speed
lord scepter lucck rate speed
master scepter rate speed
aa crossbow rate
aa crossbow 2% life
arrow viper bow rate 2%
elemental mace luck 2% life
sword of destruction rate
bone blade 2%
great reign crossbow rate life
great reign crossbow 2% life
great reign crossbow luck rate 2%
rune blade 2% mana
rune blade 2% life
dark reigh blade luck rate
ressurection staff 9 2% speed
ressurection staff luck lvl/20 life
ressurection staff rate speed
ressurection +9 luck rate 2%
legendary staff luck rate lvl/20
dark soul staff 2% mana
kundun staff luck 2% mana
kundun staff luck lvl/20 speed
elven shield luck rate zen
plate shield rate
plate shield 9 luck rate hp
kite shield rate dd
kite shield 9 luck rate dd
kite shield ref hp
serpent shield luck rate zen
serpent shield rate
tower shield rate
bronze shield 9 ref hp
horn shield 7 rate ref
large round shield rate mana
buckler 9 luck rate
buckler rate
ring ref hp
pendant of ability lvl/20 speed
B>>Viper +9 s norm opt
B>>Kundun +13 s norm opt
08.02.2009, 07:24
S>Huricane pants+rate
S>Huricane armor+rate+ref
S>Dark Phoeniks boots+rate
S>Soley scepter+skill+mana+life
S>Platina staff+speed+mana
S>anc pendant of water
S>anc sphinks armor,shield
S>anc spirit pants
S>anc storm crow armor
B>Scale gloves+rate
B>wingi na mg+ignor
08.02.2009, 10:57
S>wing gloves +rate+ref
S>wind panti +rate+mana
S>wind helm+luck+rate+ref
S>BD panti+luck+rate+ref
S>Dark steel panti+rate
S>Spfinks panti+luck+rate
S>Vind panti+luck+rate+dd
S>lightining sword+lvl20+mana
S>wingi na mg+hp increased
S>anc plate set
S>horse 5 jok
Solay scepter +2%+mana
solay scepter +luck+life
Harbringer +exdmg
Thunder pants +rate
DF gloves +L+r+zen
DF boots +L+r+dd
B<1 wingi na DK+luck
Privat Strike
08.02.2009, 21:17
S>Explosion Blade+9+exc.dmg+lvl/20
S>Viper staff+13 ne exc
S>Kundun staff+9+exc.dmg+life
S>Anc sphinx mask,armor,gloves vse za 4joca
S>Dark soul set+9+random be3 armor=15joc
S>scale set+rate be3 pants=15 joc
S>pad set+rate=10joc
S>grand soul helm+9+dd=1 joc
S>tower shild+9+rate=4 joca
S>2 rings+rate+dd
S>dark horse=350kk ili 10 joc
S>dark raven=3joca ili 100kk
B>dark soul pants+rate
B>legendary boots,pants+rate
B>2-ble wingi na dw+luck
B>pad helm+luck+rate
S>Pad Armor+rate
S>Pad Boots+Luck+rate
S>Pad Gloves+rate
S>Dark Master Mask+rate
S>Vine Helm+rate
S>Tower Shield+Skill+rate+zen
B<<<Bone Items(Helm, Gloves, Pants)+ref+HP
11.02.2009, 15:18
S>Huricane pants+rate
S>Huricane armor+rate+ref
S>Soley scepter+skill+mana+life
S>Platina staff+speed+mana
S>anc pendant of water
S>anc sphinks armor,shield
S>anc spirit pants
S>anc storm crow armor
B>Scale gloves+rate
B>wingi na mg+ignor
14.02.2009, 15:32
T>Anubis Gloves=Storm Crow Pants+11
14.02.2009, 23:23
Huon gloves
Anubis helm
divine armor+ luck +rate + dd
Dark steel pants +luck +rate +random
Sylph bow +9 +luck +lvl/20
Thunder pants +9 +rate
Thunder gloves +9 +rate
Обращаться в приват- Mutilate
S>Resurektion staff+lvl/20+speed
S>Anc Storm Crow armor
B>Lezer / Scale wmot+rate+luck
S > GVS +9 +speed +8add
S > 2-e Wingi na MG +11+luck+4add
S > Sunlight Gloves +9+rate+hp+8add
S > Emerald Armor +9+luck+rate
S > Emerald Gloves +rate+zen+8add
16.02.2009, 21:46
S>Explosion Blade+9+exc.dmg+lvl/20
S>Viper staff+13 ne exc
S>Kundun staff+9+exc.dmg+life
S>Anc sphinx mask,armor,gloves vse za 4joca
S>Dark soul set+9+random be3 armor=15joc
S>scale set+rate be3 pants=15 joc
S>pad set+rate=10joc
S>grand soul helm+9+dd=1 joc
S>tower shild+9+rate=4 joca
S>2 rings+rate+dd
S>dark horse=350kk ili 10 joc
S>dark raven=3joca ili 100kk
B>dark soul pants+rate
B>legendary boots,pants+rate
B>2-ble wingi na dw+luck
B>pad helm+luck+rate
Dragon boots+L+hp
brass pants+9+rate+dd
bronze boots+rate+ref
brass Boots+9+L+rate+hp
gorgon plate gloves+7+L+rate+mana
gorgon plate armor+9+L+rate+hp
leather gloves+6+rate
leather pants+rate
leather helm+9+L+rate
scale helm+ref
bone pants+L+ref
pad gloves+L+ref+hp
bone helm+dd
dark soul gloves+dd
sphinx armor+L+rate+dd
legendary pants+rate+dd
vine gloves+L+ref
anc vine gloves
divine pants+mana
divine helm+ref
divine boots+L+ref+hp
silk armor+rate+ref
anc silk gloves+9
anc silk pants+9/+0
anc silk helm+0(3x)
silk boots+ref
divine boots+mana+dd
wind armor+rate+mana
vine gloves+ref+zen
sylphid ray gloves+L+zen+mana
Щиты,оружия и прочяя х*ня_____________
Kite shild+rate+ref
horned shild+rate
Elementsl shild+rate
Elemental mace+life+speed+lvl 20
sylph wind bow+9+2%
crystal sword+9+L+life+mana
dark breaker+9+life+mana
saint crossbow+9+rate+2%
saint crossbow+rate+life
celestial bow+9+mana
masters scepter+2%+mana
pendant of lighting+rate
pendant of x3+rate+lvl 20
pendant of agility+rate+2AG
anc pendant of lighting
ring of x3+rate+zen
ring of x3+rate
ring of x3+ref
ring of x3+ref+hp
anc ring of earth
Hyon boti
Hyon helm
DK items+rate
wingi na DK+13(или +0+L)
RS armor+rate(или ex)
__________ PM jeker,KucA Ыыыыыыыы ____________
S>Dragon Knight set +11+luck+rate+reflekt+HP+DD+28add
Wingi na DK +11+luck+ignore+50max agi+28 add
za real dorogo
Privat Strike ili Frost1k
сет на дк(ГД&ДК рейт реф или любой 3-4 опт)
дб эксэлент(желательно+13)
_________Всё желательно за реал_________
в ПМ jeker
S>Dragon Knight set +11+luck+rate+reflekt+HP+DD+28add
Wingi na DK +11+luck+ignore+50max agi+28 add
DAYBRAYKER +13+exdmg+2%+lvl/20+add28
za real dorogo
Privat Strike ili Frost1k
guardian pants rate
guardian pants luck rate zen
guardian gloves rate dd
guardian armor rate
vine armor rate dd
vine armor rate hp
vine helm luck rate
vine helm luck ref hp
vine gloves luck rate zen
wind gloves luck rate dd zen
silk boots rate dd zen
silk boots rate mana
divine helm luck ref hp
divine pants luck rate dd
divine pants luck rate zen
red spirit helm rate mana
emerald gloves luck rate ref
sylpid ray helm luck ref hp
ancient guardian pendant of ability
ancient guardian armor
ancient guardian silver bow
ancient guardian gloves
ancient spirit gloves
ancient wind set
ancient silk set
pad pants rate zen
bone boots ref hp
bone helm rate
bone helm luck ref rate
bone gloves luck rate mana
sphinx armor rate
grand soul pants ref hp
grand soul pants rate ref
grand soul pants rate
grand soul boots luck rate mana
dark soul boots rate
venom helm luck ref zen
ancient sphinx gloves 2
ancient sphinx armor
ancient sphinx mask luck
ancient sphinx skull shield 3
ancient bone pendant of wind
ancient bone pants
ancient bone boots
ancient legendary helm
ancient legendary armor
ancient legendary ring of fire 2
ancient pad set
brass gloves luck mana dd ref
brass pants rate dd
brass boots mana rate
brass armor luck rate ref
scale gloves rate hp
scale gloves luck rate mana
dragon boots 9 luck rate
dragon boots luck rate zen
dragon gloves luck rate
dragon gloves luck rate hp
bd gloves luck hp dd
bd boots ref dd
leathre gloves luck rate ref
leathre gloves luck ref hp
leathre armor rate
leathre armor rate hp
gorgon plate gloves rate hp
dark phoenix gloves ref mana
dark phoenix boots luck ref dd
great dragon gloves luck dd
great dragon helm ref
great dragon helm 9 hp mana
great dragon helm ref mana
dk helm mana zen
dk helm luck ref
ancient scale helm
ancient scale shield
ancient scale pendant of lightning
ancient scale armor
ancient brass armor 3
ancient brass pants
ancient brass boots
ancient brass pendant of fire
ancient leathre set
dark steel boots dd hp
dark master armor luck ref
sunlight armor luck ref
sunlight gloves rate zen
volcano gloves rate mana
volcano pants ref
crimson armor rate hp
crimson gloves luck rate
crimson gloves luck rate zen
crimson pants luck dd
thunder gloves rate dd
thunder gloves rate hp
thunder boots luck rate hp
hurricane boots rate
hurricane boots luck hp dd
hurricane armor rate zen
hurricane armor luck ref hp
storm crow armor 9 rate
ancient storm pendant
ancient storm pants 3
great lord scepter rate mana
great lord scepter luck 2%
scepter of ages rate mana
lord scepter luck 2% speed
lord scepter lucck rate speed
master scepter rate speed
harbringer luck mana
aa staff luck life
aa sword lvl/20 life
aa crossbow 2% life
aa crossbow luck lvl/20 2%
aa scepter luck lvl/20
arrow viper bow rate 2%
elemental mace luck 2% life
sword of destruction rate
bone blade speed mana
great reign crossbow rate life
great reign crossbow 2% life
great reign crossbow luck rate 2%
rune blade 2% mana
rune blade 2% life
dark reigh blade luck rate
ressurection staff 9 2% speed
ressurection staff luck lvl/20 life
ressurection staff rate speed
ressurection +9 luck rate 2%
legendary staff luck rate lvl/20
dark soul staff 2% mana
kundun staff luck life
elven shield luck rate zen
plate shield rate
bronce shield luck rate
kite shield rate dd
kite shield 9 luck rate dd
kite shield ref hp
serpent shield luck rate zen
serpent shield rate
serpent shield rate hp
tower shield rate
tower shield luck rate
bronze shield 9 ref hp
horn shield 7 rate ref
large round shield rate mana
buckler rate
ring ref hp
pendant of ability lvl/20 speed
Продаю albatross bow+13+L+16dmg+ex dmg rate за зен или голду
ПМ jeker,KucA
18.02.2009, 18:32
T>50 jok na 2 gine= 64 jok na 1-om!
могу поменять хоть ща ... кому писать ?
18.02.2009, 21:11
zrazyspoon!Piwi yzhe zavtra
S>>>Grand Viper staff+2%+luck
S>>>Albatros bow+lvl/2-+life/8+luck
S>>>BD pants+rate
19.02.2009, 17:25
T>20 jok so 2-ogo gina= 25 jok s 1-ogo
Na pervom gine v pm zrazyspoon
T>Joki tyt=joki na 1om gine
S>Dark soul set+rate+9+random=35 jok tyt ili 50 na 1om gine
S>Ring of ice+9+rate+ref+hp=70 jok tyt ili 100 na 1gin
S>DP boots+rate
S>Serpent shield+rate+ref+HP+luck+9=50 jok tyt ili 64 na gin1
S>Leather set+10+rate+random
S>Leather boots+rate+DD+HP+mana+luck
TORG ymesten
v pm exel na gin2
jager na gin1
Блин ..есть и шмотки и Джоки на 1 Гине ...вы только появитесь онлайн.
21.02.2009, 12:09
T>lezer set+10+rate+luck+hp= wmot ili joki na 1-om gine
21.02.2009, 12:09
v pm zrazyspoon
Продам:ANUBIS helm+9,
Dragon boots+L+hp
brass pants+9+rate+dd
bronze boots+rate+ref
brass Boots+9+L+rate+hp
gorgon plate gloves+7+L+rate+mana
gorgon plate armor+9+L+rate+hp
leather gloves+6+rate
leather pants+rate
leather helm+9+L+rate
scale helm+ref
bone pants+L+ref
pad gloves+L+ref+hp
bone helm+dd
pad gloves+ref+hp
Divine helm+L+rate+hp
vine gloves+L+ref
silk armor+rate+ref
anc silk gloves+9
anc silk pants+9/+0
anc silk helm+0(3x)
silk boots+ref
wind armor+rate+mana
vine gloves+ref+zen
__________Щиты,оружия и прочяя х*ня_____________
Kite shild+rate+mana
Kite shild+rate+ref
horned shild+rate
Elemental mace+life+speed+lvl 20
crystal sword+9+L+life+mana
saint crossbow+9+rate+2%
pendant of lighting+rate
pendant of x3+rate+lvl 20
pendant of agility+rate+2AG
anc pendant of lighting
ring of x3+rate+zen
ring of x3+ref+hp
anc ring of earth
wingi na DK+13(или +0+L)
__________ PM jeker__________
21.02.2009, 15:42
S\T>>FULL Fair Pendant na 1-om gine HA zen, JOCu, wmot na 2-om gine.
Приват: KapRiZZ*
22.02.2009, 11:58
S/T>>full pendant of lighting=15$ ili cool DB...
3468224 Vlad
22.02.2009, 20:24
B>Storm Crow Pants Ancient+11 dorogo joci
23.02.2009, 19:19
продам full pendant of lighting na 1 gine=$ ili exe DB
telefon 3468224 Vlad ili PM KucA
27.02.2009, 17:34
S>>Hyon gloves+9+12 15joc
S>>Dragon pants+11+28+luck+rate+decrise 2.5kkk(в магазине они стоят 3324 golda)
B>>Hyon boots+11
S>Serpent shield+rate+ref+HP+luck+9=35 jok na gin1
v pm gin1 jager
ПРИОБРЕТУ за джоки и зен:
Anubis gloves
Anubis armor
Anubis helm
Ringi k anubisu
Anc sphinx pants
Anc sphinx boots
Anc sphinx shild
__в ПМ jeker,можно BeST_DW
28.02.2009, 12:12
T>>>huon helm+11 = huon boots+11 sro4na
V pm Mikrob ili tyt otve4aute
03.03.2009, 10:25
S>Viper staff+9+16ad+speed
S>Dragon Knight gloves+rate
S>Great Dragon pants+rate
S>Sylpid ray gloves+luck+rate
S>Pad set+11+luck+rate(helm+13+luck+rate)
S>Anc sphinx set+9
S>anc bone pants
S>anc pendant of water
S>anubis helm
S>scale set+rate
S>lezer set+11+rate(helm,gloves+13)
Продается все это за зен или джоки
Есть еще выбор в шмоте...
Приват Link3N
03.03.2009, 15:08
S>>full pendant of lighting na 1 gine=15$ ili 40k
03.03.2009, 21:32
S>>Great dragon set+11+16+L+rate+ref+hp~-=25k Golda
S>>DayBreak+13+28+skill+L+life+speed~=20k Golda
S>>Lighting sword+11+16+skill+L+rate+2%+lvl/20+speed~=10k Golda
S>>wingi 2ie na dk+13+ignore+L+7% hp recovery~=owen' mnogo golda
ili 400 joCr
S>>hyon set+9+hyon sword+9
Vse pere4islennoe mowno pomen9t' na wmot na dw iz magaza ili za real!:D
telefon 3468224 Vlad ili PM KING i KucA
ты погнал пацан,я за 20 к возьму фул дб а не это шило!и лайтинг в магазе тоит 7ккк а не 10...
04.03.2009, 17:26
yda4i lowara!
9 owibs9...
S>>Great dragon set+11+16+L+rate+ref+hp~-=25k Golda
S>>DayBreak+13+28+skill+L+life+speed~=20k Golda
S>>Lighting sword+11+16+skill+L+rate+2%+lvl/20+speed~=8k Golda
S>>wingi 2ie na dk+13+ignore+L+7% hp recovery~=owen' mnogo golda
ili 400 joCr
S>>hyon set+9+hyon sword+9
Vse pere4islennoe mowno pomen9t' na wmot na dw iz magaza ili za real!:D
telefon 3468224 Vlad ili PM KING i KucA
B>>Bone Blade желатльно +11 ili Daybraker s norm opt
B>>Wingi na DK+ignore ili +13
B>>GD Armor+rate
05.03.2009, 11:54
B>anubis armor(+luck)
B>anubis gloves(+luck)
B>wingi na DW 2-ble+luck ili +ignore
B>2 ringa+rate+dd+hp
S>anubis helm+9+ad12%
S>Platina wing staff+9+2%+life
S>Kundun staff+9+ex.dmg+life
S>AA staff+9+lvl/20
S>Pad set+11+luck+rate(helm+13+luck+rate)
S>Buckler shield+13+luck+15ad+rate+mana
S>Scale set+9+rate(helm+0+rate)
S>Lezer set+11+luck+rate(helm i gloves+13+luck+rate)
S>Dark Soul set+9+rate
S>Silk set+9+rate
В наличии есть еще шмот...
Приват Link3N
S>>Great dragon set+11+16+L+rate+ref+hp~-=25k Golda
S>>DayBreak+13+28+skill+L+life+speed~=20k Golda
S>>Lighting sword+11+16+skill+L+rate+2%+lvl/20+speed~=8k Golda
S>>wingi 2ie na dk+13+ignore+L+7% hp recovery~=owen' mnogo golda
ili 400 joCr
S>>hyon set+9+hyon sword+9
Vse pere4islennoe mowno pomen9t' na wmot na dw iz magaza ili za real!
telefon 3468224 Vlad ili PM KING i KucA
05.03.2009, 17:17
Oбменяю кул шмот на бабло:
Great Dragon+11+28+L+rate+reflect+hp=30k
Dragon shiel+9+35+L+rate+reflect+hp=10k
Wingi na dk 2ie+13+7%hp recovry+L+ignore=400 jok prodani!!!
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